Absolutely no jokery allowed it seems XD
They believe because pooh is yellow in color they it aligns with racist stereotypes about Asians. They refuse to accept the origin of the meme was xi and Obama walking in a fashion just like pooh and Tigger.
But Obama is not a tiger, is not orange. The meme has nothing to do with yellow.
You got me curious about the origins of this. I’m pretty sure this image of Pooh and Tigger was made after the photo was taken, but it does seem to illustrate the point pretty well.
what is the tiger’s name?
The Wonderful thing about Tiggers is Tiggers are wonderful things tops are made out of rubber their bottoms are made out of springs Their bouncey, trouncey, ouncey, pouncey fun, fun, fun, fun, fun But the most wonderful thing about Tiggers is I’m the only one Tiggers are cuddily fellows Tiggers are awfully sweet everyone el’es is jealous That’s why I repeat and repeat The wonderful thing about Tiggers Is Tiggers are marvoulous chaps They’re loaded with vim and vigor they love to leap in your laps They’re jumpy, bumpy, clumpy, thumpy fun fun fun fun fun But the most wonderful thing about Tiggers Is I’m the only one I-I-I’m the only…-oof Ouch
Tigger. Yeah, real subtle, I know.
I mean, the main demographic is preschoolers. Not exactly famous for their grasp of subtlety.
Wow. Maybe you get the n-word pass as well as the yellowface pass then.
Chinese people didn’t twist that one cute meme of Obama & Xi into an endless stream of Xing Xong Xi Man Bad memes, Western chauvinists did.
Ah, Chinese people not using the meme to make fun of Xi must be why Xi banned it from Chinese websites. Must be all those western chauvinists that frequent Chinese websites.
Makes total sense. I gotchu.
And the meme originates from China. Why would the Chinese be racist against themselves? It really makes zero sense.
.ml be like
If you say anything bad about China, you’re racist
If you say anything bad about Russia, you’re russophobic
If you say anything good about the US, you’re an imperialist
Dont forget the:
“If you are ethnic Chinese, and you say anything bad about China, you are being internalized racist, and a 汉奸 (Han-Traitor).”
If you’re anti-authoritarian, you’re a brainwashed holocaust trivializing Joseph Goebbels following liberal. I wish that made any kind of sense whatsoever.
And if you say anything bad about the US, you can be a mod or admin, and then learn the secret of Rule 1.
Because… Rule 1! REEEEE!
Thanks for the context
deleted by creator
No bigotry.
The party defines bigotry as insinuation the party is not the saviour of the people.
Chinese companies exploit workers and China has a terrible record on workers rights, but the working class has the political power in China!
deleted by creator
It’s a lame joke but I don’t see why it should be banned
because they are beholden to china… if you say anything bad about china, or anything that china officially bans, you get banned for racism against asians….
Because it seems like a racist charicature, no?
No it doesn’t.
We should be allowed to mock our leaders, especially the dictators
Of course I absolutely agree, that doesn’t mean forums should allow racist charicatures, however.
Why on earth would you assume i’m against that?
It’s not Racist.
You’re not processing reality
Is calling a chinese person yellow racist?
You making up your own narrative to get offended over.
Mocking the regime is what fedi is about. I surely don’t go easy on domestic daddy, it is silly to expect anyone to give sheepooh any more deference than I gave Biden or Trump.
These parasites deserve no respect from the wagies.
I’m fine with mocking the regime and encourage that completely, just not by calling chinese people yellow
they do deserve no respect
No. The Chinese people were specifically comparing Xi Jinping to Winnie The Pooh before the term was banned.
So? does it seem like one?
When you’re a moderator on a forum, do you investigate this and check everyones intent, or do you go, someone posted a yellow bear to represent a chinese person and that seems racist to me?
No. It does not. This meme is well known and you’re either playing dumb or were living under a rock.
Blackface is well known, guess it isn’t racist.
You can say it’s racist over and over, but that doesn’t make is true.
If only there was a way to actually see what the Winnie the Pooh thing is even referencing… Oh well, guess you’ll just have to keep lying instead.
If only there was a way to actually see what the Winnie the Pooh thing is even referencing… Oh well, guess you’ll just have to keep lying instead.
the joke is clearly that winnie the pooh is yellow and so is xi, haha very funny.
obviously racist.
if winnie the pooh wasn’t yellow I wouldn’t care about this at all.
The joke is that the dude straight up looks like Winnie the Pooh. As in his face and body shape.
The color of the cartoon bear was never even something that popped into my mind, because I’m not a fucking racist and I don’t see “yellow” to mean Asian.
