I will always choose the handicap stall because I like the space between myself and the next stall. It seems like the US bathroom system encourages games of battle shits and I’m not willing to play. I’ve only had one instance where I walked out and a person who actually needed it was waiting. I felt terrible, but it was only once out of hundreds. Does anyone else do this?

  • @motor_spirit
    441 month ago

    Duh. They’re handicapped ACCESSIBLE, not reserved

  • @floppy_kitty
    371 month ago

    This may be unpopular, but the stalls are handicap accessible, not reserved.

    I do try to be considerate. I keep time short and at work, where I am aware of where people who would have a greater need than I are located, then I go to the restroom they’re least likely to use.

  • @[email protected]
    161 month ago

    if the other ones are nasty dirty. sure. or if it’s the only one available.

    but given a choice of equally-suitable poop receptacles, i’d choose the ‘regular’ one–especially if it sits lower than ada height

  • @jordanlund
    141 month ago

    Well, yeah, but I’m in a wheelchair sooo…

  • snooggums
    131 month ago

    Yes, for my own physical needs.

    The default stall is frequently so small that I tend to get my back twisted or smacking a knee on the bowel trying to navigate the inward opening door that almost hits the toilet in a stall barely wider than my shoulders. I’m not even a big person, extremely average. But normal stalls in the US are built like airplane seats.

    Work stalls are a little bigger than businesses so I use the regular ones there.

    So yes, if the normal stall is tiny I use the big one and that is generally the case. In all my decades I only held up someone who needed it once, but was in there because the other stalls were taken.

    • AmidFuror
      121 month ago

      I’m trying to picture the contortions you have to go through to smack your knee on your bowel.

      • snooggums
        31 month ago

        When the space is limited enough, I frequently have to be as close to the side as possible (yellow) for the door (purple) to swing shut (blue). Trying not to lean on the gross wall covered in pee splash means doing a little shuffle trying to turn so I can close the stupid door and bending a knee means it has to go somewhere. Since my back is towards the wall, that means knee goes forward.

        Being clumsy means sometimes I move a little too far and hello hard porcelain, here I come. It isn’t an issue if the stall isn’t so tiny that the door is almost hitting the toilet. But so many of them are that tiny.

  • @WoolyNelson
    1 month ago

    I do, but I’m handicapped.

    ETA: I don’t really care if a non-handicapped person uses it.

  • @False
    101 month ago

    I usually go for the non-accessible one first, but if that one is occupied or dirty or something I readily use the handicap accessible one.

  • toomanypancakes
    71 month ago

    My peeing experience is not tangibly improved by more leg room, there’s plenty in regular stalls.

  • Majorllama
    61 month ago

    I only use the handicap stall if all the others are already occupied and I am literally about to shit myself. Otherwise I’ll just wait for a normal stall. I don’t wanna be the reason someone with a wheelchair couldn’t get a stall in time and shat themselves.

  • @Limonene
    51 month ago

    I use it often, and have never walked out to someone waiting for it. If I did, I wouldn’t feel bad, because I take like 1 minute to poop.

  • @[email protected]
    21 month ago

    It’s a morality choice for me. People who need a handicapped spot should not be inconvenienced by me ever. I don’t care how far out I have to walk or how quick I plan to stop, I will never take up those spaces. At work I drive a truck with EX plates and I don’t even park that in the handicapped stalls. There is no justification.

    • @[email protected]
      71 month ago

      He’s talking about basically bathroom stalls, not parking spots. No one should use the parking spots if they didn’t need them and there are even fines for doing so. Bathroom stalls are a little more ambiguous.

      • @[email protected]
        21 month ago

        Ooooooooh I’m an idiot. Also the stall closest to the entrance is usually cleanest because fewer people use it.

        • @[email protected]
          226 days ago

          Ha, good call on the closest stall, I’ll have to keep that in mind. That said, i will use the accessible stall if all others are taken, since i wouldn’t necessarily use a public restroom if it weren’t at least moderately urgent.

          • @[email protected]
            26 days ago

            I’ve been fortunate enough to have had to poop in a lot of places, so if it’s not totally scuzzy I’ll happily put down one of the free cowboy hats and go to town.

  • @saltesc
    1 month ago

    Of course. Plenty of bathrooms are only disability accessible by default these days and I won’t go shit in the garden because I couldn’t find one that wasn’t.