• @rockSlayer
    301 year ago

    Jail every president, even the dead ones. Dig them up!

  • AlwaysNowNeverNotMe
    261 year ago

    Oh you mean the leaders of the country that responded to ICC investigations by warning the court that their families may be in danger if they continue?

    So that’s a crime now? Threatening to kill a judges family? I thought this was America!

  • chaogomu
    171 year ago

    Hey, don’t slander Jimmy Carter like that. He’s (probably) war crime free.

    • @Zehzin
      1 year ago

      Jimmy “we shouldn’t castigate ourselves for the Vietnam War” Carter supported the Mujahideen, the Shah, the El Salvadorian and Nicaraguan dictatorships and funded the Indonesian genocide in East Timor. All while preparing the soil for Reagan by ending the New Deal and embracing austerity.

      • chaogomu
        41 year ago

        I think the “shouldn’t castigate ourselves for the Vietnam War” tied in with his pardon of all draft dodgers.

        The rest, yeah, not the best. He also banned the reprocessing of nuclear waste into more fuel. Massively driving up the cost of nuclear power while also creating the problem of nuclear waste.

        • Jerkface (any/all)
          01 year ago

          “more fuel” is doing a lot of heavy lifting in that statement and you could have easily used a much more concerning description without being hyperbolic

          • chaogomu
            31 year ago

            This video goes into exactly what isotopes are produced in a nuclear reactor after one cycle (all that’s legally allowed).

            94% of the Uranium put into a reactor comes out after one cycle as waste. All because 1% of that waste is plutonium. Which is an incredibly dense nuclear fuel. That 1% of plutonium, if burned, can outperform the remaining 94% of uranium.

              • chaogomu
                21 year ago

                The point is, 94.8% of nuclear waste is unburnt uranium, 1% is plutonium, and the rest isn’t that dangerous long term.

                There’s no need to bury waste for hundreds of thousands of years, if you just remove and burn the stuff that is dangerous long term.

                And if burning plutonium for fuel is such a deal breaker, we can switch from the uranium fuel cycle over to the thorium fuel cycle. But that one too faces opposition, because most of the opposition is coming from the fossil fuel industry. They hate nuclear with a passion, because it decouples electricity from oil and natural gas. Which wind and solar currently do not.

    • @A7thStone
      21 year ago

      AnSyn, but occasionally a tankie.

    • Nepenthe
      1 year ago

      I think in accusing Everyone everyone of,

      Grave breaches of the Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949, namely, any of the following acts against persons or property protected under the provisions of the relevant Geneva Convention:

      • Wilful killing

      • Torture or inhuman treatment, including biological experiments;

      • Wilfully causing great suffering, or serious injury to body or health;

      • Extensive destruction and appropriation of property, not justified by military necessity and carried out unlawfully and wantonly;

      • Compelling a prisoner of war or other protected person to serve in the forces of a hostile Power;

      • Wilfully depriving a prisoner of war or other protected person of the rights of fair and regular trial;

      • Unlawful deportation or transfer or unlawful confinement;

      • Taking of hostages

      you’re making my job at a retail clothing outlet much more exciting than it actually was.

      I would encourage you to read through it, I think, so that the populace doesn’t think you’re completely ok with the idea of gassing, torturing, and raping civilians just because the country in question is at war.

      Also because it only applies to countries who are actively at civil or international war, between parties who already know they are at war, against a victim given protected status, by a perpetrator who does not fall under unlawful combatant (ex., mercenaries, children, members of neutral nations who have taken part in war, collateral damage).

      Child soldiers cannot be war criminals, but if a child is playing out by the old terrorist training camp, their accidental death in the drone strike isn’t a crime. Targeting them for kicks or for a purpose not provably militarily necessary would be.

    • Jerkface (any/all)
      01 year ago

      Maybe you should look up what the term actually means instead of assuming that because you know what “war” means and you know what “criminal” means, you know what “war criminal” means.