6 panel comic, all panels show a student at a desk and a teacher pointing at a board

Top pair:

1 basic math(s): on the board is the number minus one within a root symbol, both within a red circle with a line through it, implying there is no root to minus one.

2 advanced math(s): on the board is the root of minus one equals i

Middle pair:

3 basic physics: on the board it says “3 states of matter”

4 advanced physics: on the board the it says “3 states of matter” but the 3 is crossed out and replaced with a 4 which is also crossed out and replaced with a 7+

Bottom pair:

5 basic biology: on the board it says: " 2 sexes" above a simple table that shows F and M

6 advanced biology: on the board it say: “sex ≠ gender” above a graph of bimodal distribution where one peak is marked M and the other F. At this point the student reacts: “Nooooooo!!!
My 2 genderinos”

  • @Chriszz
    181 year ago

    It’s just not accurate to say gender as a spectrum is advanced biology. That isn’t to say gender isn’t a spectrum, but it’s not advanced biology.

    Source: biologist

    • MemeCollectorOP
      141 year ago

      Fair, but when those arguing against you claim to have biology on their side and that it says there are only 2 genders, it becomes “advanced”, it’s all relative

  • Neato
    1 year ago

    I didn’t know there was more than 4 states of matter. Neat.

    • Solid: Matter with a regular and fixed arrangement of particles.
    • Liquid: Matter with an irregular and flexible arrangement of particles.
    • Gas: Matter with no definite shape or volume, and particles that move freely.
    • Plasma: Matter that is ionized and electrically conductive.
    • Bose-Einstein condensate: Matter that is cooled to near absolute zero and forms a superfluid.
    • Fermionic condensate: Matter that is composed of fermions that pair up and behave like bosons.
    • Quark-gluon plasma: Matter that is extremely hot and dense, and consists of quarks and gluons.

    Also gender is like the photon: it’s a wave on a spectrum,

    • @zaph
      31 year ago

      It’s not really a negative. Genders are imaginary and we’re finally figuring that out and can now express ourselves properly without being confined to a predetermined set of variables that were made up to begin with.

  • @fluxion
    21 year ago

    What devilry is this?!

  • clancykovel
    -61 year ago

    Gender being a separate thing from sex is entirely made up. It has no basis in science.

    • Aesthesiaphilia
      51 year ago

      Most of psychology is entirely made up.

      But anyway, the fact that trans people exist would seem to contradict your premise.

        • @Sophia
          51 year ago

          I’m not quite sure how gender not being equivalent to biological sex is confusing to you or anybody else. It’s a genuinely extremely simple concept, almost as simple as Apples not being Oranges. Nobody is denying that the biological sexes are different, that’s literally the point. Somebody who feels like their gender doesn’t match their sex will want to change their gender. Because gender is not scientifically able to be measured in anyway it’s entirely down to the individual. And best of all it doesn’t involve you at all so I don’t know why you care.

          • clancykovel
            1 year ago

            gender is not scientifically able to be measured in anyway

            i.e. not real.

            It’s not that the concept is confusing, it’s that it’s not true. There is no such thing or quality in the real world as “gender” as distinct from “sex”.

            If you’re going to use words scientifically, they need to actually describe something that is in the world and not just in your imagination. BTW, I don’t care at all if a man wants to wear makeup and a dress or if a woman wants to take testosterone and grow a beard. People ought to be free to live their own lives the way they see fit. But in that same vein I’m not going to be forced to accept as true something that is clearly and fundamentally false.

            IMO (not that you asked) this issue is being used to divide people who are committed to the truth from people who want to be nice and accepting, and we shouldn’t allow ourselves to be manipulated like that.

            That’s all I have to say about it. Have a nice day, and I wish you well.

            edit: One other thing I have to say is that being nice and accepting is a good thing, and that people who consider themselves trans ought to be loved and respected just like anyone else. To the extent that there are evil people who wish them harm, god willing we would have the strength to stand up and protect them.

            • Aesthesiaphilia
              41 year ago

              If you’re going to use words scientifically, they need to actually describe something that is in the world and not just in your imagination.

              That’s ridiculous, there’s loads of things that are both real and all in our imagination. Such as the concept of imagination. Or bravery. Or intelligence. Or sociopathy.

              What a weird stance to take.

            • MemeCollectorOP
              1 year ago

              You are an evil person actively doing trans people harm.
              Your “opinions” are bigoted garbage and you are bigoted garbage.
              Thanks for trying folks, in future just report and I’ll ban, no need to debate transphobes here

    • @cynar
      11 year ago

      Ok, so what is gender, and what is sex? The terms are used in different ways, why?