I think it says a lot about you when you turn it into that…
Yeah, what it says about me is that i’ve seen enough racism against asians to recognize it and be against it.
What does it say about you that you don’t even recognize it, or care to fight against it?
Stop making things up.
??? what did i make up?
he’s a yellow bear being paired with tigger, who was supposed to be obama.
Does that really not strike you as racist at all?
That article didn’t even say one word about my point.
Han people aren’t being racist against themselves. You making it up if anything is more racist. As if Chinese people can’t make a meme.
Do you believe it’s impossible for someone of a race to be or do something racist against themselves?
Honestly, even if you do, he’s yellow.
That’s all I need as a moderator to ban it, because it’s racist to call chinese people yellow.
What does the history even matter?
The notion that i’m implying chinese people are incapable of making memes is hilarious, you should self-reflect.
Get a better charicature that doesn’t seem racist. You’re just feeding tankies and making yourself look weird.
Well, you’re not the mod here, so who cares what you need to ban it?
This is a thread where we give our opinions on what should be bannable or not…
the OP is literally asking for opinions! What do you even think the point of discussing things is?
Do you think if anyone doesn’t agree with you, that discussion is pointless, and you shouldn’t even hear them out?
The joke was started by the Chinese on WeChat. No, it doesn’t seem racist, unless you mean it’s racist to appropriate Chinese memes?
Can chinese people not do racist ignorant things? I’ve known many ethnic minorities to make racist charicatures of their own race, I don’t really see your point
You’re brainwahsed and should self reflect
Your evidence that i’m brainwashed is that I think a yellow, slow, lazy bear is kind of a weird portrayal of a chinese man?
Xi is a dictator and evil, I believe that, in fact, you know very little about my beliefs… I don’t think the fact that I think it’s weird to call chinese people yellow means i’m brainwashed, and the fact that that’s what you’d jump to over such a small difference of opinion indicates to me that YOU are in fact brainwashed.
I think you all go into anti-tankie mode whenever someone says anything you disagree with.
This time instead of typing shit to deflect, turn off your computer, and self reflect
deleted by creator
Well, when a Chinese person tells me it’s racist and they’re offended, I’ll stop using it. Not really interested in what some white, probably American middle-aged dude cosplaying an armchair communist for the aesthetics thinks is offensive.
weird that you’re making so many assumptions about me to feel okay with something kinda bigoted.
edit: I really don’t get it… he’s a yellow squinty eyed slow stupid lazy bear
He’s yellow, you got that right. And that’s the only thing. He’s not squinty, slow, stops, or lazy. Similarly, Obama isn’t orange and bouncy.
Idk man, we haven’t seen Obama walk in a while, maybe he grew a tail and bounces on it.
Poohs defining characteristic is being gluttonous and lazy… that’s why he says oh bother about everything, and i’ve certainly never seen him be intelligent… i guess the anthropomorphic bear is capable of speech and that qualifies?
None of that really matters to me, honestly, him being yellow is simply enough.
Winnie is a bear that can talk. That is in no way stupid. He’s an adorable blonde bear and everyone loves him.
I don’t even see the insult.
His eyes are literally two black dots. I have no idea where you get “squinty eyed” from.
I don’t even see the insult.
I don’t see it either, beyond the fact that he’s yellow, I don’t get the joke, it simply seems like the joke is that he’s yellow, lazy and stupid.
I’m fine with lazy and stupid, but not when it’s paired with yellow.
I don’t need to make the assumptions to feel okay with it, the assumptions are just for fun on the side. I don’t need to justify myself to you, and you failed to make me feel bad about it in the first place.
Now I bet you need a hug, come here.
Life is fun when you play pretend, let me know when you want to be an adult though
The only racist here is you dude, holy shit…
How exactly?
This is not a mockery of his race.
This is a mockery of his fragile ego that is apparently hurt by such a joke.
Can’t it be both?
I could be corrected on this but as far as I’m aware, it’s not a caricature of Chinese people or Asian people, it’s specifically a caricature of Xi Jinping, one of the most powerful people in the world. In fact, on Forbes list in 2018, he is listed as the #1 most powerful person in the world.
So I don’t think it’s a question of race so much as a question of how far are we allowed to make fun of the most powerful people on the planet.
The charicature part is strictly about his race though.
would you be fine with a blackface of obama?
the joke seems to be entirely yellow squinty eyed bear looks like him
i’m fine with forums banning racial charicatures, even of people in power
none of his personality resembles pooh, it’s just his race, if anything he’s ruthlessly efficient
I’m gonna have to explain this out very simply: blackface has a long history going back more than a century before Obama was even born.
