I do believe them when they say that they’re totally self educated.
The other thing about being self educated is that they probably didn’t get their IQ measured by any sort of formal test. And informal tests usually top out in the range of 140 to 150.
That means that it’s less likely that they’re flat out lying. It’s more likely that they either have a high IQ or they cheated on the test by taking it repeatedly to get the best score.
“But,” I can hear you object, “there’s no way that this idiot has a high IQ.” Believe me, there are plenty of people with high IQs who are also idiots.
Can confirm, I have a very high IQ and am a complete idiot.
IQ tests aren’t as reliable as people believe. The school told my parents that I was ‘gifted’ based on my third grade IQ test results, so they moved me up a year.
Any informal tests I’ve taken since then have placed me just above average. I probably just got bored and guessed some answers correctly. I was a third-grader after all. Lol
I tested multiple times for various reasons from high school through college, and my score kept going up.
Lol I guess he’s calculate zero
I can mentally calculate how many points of material I just lost by hanging my queen while playing Martin on chess.com
Is the 2nd reply also the kid or someone different?