For decades white people have been mocked for their dancing skills and then this shit is somehow considered good? Squatting, shuffling your feet, and swinging your arms up and down requires even less skill and coordination than the chicken dance.
Deeply weird that you made this a racial thing
Particularly with the repetition of “lazy.”
Also, just a quick glance at this trend makes it VERY obvious this shit is just an NFL marketing campaign and not a real thing. And also several years old?
The dance is specifically lazy. And why does it keep popping up on my social media?
I wouldn’t get too worked up about it. Let people have their fun and save your energy to stress about other things in life.
The fuck is a griddy? Is it a new dance craze like tge Harlem thingy?? Fuck I’m old
Dance peaked at Flossing.
I knew a guy who did the griddy randomly. Was a strange fella but an alright dude.
I feel like you guys don’t get the point of this sub.