Just curious. I miss mainly language stuff, some video game communities (like RoN, KCD) and some local communities like for Arabs (tbf those were always cesspits but I miss talking to other Arabs on Lemmy)
I’ll try to be the change I want to see. How about you?
There are some great communities of obsessive hobbyists here like [email protected], and if you throw a brick in any direction you’ll hit two Linux nerds, but reddit has /r/sysadmin and other infosec groups that have large numbers of industry professionals - and no amount of enthusiasm can substitute for real-world experience. I miss the conversation from people who spend time writing system security plans, reading NIST documentation for guidance, thinking about remote management for networks that support thousands of end users, and who have to actually deal with the cybersecurity incidents that get reported in the news.
You can contact L3s, the mod of [email protected] and ask to become a mod since the rest are completely inactive. Though i don’t know how you’d be able to consistently post nor the content that was on there, since i’m not a sysadmin :)
You can’t produce an actual community by wanting it, or by forcing it. Only time, and the effort of many people, can bring it into existence. It was a long time before reddit attracted professional communities. It will be a long time before it happens here, if ever.
Of course, but i was talking about you helping it be more active. Personally there were two pretty inactive communities i liked, that i had helped revive. It wasn’t just me of course and it was hard but it’s possible. Just a thought though.
None of the Japanese communities actually migrated over (for those living here, such as the finance one), which is sad. I’m still hoping they eventually do. Until then, unless law and taxes become much easier (try doing legalese in your non-native language that has thousands of characters and tons of Jargon), I still go there for that. Same with ALTTPR, unless it has some community I haven’t seen yet.
I think Polandball has never really taken off here, same with Lego :/
I just started posting to [email protected] yesterday, feel free to join!
C’est tragique. I never spent much around polandball, compball or that stuff but it was kinda nice seeing them every once in a while (even if i didn’t get them lmao) but the fact there is no lego community is insane.
The Polandball community on Reddit is really focused on the creators I don’t see them moving anywhere soon :(
There actually is a lego community [email protected] but it’s very slow with roughly 1 post per week. Certainly doesn’t scratch the itch
Writing prompts. It’s here, but it’s unpopulated. Tbf the Reddit one wasn’t super populated either, but that’s where I did a lot of my reading.
Yeah, it gets the occasional post, but responses are few, and tend to take a while to show up
Interesting, never heard of it. Though that content sounds like it takes effort which only a select couple of users would exert.
There was like, under 100 people who would write, but a lot of them were very good. I bought a couple of ebooks and read tens of thousands of pages of work from there.
The type of person commenting there ideally wants most eyes to see their work, so I think it could do well even with a small community of commenters, it used to be really fun when it was just everyone giving it a go and not professional authors who are bored.
Well both the mods of [email protected] and [email protected] are inactive, so if one of you were interested you could take up moderating it ;)
Not inactive, just not active active. There’s never anything to moderate, and I’m not prone to doing my writing on lemmy these days. Character limits make it somewhat annoying to fit things in. I favor longer fiction than I used to, particularly back on reddit. Since this account is exclusively for my pen name, and I’m a non entity, there’s not much call to interact with things.
But I passively use lemmy plenty, and read everything in the community.
I assumed since you haven’t interacted publicly for a year you were inactive, sorry.
Not a problem :)
Just wanted to check in on this: Would you be open to consolidating the activity on [email protected] onto [email protected]?
It would help shift the load from LemmyWorld to a more topic-appropriate instance. The instance admins are fine with adding you to the mod team.
Would you be open to consolidating the activity on [email protected] onto [email protected]?
@[email protected], @[email protected], would you be open to adding MaelGuerra to the mod team?
Yeah I’m totally fine with that if MaelGuerra is up for the transition!
if MaelGuerra is up for the transition
They are! Keep an eye out for a post or comment from them in [email protected] and add them to the mod team.
Sounds like a great opportunity to migrate a .world community to a more topical instance as well.
When I set it up, there was a bit of difficulty finding instances, or I would have picked one that’s less congested. There’s one at literature.cafe that gets some use as well.
isn’t character limit by instance? If that’s an issue an issue with it movings prob a good idea
Literature.cafe seems great for what it is so if someone would pick between them i think lc would be 100% the better choice.
