Just wondering if people use their post vaped herb for anything? Personally we’ve been putting it into a bottle of olive oil (50/50 ratio) and letting it infuse over a month or so. On Sunday mornings we then pour it onto fresh toast and then go for what we call a space walk. You wouldn’t believe how high we get from this! I think it’s an excellent way to get the most value out of your herbs.

Warning: it’s stronger than you’d expect so take it easy at the beginning to gauge strength.

  • Delta 3D Studios
    81 year ago

    Since the herb is now decarb’d it can be properly ingested by the body.

    I’ve done a few things over the years with it:

    • Firecrackers - grab some peanutbutter and crackers. Load up a cracker with PB (and jelly if desired), then sprinkle on some ABV and enjoy

    • Yogurt - mix in some ABV with yogurt to conceal the flavor. Easy to eat a lot of ABV this way hahaha.

    • Chocolate milkshake - delicious and blends nicely with the ABV flavor.

    • Sous-vide budder - I use a sous vide heated to 180F. I put 1/2 a cup of ABV per one four-ounce stick of budder, with a quarter cup of water and some coconut oil into a bag and put that in the sous vide for four hours. Then I strain the contents using a french-press and pour into silicone molds which I pop into the freezer. After an hour I crack open the molds and pour out the black “water” (which contains all the grit and sediment from the ABV) - this lets me have nice fresh sticks of budder with no ice or black ABV sediment. I then bake edibles with the budder (NOTE, I always bake edibles at 325F and extend baking time to ensure I don’t cook off too many active compounds from the ABV). I also like to make Rice-Krispy treats since they require a lot of budder.

    Pro tip: Hate the flavor of your ABV? You can “water-cure” it to eliminate that flavor. Put some ABV in a cheesecloth and wrap it up, then flush with COLD Water until water runs clear through cheesecloth.

    • @theCheekOP
      21 year ago

      Awesome reply. Thanks for the detail! The sous vide idea sounds particularly wild!

    • @GhostCowboy76
      11 year ago

      I had absolutely no idea you could use the ABV 🤦🏽‍♂️ I have been washing it down the drain like a dingus this whole time. Any suggestions on storage? Thanks for the great break down by the way!

      • Delta 3D Studios
        1 year ago

        Hahaha, some people like to save it and use it for all sorts of stuff. Others just trash it since they’ve extracted most of what they wanted.

        I usually keep mine in a large air-tight tightvac container. What I do is use one of my Toothpick Debowlers or Vape Spittoon to catch a few ounces of spent material. Then I dump it into the larger air-tight container as needed. Since the material is dried/cooked, it stores very well - never had an issue with mold buildup or anything in the large jumbo tightvac container I use.

        Enjoy your newfound bonus of dry vaporizing haha

        • @GhostCowboy76
          21 year ago

          Yeah so I’ve been messing around with it since I read your comment. It’s sick! I had a really nice high off it the other night sprinkling a bunch on top of peanut butter and graham crackers, nice treat.

          I’ll take a look at the links. Thanks again 🤙🏽

    • ForestOrca
      01 year ago

      Just remember friends, AVK is much stronger than AVB.
      Note: B = Bud K = Kief

    • @theCheekOP
      31 year ago

      Wow sounds amazing. I love graham crackers but we can’t get those out here in Cyprus. I wonder what a suitable alternative would be.

      • @[email protected]
        1 year ago

        Almost anything works: flattened toast bread included. Any kind of double crackers with chocolate in between. Etc.

      • Refurbished Refurbisher
        21 year ago

        Cookies are a good alternative. Basically you can just mix it with some fat and eat it.

        I personally like to mix ABV into Oreo milkshakes. I barely even taste the ABV.

        • @theCheekOP
          21 year ago

          Ooh TIL the term ABV :)

  • @TheFarm
    61 year ago

    I used to make butter with it in the past, now I mostly compost it. Making butter is a stinky process lol. I like your olive oil idea though, less smell for sure.

    I used to eat the equivalent of like 7-10g of vaped herb edibles before transatlantic flights and that was fantastic, slept right from takeoff and woke up touching down in my destination lol.

  • @[email protected]
    51 year ago

    When I used to have a MFLB during college I saved the vaped bud and used it in a pestle & mortar till it was a fine powder.

    Then mixed it in with peanut butter before making miniature peanut butter cups with frozen chocolate. Eating one caused my friend to get higher than she ever had before lol.

    • @GhostCowboy76
      11 year ago

      Sounds awesome! Sorry to sound like an idiot, what’s an MFLB?

      • @[email protected]
        11 year ago

        Magic Flight Launch Box. My bad for not putting the full name!

        It’s a dry herb vape that gave me the best flavor/taste when smoking.

        • @GhostCowboy76
          11 year ago

          Sick! Thank you. I’ll have to check them out.

    • @theCheekOP
      11 year ago

      Haha that’s a great idea!

  • Tozne
    21 year ago

    I used to water cure and make a tincture, but honestly it’s too much effort compared to just eating it with in a PB&Nutella sandwich

  • WeirderMelon
    11 year ago

    Is it the same cannabinoids but not as potent, or does the vaping change something? I think I read CBN? Does that make you sleepy? For the record, I eat it on the spot and wash it down with water. Very bitter. It reminds me of coffee grounds. I can’t ever tell if it does anything because I’ve not consumed ABV on its own.

    • @theCheekOP
      11 year ago

      I’d be interested in the science as well. From a purely anecdotal viewpoint I feel that it’s more of a groundy, sofa sucking high than when vaped… That’s why I always go for a walk after eating to maintain energy levels.

  • MrFry
    11 year ago

    deleted by creator

  • @PutangInaMo
    11 year ago

    It’s all sitting in a container in the freezer, haven’t decided what to do with it yet because I’m pretty nervous about edibles.

  • @oaschbeidl
    11 year ago

    I used to collect it but ended up never using it because it just made me sleepy af without much of a recreational high. Just made me feel too weak and heavy to move basically. I have no issue with sleeping normally, so it’s not for me.

    Made relatively low dosed cookies for two different relatives who couldn’t sleep anymore due to pain while they waited for their respective surgeries and for them it was a godsend in that situation.