
Frustrated by Democratic leaders’ failure to counter Donald Trump’s swift policy changes, grassroots liberals are pushing for a Tea Party-style insurgency within their party.

Anger is mounting over leadership’s lack of urgency, ineffective messaging, and perceived disconnect from voters.

Activists and strategists argue Democrats must shift from defending institutions to telling human-centered stories that resonate emotionally.

Some are calling for primary challenges and new leadership to counter Trump’s influence. Reform efforts are already underway, as progressives seek a more aggressive and responsive Democratic Party.

    1 month ago

    People seem to think that what’s happening in the US is just a worse version of the same old cycle. It’s not. There’s a reason Trump is demonizing the democratic allies who call out fascism while praising fascist leaders. There’s a reason he has a problem with voter statistics being anything other than those you would get in dictatorships. There’s a reason he’s suggested that people wouldn’t have to worry about future elections and has passed around the idea of a third term. There’s a reason he’s replacing everyone in government, specially those that will oversee the next elections, with loyalists. There’s a reason he’s pushing people who would be extremely unfit for their positions where it not for their loyalty to him. There’s a reason he’s demonizing any world order that has come from diplomacy, open borders, free speech, and open dialogue. This won’t switch back next election, because by next election your “democracy” will be dead, replaced with a mockery for show as the US becomes increasingly fascist.

    Your federal government is no longer the government you pledged to. If you take out all the parts of the ship of Theseus, throw them into the garbage, and build a monument to yourself with completely new parts, it is not the ship of Theseus. Your federal government has more debt than any individual state does. In the EU, the UK was free to leave, but in the US, you’ve been indoctrinated that you must remain united even when what you were remaining united to no longer remains what it was. If you still want to remain a “one Nation under God, indivisible” you are choosing to ignore the “I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands” of the pledge, and you are also choosing to ignore "Thou shalt have no other gods before me. The south starts civil wars to protect the slavery that profits the oligarchs while the north plays submissive while the whole country shifts to fascism. How could the United States of America not be doomed?

    Yes, other countries want there to be division within the US. But you know what they want even more? To have their pawn in the presidency. Don’t try to avoid losing a battle to end up losing the war. While the new oligarchs are pledging themselves to Project 2025 for the Dark Enlightenment to extend their influence internationally while they pen us up in our borders, Trump has been promised to become the fascist dictator of a Russianesque faux democracy, and Trump doesn’t mind how shit it gets for everyone else as long as he gets to be its king.

      1 month ago

      People seem to think that what’s happening in the US is just a worse version of the same old cycle.

      At first I thought you meant the historical cycle of dictatorships and was confused because “Well, isn’t it?” But you meant the cycle of Republican-Democrat-Republican-Democrat. Yeah, that’s done. Voters voted democracy out.