There do exist racist caricatures of Chinese people with squinty eyes. Pooh does not have the squinty eyes. Ive yet to see any evidence of Pooh being used as a racist caricature before Xi Jinping.
none of his personality resembles pooh, it’s just his race, if anything he’s ruthlessly efficient
I think you accidentally admitted the real issue: Pooh is silly, soft, and generally not that smart. Certain types of rulers need to be seen as strong, powerful, and perhaps even ruthless at all times.
The real offense is a possible degradation of his “strong man” image.
I’m gonna have to explain this out very simply: blackface has a long history going back more than a century before Obama was even born.
what does this have to do with anything
There do exist racist caricatures of Chinese people with squinty eyes. Pooh does not have the squinty eyes. Ive yet to see any evidence of Pooh being used as a racist caricature before Xi Jinping.
okay, he’s still yellow… and who cares if it was used before that or not? I genuinely have no idea what that has to do with anything
As a forum moderator, you see chinese person being a yellow bear, and tigger being obama… seems racist, better remove because it seems like a racist charicature.
None of the history of it matters at all in my eyes. I honestly and genuinely don’t see why it matters to you.
I think you accidentally admitted the real issue: Pooh is silly, soft, and generally not that smart. Certain types of rulers need to be seen as strong, powerful, and perhaps even ruthless at all times. The real offense is a possible degradation of his “strong man” image.
then make a charicature that makes fun of that and isn’t yellow, I would be fine with that
then make a charicature that makes fun of that and isn’t yellow, I would be fine with that
How would you feel about a white Pooh bear?
Weird, but for design reasons, I’d be COMPLETELY fine with making fun of Xi with that, if that had been the original design of winnie, though
It really just comes down to winnie being yellow, for me.
No. It’s. Not. About. His. Fucking. Race.
Dude looks like a cartoon character. The only person bringing up race and calling people “yellow” here is you.
I’m not calling anyone yellow, i’m saying calling people yellow is bad, and if your charicature for an asian person is yellow, that’s not a good idea.
You’re the racist here.
Ah, yes, the most racist of all takes
that we shouldn’t depict chinese people as yellow.
Not to split this but the real obvious parallel with Obama would be Tigger. I’m slightly surprised that didn’t come up, because it’s literally the same origin story.
Doesn’t the initial image being paired with Tigger strike you as odd?
Almost as if there’s two obviously racist things about the initial pairing?
Does it strike me as odd that there’s an illustration of Pooh and Tigger together, two characters that are friends in the same fictional world?
No, it doesn’t strike me as odd, can you explain that one to me? What’s the history of racism in the Hundred Acre Wood that predates some world leaders with possibly fragile egos? And why is all the attention always on the Pooh half and never on the Tigger half?
The odd part is using a yellow character for the asian and tigger for the black person… for the obvious slur reason.
None of it has to do with the history of the hundred acre woods.
deleted by creator
Lol that’s a
paddlinbigotryUntil .world gets around to finishing defed’ing from the last of the Tankie Triad, best we can do is avoid generating anything on .ml. No comments, posts or upvotes. If it’s a non-tankie post cross post it to the closest relevant non-.ml community
That’s exactly what I do. I refuse to post anything or interact with anything created for, or in that shithole.
Please do. Dealing with you right wing bigots is as annoying as visiting reddit is now that you people ruined that site.
Thanks I needed a good laugh this morning! LMAO I’m no right-wing in any sense of the word, I just don’t suck the dick of authoritarian regimes like you and other Tankies do. The irony here is that you Tankies are closer to right-wingers because of your authoritarian tendencies. See: Stethoscope theory
Oh also, you forgot to log into your .ml account because nobody is calling for defed from SJW lolol you’re still in your “I’m totally from China” week old account LMAO
As often as you post outright racist memes, it’s truly a wonder you have the gall to claim the things you claim.
You’re just a disgusting bigot, no better or worse than a MAGAt. You’re just content with state approved, democrat approved bigotry.
Tankie logic: Anything critical of China/Russia/NK = ThAT’s RaCiSt BiGoTRy
Hate to break it to you, but the CCP is in fact an authoritarian regime with multiple human rights violations at its feet.
Nothin but a lil troll LMAO
Nothin but a lil troll LMAO
Pretty sure they’re just genuinely propagandized based on my discussion with them. But who knows
Yea it can be hard to tell sometimes lol
No, racist bigotry is racist bigotry, like believing Chinese people are a hive mind and must just be too stupid to want liberal democracy.
And no, people that disagree with you aren’t trolls. You people came to the Internet too late and don’t know the meaning of the word.
