If I was DMing that game I wouldn’t argue, but every other NPC they encountered would say “Wow tall guy! You must be good at picking apples!” until they decided they needed to do a reincarnation to get away from it.
So many side quests where you have to get something off the top shelf for someone!
“Oh brave adventurers, I’m so glad you’re here! I have a special mission for one of your party. If you meet me in this warehouse I will be sure to reward you handsomely…”
“Would you please get that crate down for me?”
To be fair I don’t know if you exist
Don’t tell him about the NBA
Clearly you’re a half-giant
Not the part of me that boys are interested in :(
Your wit?
Guys afraid/insecure likely, guys not interested unlikely. True regardless of gender.
Better restore your humanity then