Perfect rice is hard to make.
Said NOT ME!
I have mastered the art. Well, my parents gifted me a Tupperware rice cooker for Christmas and I’ve recently managed to optimize the cooking process. By that I mean I found the exact time it should be in the microwave. 22.5 minutes, for the rice I bought.
Comes out great every time.
You put your rice in the microwave?!
Well, if it works for you…
I was sceptical as well, but it really does work.
I was thinking of buying a rice-cooker for myself, but since I got this thing as a gift I don’t feel the need to any more!
I don’t understand why people find rice difficult.
Put it in a pot with appropriate amount of water, and simmer till done.
I’ll say, I’ve succeeded in making pot-rice before, but it’s extremely inconsistent and messy.
Then you’re doing it wrong.
Put water and rice in pot. Bring to boil. Lower to simmer. Set timer. Done.
Well, duh?
I know the steps, and I try to follow them, but it doesn’t work…
I’m with you. I think there may have been some transgression in my family lineage against some powerful witch or something because my mom, myself and sister can’t make rice. Can’t. You can ask anyone I know, I’m a great cook and foodie. I can grill, saute, I dabble in Wok, campfire, sous vide and yes, microwave for certain things.
I know the instructions. I know the ratios. I have been monitored doing these steps correctly and still the rice fails.
I can even make f-ing risotto… Wasn’t even thinking about the implications when I did it…
But my other half must make the rice. Yes we have a rice cooker. I even watch him sometimes to see if I can catch the sublet incantation I am not doing.
Oh, definitely cursed.
I don’t know what your people have done, but that’s definitely a curse of some sort. Hilarious and weirdly specific…
Very specific… Especially considering my white-ass heritage. You’d think they’d have struck me in the potatoes … Or God forbid cabbage!
I cook rice into a Millard reaction without clumping using a covered glass bowl in the oven for 80 minutes at whatever temperature my oven calls 450° F.
That sounds very reasonable. I think my dad does something similar actually…