Yes, 400 million people are totally hive minded and brainwashed into believing a party line that’s just so illogical to you, because obviously you have all the answers, and these 400 million people oppress a billion who are statistically higher educated and better trained with weapons than the US population, who trains with weapons outside military and special response police work. That’s completely believable. Just like ten million people being locked up with no satellite evidence of any prison.
All this: because someone made fun of poor little Pooh.
Calling Chinese people yellow is racist regardless of whatever justification you give it.
I hope you eventually see Asians as people.
IDK what 400 million people you’re talking about, considering there’s more people than that just in the demographic that’s retired and taking a pension in China, but I do know for sure tankies are a brainwashed hive mind. The Soviet Union coined a term for people like you, “useful idiots”.
That’s the number of people involved in the CCP. That’s the number of people you believe are brainwashed, that you think have no internal dialogue, that you think have no critical thinking skills, that you think are either stupid or being forced to participate in what you call a dictatorship.
If you think 400 million people can, without a single desertion, maintain a conspiracy to control the other billion in behalf of one or truly any number of people… You’re a maga Republican, conspiracy theories, etc. your thought process is no different.
You only feel this way because you agree in lock-step loyalty with Pooh that free speech and criticism of an oppressive world leader should be illegal. To everyone else that is capable of free-thinking and common sense-
It’s a freedom worth exercising.
I sincerely hope that when you’re free of the constraints of your edgy high-school angst and manufactured outrage, you’ll see how cringy it is to defend little Pooh Bear and hopefully come to your senses.
“hurr durr Asian man yellow” is not criticism.
Criticism is allowed and encouraged in China… But you have to back it up. Xi has a doctorate, all members of parliament have at least the equivalent of masters degrees. "Hurrtr duuurrrr China bad because of (insert something from 80 years ago from a completely different internal party)’ isn’t going to cut it.
I hope you get better soon. Racists are the reason the US is actively destroying itself via Trump’s trade war. You need to be better if you want to survive.
I checked your comment history and wow… you’re nothing without your false accusations, are you?
I mean- I suppose with times being what they are, I can understand your hero warship of that coward Xi, your angenda-inspired rhetoric, and even the schoolyard edgelord insults, but accusing people of racism with absolutely no evidence to support it?
That’s sad and desperate.
And judging on the reaction you get, and your many mod/admin actions of removal- it doesn’t seem like it’s succeeded even a single time to achieve whatever result you’re after.
But best of luck on your next victim. Remember. Volume is key.
Removed by mod
“hurr durr Asian man yellow” is not criticism.
It’s interesting that the only people who think this is what the “Pooh” insult is, are the ones trying to claim that they’re trying to stop racism…
Your comment got me into a really neat rabbit hole about censorship in China, thank you!
I started here:
And got to all sorts of sad and interesting places.
Ask a Chinese person if Winnie the Pooh is censored. Or any Chinese source.
It’s simply not. It’s a myth like the social credit score system. I sincerely don’t understand how you people believe the things you believe. If I say the government in america censors Oreos because some Americans call black people that are too white Oreos… You’d easily understand it’s bullshit.
Really? It’s a myth? I had no idea! To learn more, I used China-based Deepseek to find more information!
Aaand it broke, oh no!
An LLM fails to do something? Must be a day ending in y.
Why does it exclusively fail when discussing topics I have been led to believe China censors online, but works perfectly otherwise?
Because the host you’re using, or the specific model, has those censors enabled to follow state law, just as all US hosted LLMs will have to call the gulf of Mexico the Gulf of America within the year.
Use the uncensored model and run it locally. Or better yet don’t use LLMs whatsoever since they destroy the earth faster than crypto while providing even less benefit.
Why are you wasting your time dealing with “right wing bigots”?
Because someone reading might have a thought that these people aren’t correct. Without opposing views these people just get worse and more degenerate over time. Within a decade the US population went from being mildly bigoted to full fascism building and actively using concentration camps. Only unlike all previous fascists they have no business sense and are bound to implode sooner than later.
If any among those that think us democrats are left wing can be educated before the fall, the countries that will come out of the collapse of the US won’t be as violent or useless to the rest of humanity as the US has been.
We’re stuck in this universe together, on this floating rock together. Maybe, just maybe, after the bigots purge each other, we can continue the great work and unite under cooperation. But that requires some dreaming of more than capitalism and racism.
How can you simultaneously be anti and pro fascism?
If you think any socialist country is fascist I implore you to read ur-fascism by Umberto eco at the every least before ever commenting on the matter again. Some have been authoritarian. None have been anything close to fascist.
Remember kids, evil commies are the sole and exclusive reason German isn’t the global language and we’re not in a thousand year Reich.
Someone seriously needs to make a community called “Rule 1” that specifically calls their shit out.
