• @Vinny_93
    61 month ago

    I’ll always be extra fond of Blastoise. The first game I played was Blue on my GameBoy Color back in the early zeroes. I was around 8 years old at the time so my only frame of reference was the anime and friends who played Red, Yellow or Gold.

    I chose Squirtle for my starter and did the first playtrough until my Blastoise was level 100.

    Back then I only skimmed the surface of the first game. I have done it again numerous times and I gotta say I thought the birds were super cool. Moltres was hard to miss in Victory Road, Zapdos was easy to find if you knew where to look (Power Plant) but Articuno took some effort (Seafoam Islands). Even Mewtwo was an easier find even though you’d have to plough through level 81 Kadabra’s to get to it. So that’s why Articuno is high on my list as well.

    But the one that I always employ, the one I always want in my party, is Kadabra. Considering its versatility and the sheer power of Psychic type moves, it’s essentially one of the most powerful Pokémon you can get part early in most games. Gyarados has similar traits, but it takes far too long to get it to do powerful moves without TMs/HMs.

    Thank you for reading my essay.

    • Elevator7009OP
      21 month ago

      Thank you for typing one! I love reading peoples’ thoughts on the fiction they liked. If I didn’t want to know I would not have asked this question.

  • shnizmuffin
    51 month ago

    My favorite Pokémon has always been Alakazam. I have a couple with ribbons; Spoonman, Spoonqueen, Razzmataz, and the shiny Alaka-blam. They move fast, hit hard, and have a legacy of great move sets. Dig. Thunder Punch. Focus Blast. Dazzling Gleam. Shadow Ball. Truly unhinged strategies.

    I’d like to take time to remember my Luchador Cosplay Pikachu, Thunderbutt, who couldn’t be transferred into Pokémon Bank, nor Pokémon Home, and is the only 'mon of consequence I’ve ever been forced to leave behind.

    Shout outs to my workhorse ‘mons Quacklin’ and Dux, my False Swipe / HM slaves. Also Eggers, my Flame Body Talonflame, who really makes hatching eggs easier.

    Steven’s Shiny Metagross from that distribution event lives in my battle party.

  • @Noodle07
    41 month ago

    Lickitung, stop thinking about anything sexual and just look at how goofy he looks

  • @lote
    41 month ago

    Gotta be Shroomish for me. The angry lil face gets me EVERY TIME.

  • nocturneM
    41 month ago

    My first Pokémon game was Leaf Green, I knew nothing about Pokémon at that point other than Pikachu. I remember running into my first Abra and thinking he was so cute… then he teleported away! I decided then and there I had to have one. I finally caught one, and eventually he became a Kadabra. Then I learned you had to trade to get an Alakazam. So I ended up buying a second GBA and a copy of Fire Red, and since that fateful trade Alakazam has been my favorite.

    Others hold a dear spot in my heart, Eevee, Sylveon, Rayquaza, Pancham, Alakazam will always be my #1.

    • @Psythik
      31 month ago

      Never even heard of that one. Mine was Charmander (Bulbasaur is superior, though. He dominates the first two gym leaders).

  • Myr
    31 month ago

    When I used to be a “genwunner” it was Gengar all the way cuz I was the weird kid into ghosts and shit.

    Nowadays my absolute fav is Whimsicott, cuz it’s cute n fluffy and I love it’s battle cry, plus it’s annoying af competitvely.

  • @ApollosArrow
    31 month ago

    For me it’s Lucario. I always loved his composed and calm nature, and then he got a Mega Evolution and that solidified it. Ironically when playing Smash I used Pikachu instead of Lucario.