Basically what the title says. Someone I know is building a house and they want all sorts of security and privacy added benefits one could have with no hold backs.
This post basically serves as a place for everyone to come contribute ideas, hardware, and software, even self hosting is possible to increase the safety, security, and privacy of the home. So feel free to contribute thoughts and ideas but please include how to implement your concept if you can!
Plug and play is preferred but a little reasonable amount of self hosting could be done, with a preference on mechanical hardware where possible but not a hard set requirement.
While money isn’t an major issue within reason, be realistic and preferably eco friendly. Thanks everyone ahead of time!
Good old drawbridge
Wired everything. However many network ports you think you will need in a room, double it.
Grounded wire mesh Faraday cage embedded in all walls.
A tall fence.
Not directly your question, but:
- Propane for heating, off an underground tank separated from the house
- Generator
- Two sump pumps
- Solar panels
- Vegetable garden
Security doesn’t just mean security against surveillance and physical violence.
I saw a lot of people out of propane in the 2 weeks after Helene. Propane should be a strategic reserve- natural gas should be the primary for generator fuel and heating. Let someone else store it.
Hot take, but your local community matters infinitely more than the construction of your house. Build somewhere you have neighbors yoh get along with who will stick their neck out for you.
That being said, you can do the following:
Plant/build near large trees to cover from satellite/aerial photography
run conduit throughout so you don’t have to rely on wireless networking
install security cameras that feed somewhere local (I’m assuming nobody who breaks into your house gives enough of a shit to fins and destroy your recordings)
buy actually good locks, doors, and doorframes. Make sure you’re aware of what to expect from these, they wont actually keep someone out, they just make entrance louder and slightly more cumbersome.
build a secret sex room for you and your spouse. This is less of a privacy asset, and more just a fun thing to do.
I’m assuming nobody who breaks into your house gives enough of a shit to fins and destroy your recordings
Unless agent 47 do silent assassin suit only run.
Privacy from what? What’s their threat model?
General security and privacy enhancements. Nothing threat specific as that can be handled seperate to this post.
As of the time I’m writing this comment literally none of the suggestions made actually matter for the ambiguous goal of “general security and privacy” more than building in a neighborhood or community that meets the occupants desires.
Pick a place with people you want to be around who you trust to look out for you.
when building a private house, the same advice applies as when building a private pc.
avoid windows.
True story, I knew a guy who set everything up inside a dormant volcano on tropical island somewhere. No wait that was a movie.
Zip it, Scotty
There’s a few places like that in Lanzarote. Pretty cool.
Deep bunker.
Threat modelling would be good here. You can spend a bunch of money on crap they don’t need.
Broadly speaking…
a heavy built-in / fire resistant, safe is a great thing to have.
As much wired internet throughout the house as possible along with a decent firewall solution.