School across the way did so today and yesterday and probably before. Saw them marching up and down the major street I live on. As long as it doesn’t impact their future, it’s a good thing to do to encourage civil disobedience.
That said, there are some in critical pedagogy that argue it needs to be paired with encouraging the academics, too, so that said student can become a decision maker in the government/society. A work from within kind of angle. (Although pragmatically it at least gives a student something to strive for, motivating them to go to college and so on).
Honestly all the shit that’s been happening with defunding of education and school shootings and stuff, their education has already been impacted.
At this point we need mass movements across generations to block the tidal wave of shit. Because all of this stuff impacts people we all know, and the youth are super aware of this, and a lot of us are aware of this…
But society as a whole? Ehhhhh… idk… but they will be!
So the whole critical pedigogy stuff originates from countries with worse off situations than us (with some camps having really Marxist overtones), and the advice can include self teaching when authorities otherwise forbid it. Just, when applied to the US that usually isn’t necessary (except CRT part of ed that might speak to racist barriers to education and progress).
Apparently from my experience trying to raise awareness; this was not the right day, nor the right time, nor the the right way. It should have been better organized, with a clear leader, and precise demands. Also, it was doomed to fail for reasons I can’t specify. /s
Don’t worry, I saw the /s.
it opened up my mind
TokenBoomer, a fitting name.
NocturnalMorning, a wet dream.
Precise demands? I’m not sure of much of anything school administration could do. If my students walked out in protest I certainly couldn’t change anything way above my paygrade. But I wouldn’t discourage them. Organization? They seem to have organized a school walk out, pretty organized imo. Right time/day? Seems fitting enough. Might not ammount to much but it will garner attention for thier cause, and day, MLK day is in part about what he helped represents, disenfranchised americans having thier voice heard. These kids organized to have thier voice heard, seems on point
There are otehr ways to demonstrate, yes, but this is a way. At the end of the day they are exercising theier voice. Something with rpos and cons, but with the state of our democracy, Something that should be encouraged.
I agree, forgot to add the /s
A very important badge now because unfortunately, and i’ve met people, as im sure you have, who can say that with a completely straight face with no irony.
Damn, this had me until nearly the end. Sucks you got buried by downvotes, cuz it was a great joke.
Had me in the first three quarters, ngl.
PROBLEM SOLVED. I’m so aware right now
Gosh! If these kids hadn’t walked out I would have had no idea there were problems!
Anyway, single-shot shotguns are stupid cheap and reliable. Stick with 12-gauge. Yeah, it kicks, there are ways to dial it in, but it’s the cheapest and has the most punch. 00-buck is the cheapest and most common ammo, and it does indeed pack a wallop.
Longer barrels burn more of the powder, more velocity, tighter pattern. Shorter barrels don’t hit as hard, spread the shot more quickly. Know the range you intend to engage at!
Anyway, what were we talking about?
Immigration is a sensitive topic, but I think you’re better off with #1 Buck at common engagement distances
This will not end well for the minority.