3d communities like blender, vfx were active, I was getting back into webdesign (for local businesses freelancing) so wordpress was interesting (for the drama not helpful lol), comicbooks was wayyy more active there (I stopped reading when reddit permabanned me, i liked discussing with the ppl reccomending me stuff), fantasy for books, all the drug related ones, rave related ones, nootropics, supplements, etc. Adhd and adhdmemes there was good, thats okay here.
I dont miss any of the popular front page subreddits, browsing that right now was tedious
Ain’t that the truth, a lot of them partially moved here sadly but it’s easily blockable.
Niche communities for colonysims, or the communties for the games themselves, that was always divided between there and discord tho, any niche community in general, like valiant comics has a subreddit, robinhobb has one, the cosmere has one, etc.
Touchdesigner had a useful community there, davinci resolve, resolume, etc… ngl I reopened reddit for the firsr time in a few days just to check what I was missing, so im not missing it that much lol
Very nice. I’ve not much to say but: be the change you want to see ;) (or not, it’s your choice lol)
Yeah I just prefer to see posts and comments from ppl who know what they’re talking about, specialists, im a hobby hopper, I never get that far lol, I lose interest and generally never get past intermediate
It was very effective at keeping me interested in games, like being subbed to tenkaichi 4 is the only reason I remembered the game existed just now opening reddit
Yeah i missed game communities. I think i’m going to create kingdom come / ready or not comms here, though will there be a lot of users? Probably not.
Was also getting into dropshipping, reddit helped me remember my hobbies because I get distracted easily but it also constantly gave me new distractions, miss seeing flightsim stuff, hotas, etc. but it was all very repetitive and I dont play flight sims rnow. The indiedev, vrgaming, etc. subreddits were pretty active, ue and unity, all of those types of subs I like there. You constantly see the cool stuff people are working on, it’s motivating.
Sbcgaming is another good one, would’ve never known android/linux handhelds are so good now.
Tbf, most I use especially since I started ignoring news and politics… Chinese, Buddhism, art, yoga, poetry etc. Local city subreddit. Everything “humanities” is sparsely populated here even though I try my best to get the ball rolling. I still use reddit for some of this.
Thank you for your posts on [email protected] !
We have [email protected] to discuss community growing and posting
Thanks to you too for your hard work :) Already joined [email protected]!
You prompted me to go through and check what I was subscribed to on Reddit, so here goes:
Rubik’s cubes
- r/anarchycubing
- r/CubeModding
- r/cubepics
- r/Cubers
- r/Cubinggore
- r/NewCubes
- r/twistypuzzles
[email protected] exists, but it is pretty small, and there isn’t really a meme culture associated with it. Rubik’s cubes are very visual hobby, so perhaps this is being hampered by image hosting costs/restrictions? Personally, since I can’t post photos straight from my camera, so I haven’t bothered to post any images.
- r/AstraSpace
- r/DreamChaser
- r/fireflyspace
- r/JAXA
- r/NeutronDevelopment
- r/RelativitySpace
- r/RocketLab
- r/SierraNevadaCorp
- r/spacex
- r/SpaceXLounge
- r/StarshipDevelopment
- r/StokeSpace
- r/ula
For now, I think these topics can be adequately served by [email protected], [email protected], and [email protected].
- r/rocketlabmasterrace
- r/ShittySpaceXIdeas
- r/SpaceXMasterrace
- r/SueOrigin
- r/TEATEBMasterrace
We do have [email protected], but I’m keeping it on “life support” with Reddit content. I wish the Lemmy spaceflight userbase was large enough to support its own meme culture.
CGP Grey, Brady Haran, and Hello Internet podcast
- r/Bestagons
- r/bradyharanexplosions
- r/Flaggyflag
- r/HelloInternet
- r/HItrivia
- r/nailandgear
- r/PodcastPostcards
- r/T_HIP
I’ve made [email protected], but things have been pretty slow. It doesn’t help that the podcast hasn’t uploaded in five years XD
@[email protected] has made a nice home for [email protected]. (Psst, it’s time to swap out the pinned Cortex thread for the latest episode :)
- r/TeslaAutonomy
- r/teslacanada
- r/teslamotors
I think these are adequately served by [email protected] and [email protected]. (Thanks @[email protected] and @[email protected])
Lesser Musk Empire
- r/BoringCompany
- r/Neuralink
I’ve made [email protected], but haven’t had the time to grow it. For Neuralink, might a more general community for brain computer interfaces be viable on Lemmy? I’m thinking something like [email protected].
Board games
- r/Carcassonne
We had [email protected], but no replacement was created when feddit.de went down. Any instance recommendations?
