A great deal of thinking happens in Menzoberranzan, the drow are quite known for it. After all, paranoia does tend to induce a lot of thinking.
Doing repetitive physical labor has always helped me solve problems. Mowing the lawn or splitting wood or digging a hole is very meditative.
I’m suspicious of any elves in tunnels. Dwarves are a reasonable subterranean sort, though.
The elves aren’t in the tunnel. The tunnel allows him to exist in several dimensions at once and one of them has elves in it.
Ie they’re in his head.
Of course it is happening inside your head, Harry, but why on earth should that mean that it is not real?
— Albus Dumbledore
(I refuse to attribute the author as I feel they’re not the same person anymore, so I attribute the quote to who said it in the story. She’s become Voldemort.)
I see you’re having a hard day’s work at the racism factory. While you’re at it, how do you feel about gnomes?
Darling children with fun little toys.
Funny how i can relate to this. When i still played Minecraft, i dug a monstrous basement with stone picks. This was something i could do without thinking, while actively contemplating other problems.
I would not describe it as elves speaking to me, though.
Taking your mind away from the clutter of a complex task and doing something simple, physical, and tactile can really help break “writer’s block” and move you forward.
Cray was the first homelabber.
Dude indeed saw a lot of cray
I can see it, though - exercise can be great for thinking, paradoxically (it’s a paradox because many people exercise to NOT think).
I’m going with LSD
LSD doesn’t reach the elves, you need DMT.
Smoking DMT at the peak of an LSD trip - Terence McKenna
That’s actually just a fun anecdote of doing both but here’s comparison
Terence mckenna - Comparison of DMT To Psilocybin And LSD, A Secret Which Keeps It Self
Because I strongly feel they’re using “elves” in pretty much the exact same context that McKenna uses it.
I have heard that there’s no sound when you live underground.
Naw, you can hear when someone flushes in the upstairs bathroom.
So how’s that tiktok tunnel gal doing?