This is the reality of the current effect of the Executive orders regarding passports for trans people in the US. Because of the way things are implemented they are getting stuck in a no-mans land where they cannot have any travel papers at all. If you know a place to share this please do.
No audio right now so I can’t watch the video, but if she hasn’t already done so please pass on to your friend that the ACLU is asking people who have experienced discrimination due to the new executive orders to contact them. Link here.
I don’t suppose you can share in a form that isn’t TikTok?
From what I’ve heard, his EOs have caused massive confusion and stuff is getting stopped because government workers aren’t sure what the new rules actually are. I would tell your friend to try again in a few months.
That is terrifying. I was expecting bullshit which is why I got my passport last year after Trump was elected, but this is much worse than I feared.