Futuristic tech
- r/deextinction
- r/fusion
- r/ITER
- r/wheresthebeef
[email protected] and [email protected] exist, but they are pretty dead and I’d rather move off of ml where possible. I couldn’t find anything for deextinction or cultured meat.
@[email protected], any interest in growing communities for these on futurology.today?
Harry Potter
Closest thing is probably [email protected], but it is also being kept on life support with Reddit content.
- r/JellyBelly
Nothing whatsoever for this.
- r/JoeyForReddit
Somehow, my favourite 3rd-party app still works on my phone. I don’t know how, and I’m not going to ask questions. I am sad that u/codesForLiving hasn’t made a Lemmy app. Anyone know what they’re doing now or how to contact them?
- r/legoRockets
If the casual spaceflight and Lego userbase of Lemmy could be grown, this community would arise naturally :)
- r/Penderwicks
[email protected] would be the obvious choice, I just haven’t gotten around to creating it yet.
Niche committees for random movies, TV shows, games, or whatever form of entertainment. It was pretty cool having communities for The Crow, Hellraiser, iZombie, Xena, Due South (who here even knows Due South?) and basically just whatever the hell you can think of. Even specific bands, to throw music into the entertainment mix.
Fashion based communities like Alt Fashion, Goth Fashion etc. I think communities like that would thrive here because NSFW is kept pretty much separate from most instances, so it would help keep away the porn brain commenters and OnlyFans bots. Also things like hair and skincare style communities. You could find really niche shit like even communities for advice specific to hooded eyes.
Feminist slanted communities with active discussion. There are a couple of communities where probably the moderators are keeping the lights on by posting articles occasionally but beyond that, they’re ghost towns. I’m honestly surprised that more people from these sorts of online communities haven’t come here yet because Reddit in general likes to “both sides” this kind of conversation. While it seems generally more acceptable here to get off the fucking fence and walk around on the left hand side.
[email protected] is so quiet that I wouldn’t even try more niche style.
Similar for [email protected]
Niche committees for random movies, TV shows, games, or whatever form of entertainment
Besides the general ones like [email protected] and [email protected], there are a few like [email protected] . We keep a pinned post at the top of [email protected] , feel free to have a look.
Honestly, I think there’s two big barriers to this (same goes for the NSFW side of things, if I may say). No posting to your own profile and from what I can tell, a very inconsistent (or non-existent) system of being able to follow specific users. Reddit is much better equipped for people who are going to be posting pictures of themselves and maybe promoting themselves and gaining a following.
But I think also the other problem that also applies to things like skincare / health and niche entertainment communities is just that there’s not enough users around yet to make more niche subjects active. That I understand and can only hope changes over time.
We keep a pinned post at the top of [email protected]
Thanks, I have checked out that thread before. Seems to be a good place to check for any new specific communities that pop up or that I haven’t thought of. I think I need to add that community to my favourites and visit it more often because it seems like the best central place for now. Although of course I’m not watching everything as it comes out, so can’t promise I’ll be commenting on everything.
One for my model of car. One for native plants in my area
I would love a native plant community on general. What area are you interested in?
California / Western US. The reddit one is named r/ceanothus
Are [email protected] or [email protected] too broad?
Native plants doesn’t mean much if it just means native to the US. Theres a lot of weird stuff in CA, TX, and other regions found nowhere else, and a lot fewer plants that are found across regions. Ideally we’d have the users to have discussion about specifically CA-native plants but I’m not that passionate or knowledgeable enough to lead that effort.
True, in this case, it would actually be beneficial to eventually have multiple communities based on region, e.g. [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], etc.
Not sure if Lemmy quite has the numbers for that yet, though. Thoughts?
Tagging @[email protected]
I would probably put everything in the same community at first, then split when userbase is sufficient
The second one should probably closed
Have you tried [email protected] and [email protected] ?
There was a sub i think called r/daily3d that offered a daily prompt for users to create in 3d modeling software like blender. It became inactive years ago when the moderator who offered the prompts stepped down and set up a bot to come up with it instead. It was never huge, usually 10 entries a day at its peak, but that was a fun sub to check in on every so often. Some users were really good, and before the bot took over, the mod offered prompts that encouraged user interpretation and creativity.
r/morbidquestions. I don’t think it’s coming here any time soon as it’s a moderation hell and lemmy doesn’t seem very into morbid stuff.