It can either be a place to document the abusive admins on .ml (I say admins and not mods because it seems from the logs, the mods are powerless pawns that are overridden by the authoritarian admins all the time there)
Or it can be a parody community designed to illustrate the absurdity of admin abuse.
(I’ll help mod it if someone makes one, but I ain’t creating that shit. WAY too heady for me. lol)
“Authoritarian admins”???
That’s it, banned, Rule 1
- [email protected]
- [email protected]
- This one, [email protected]
- There’s surely way more places for people to post such content, like I see it on 196 a lot as well.
Also, while it is indeed the admins that mass ban people from communities that they’ve never even heard of across the entire instance, the mods are not entirely unknown to Lemmy users themselves. There are many famous stories, such as the one who told a user that he wanted to kill them, bc they posted a screenshot of two people kissing in some kind of dating game claiming that it was “triggering”. Those mods are protected by those admins. In turn, nobody else across the Fediverse is protected from either those mods or especially those admins.
This is their software, and we are on their platform, always remember.
I meant a community that specifically calls out the mystery surrounding their vague .ml “Rule 1” removals.
And while .ml is their domain to moderate how they chose, any other instance is feee to host a community that calls out their authoritarian rigidity.
They have domain over their own shithole of an instance- not any of the others. So it’s not their anything. Ad If they wanted that level of control over it- to be able to dictate what others can and can’t do outside of their prison, they should have emulated their authoritarian ideology and locked it down.
It’s too bad they underestimated the number of people capable of independent thinking.
Except that they also write the Lemmy sourcecode. Hence you can begin to understand why we cannot receive notifications about being banned or posts/comments removed, nor appeal via a modlog, nor be able to DM a mod bc you can’t even see who to talk to when the modlog simply says “mod”, nor if OP violates a rule somewhere - even on some other instance & community entirely - can others continue their discourse when OP’s post is summarily removed or then banned (on Reddit the link to the post is merely removed from the list of links shown in the community feed, but the post itself remains viable and people can finish their thoughts, unlike Lemmy where even after typing something all out you may literally not be allowed to hit Send), nor was it a priority to allow mods to see reports and thus be able to effectively moderate from another instance, thus freeing them somewhat from the control of a single admin, etc.
It’s not even a bad thing that I am saying - especially on their end: they develop the Lemmy codebase how they want it to be, bc it was their idea and they did practically all of the work. If we want different, then we would need to similarly put in the effort to create it (and before that, open our eyes to see clearly what is going on and where we might rather be heading instead). Many have already started, like K/Mbin, PieFed, Sublinks, Mastodon, Friendica, etc.
My point is, someone should make a community that specifically calls out their bullshit. It would be great to have a go-to source to throw at all the minions that cry foul when their authoritarian bullshit is called out in conversions where they claim .ml is mild in comparison to how other instances are modded.
.ml admins have no authority over what others say in other communities in other instances/ regardless of what they created.
I’d argue that a community named Rule 1 should also include non tanky instance mod/admin actions when they are egregiously bad.
Oh absolutely.
Pff amateur. I got an instance wide permaban for “dear winnie”
You now understand correctly - you FAAFO on that instance. Best to steer clear of it.
I’m surprised it is only temporary. Looking at the mod log, getting a temp ban or a warning are the rarest forms of mod actions taken across all of Lemmy.
ML generally don’t do perma bans
At this point I’m kinda amazed we don’t do the Reddit thing of “Your account briefly browsed a part of the site that was rumored to be evil because of current events that you don’t even know anything about yet, so we permanently banned you and are adding you to a list of Far Right sympathizers”
And relieved, it’s too easy to become the “villain” nowadays, Cancel Culture would be fine if it didn’t have the same problem as the Death Penalty…
Too many innocents being judged guilty not by evidence, but by mob mentalities.
Welcome to the internet
have a look around
Would you like to see the news or any famous women’s feet?
Have a look around
Banned for posting cringe.
People making racist “jokes” should be banned permanently tbh
I don’t buy the racist connection. This whole thing started on Chinese social media. Westerners didn’t start saying it until the CCP got butthurt and banned the character entirely.
I’ve always thought it meant xi jinping. One person. Is it because he happens to be Chinese that it becomes racist?
It is just him. According to the tankies it’s racist because Winnie the Pooh is yellow.
I feel like the tankies are being racist here. If I want to paint xi jinping, reaching for the yellow pigment doesn’t make me racist. Likewise, matching Pooh to Jinpings individual’s characteristics is the same concept.
It’s just being offended for the Chinese people, with no regard to what the Chinese people actually think. Typical.
Can you explain how the joke is racist?