CBS staff are outraged by reports that Paramount Global may settle Donald Trump’s lawsuit over a “60 Minutes” interview with Kamala Harris.
The lawsuit, widely dismissed as frivolous, has sparked newsroom backlash. “Trump’s lawsuit was a joke, but if we settle, we become the laughingstock,” a CBS correspondent said.
Critics fear Paramount is appeasing Trump to secure regulatory approval for its Skydance Media merger.
Bernie Sanders and others warn that caving to Trump undermines press independence and encourages further media intimidation.
Critics fear Paramount is appeasing Trump to secure regulatory approval for its Skydance Media merger
it was blackmail, no doubt there:
“do this or no deal.”
If they do it I really hope they get denied anyway
Yeah. Especially since corporate mergers is how the studio behind the Transformers movies get to influence public discourse in the first place.
Corporate consolidation: not even once
ahh, the art of the deal… take your money and lie to your face today, and screw you over tomorrow.
After this latest Star Trek Fiasco they really didn’t need to do anything extra to convince me not to watch anything they produce. But they always go above and beyond.
I like how they think settlement is going to keep them safe.
It is not. One you have paid the Danegeld, you will never be rid of the Dane.
That’s why he’s threatening Denmark.
Ya know… Frivolous lawsuit as a means to collect bribes / protection money in public and technically legal way is a new one. Not just legal, but actively involves the legal system as an accomplice to the corruption.
Gotta hand it to them, they’re clever as fuck when it comes to being greedy, evil bastards.
It’s also a revelation-of-the-method: authoritarians love to gloat about how they’re doing it right in front of you, with tools you trusted, and you can’t stop it.
Isn’t that what Americans pretend the 2nd amendment is for?
Ostensibly. I gave the whole “guns are the last defense against tyranny!” argument a lot more weight leading up to Trump’s first presidency. Then he got elected and for a few weeks I was glued to the news cuz HOLY SHIT THE TYRANNY THING HAPPENED, ANY DAY NOW HE’S GONNA GET- wait, what the fuck is that slurping noise? …and there they were: all those gun nuts who’ve spent the past few decades salivating over the fantasy of saving the US from tyranny with their trusty firearm… tripping over eachother to suck off the tyrant’s orange little micropenis.
…so now I guess the 2nd amendment has been narrowed down to hunting deer and 3rd graders. That other bit is up in smoke.
When they had the BLM stuff and the police decided to force people into their homes, I was like… This is it. It’s gonna happen. The tyranny is here.
Not a damn thing.
It’s not bribes, it’s protection money. Orange wanker employs simple racket, even though he doesn’t say it. If you don’t comply to his BS claims now, he’d pay his gremlins to make your life miserable via lawsuits, public defamation, whatever, and he just now freed a thousand idiots army with a handful of them that radical that they can charlie-nebdoe your newsroom. We already had a brainlet cooking himself alive in his Tesla praising Trump. This mumbling tan-fucker got a lot of power for a lot of reasons but his own.
Them not agreeing to it just now is a bold, brave move really. And if they stand up to it, that’s even cooler. Every small lack of nod to the Cheetatilo is to be praised, and US needs billiones of these rn.
Heard a pretty good theory that that’s what happened with dominion vs fox.
SLAAP lawsuits are nothing new.
“Bernie Sanders and others warn that caving to Trump undermines press independence and encourages further media intimidation.”
Corpo fucks running CBS:
“Ummm… I’m sorry can you show me where the part is that I’m supposed to give a fuck about there? Money. I want merger so I make more money. I pay the Don for protection and I make money. I don’t see the issue here. Press freedom is for the plebs to care about. I’m rich.”
Yep corporations are nobody’s friend but their own. And even then they’re their Own Worst Enemy sometimes.
All it really takes is not being a shitheel. That’s what is most ethical and in their case most profitable, they literally cannot do it.
There’s no money in it for the this quarter. Their attention spans can’t last any longer than that. It might make them a hundred times the money two years down the road. But they don’t care
These are all back door bribes for Trump. Meta did the same thing with $25 million
Same as the Disney/Scarborough settlement. That case was a slam dunk for Disney lawyers. But there’s no better way to pay a bribe.
They even settled oddly before a settlement would normally happen. There’s a good LegalEagle about it.
This too, shall pass. And once it does, remember what suckerberg did, remember what all of them did, never forget
Another part of The Assistance movement, I guess.