Yeah, I started one here, told the folks on the discord about it, and nobody ever switched.
Mind you, I abandoned the sub a ways before reddit shit the bed in '23, but it had a warm and bloody place in my heart, and some of the people there were/are genuinely great folks.
Tbh, I think here moderation would be easy enough for now. Lemmy runs higher to people that actually read community rules. And, since there’s a lot less limits to what can be discussed overall, a small team could handle it as long as they aren’t all in the same time zone.
But, over on reddit, automod could handle most of it anyway. Throw in some keywords, set it to filter for mod review, and you’re good to go. Without that, if it got as big as the subreddit did, it could get to be a serious job.
I was actually wondering if you’re the same southsamurai from there. Your comments were always super detailed and informative. I also haven’t visited the sub in a while but it did have a culture of low/more chaotic moderation which I guess attracted similar users. Maybe we could do without that here.
That’s me :)
I always tried hard to be as accurate and honest as I could be without crossing lines. I still do, though it’s rare to run across stuff here that draws on the same set of experiences and reading that morbidquestions did.
The moderation actually improved a bit, imo. Reddit screwed up a lot of things, but they wiped out mods that had disappeared and got new ones in place that actively moderated. Or, that was my impression from conversations on discord and irl. I burnt out hard on the sub because of the spotty moderation, and then the api thing happened and I left reddit.
I still believe that forums like that are important. Not just as a safety valve for people, but to demystify some of the less pleasant subjects that people aren’t willing to talk about irl, and when they do, it’s hard to find good information. I’d love for a spot on lemmy to be active the way the sub was, and the way the discord sometimes is.
on reddit, automod could handle most of it anyway. Throw in some keywords, set it to filter for mod review, and you’re good to go
Lemmy definitely needs some more mod tools like this, and I’m surprised that there still aren’t. Has no one made anything like this yet?
I think there’s a bot that does some of it, but none of the communities I’m a moderator on have ever needed moderation. Lemmy is not prone to the level of malicious bullshit reddit was/is in smaller communities. So I’ve never looked into what’s available.
But it would be something external for sure, because the functionality isn’t built into lemmy, and I don’t think the folks doing the development want to have it built in.
I don’t think the folks doing the development want to have it built in
Huh, that seems a bit odd. Why would that be? Seems like mod tools will be increasingly needed as Lemmy grows.
It’s more that it’s low on their priority list
The current tools probably work good enough for them if they just need to instance-ban people 😅
if they just need to instance-ban people
“When all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail.”
I think Lemmy could benefit from some more… nuanced mod tools.
Like blaze said it’s priorities. Small team by necessity, so you have to pick your projects.
Stability and reliability trump everything else. As long as lemmy has been around at this point, it’s still really early in development, or that’s what I’ve heard developers say. I don’t have the skills to say anything in that regard. So they put their time and effort into what they consider most important.
And I can see where more mod tools is lower on the list compared to things like database management and such. Basic functionality is there, and the user base is not so big that they can’t get the job done. It would sure be nice though
Lemmy is very poor in gay communities. There are some, but very inactive.
Strange, you’d think blahaj zone, despite mainly being trans would have some communities for gays and lesbians.
You might want to chime in on this post: https://old.reddit.com/r/gaymers/comments/1ik8z9f/discussion_has_rgaymers_ever_considered/
I miss tankporn, there aren’t enough images of vehicles that can kill me in my Lemmy feed.
I miss there being a lot more Swedes around in the Swedish community. There’s >100k+ on Reddit, [email protected] has far less active users and a large chunk of the posts are from me.
I feel like it’s quite common for smaller countries to be honest. What is the stance of the subreddit mods about promoting it? I’ve had bad experiences in the past about trying to promote Lemmy on geodefault subs.
I wouldn’t know, as I haven’t logged in to Reddit since 2023.
I think I may have posted something about it around July when the API changes were announced, but that was probably too early for anyone to care.
- SlayTheSpire
- Permaculture
- NativePlantGardening
- StableDiffusion
Niche communities, of course
Thanks, I appreciate the effort! I actually have the top comment on the most recent post in the gardening ‘sublemmit’ lol
As for StableDiffusion, ai image/video gen is quickly changing field so it kind of needs a big group of enthusiasts to keep up to date on new projects and developments
[email protected] (active)
[email protected] (dormant)
[email protected] (dormant)
[email protected] (active)
These are small, but they exist.