
A Missouri Republican lawmaker proposed a bill to create a registry of pregnant women “at risk” of abortion and another for prospective adoptive parents.

The bill claims to reduce abortions by facilitating adoptions, though it lacks a clear definition of “at risk.”

Critics warn it could expand government tracking of pregnancies, echoing broader anti-abortion surveillance efforts.

Missouri remains a key battleground over abortion, with legal challenges to the state’s near-total ban ongoing.

  • @DekesEnormous
    11 hours ago

    The Fascist’s name is Gerad Harms.

    Edit: The Fascist who brought this to the floor is Phil Amato the representative for Arnold, MO

    His last name is fitting.

  • @El_guapazo
    6221 hours ago

    How about a gun registry for people likely to shoot someone?

  • teft
    2721 hours ago

    Who wants to bet “at risk” means poor?

      • @jaybone
        217 hours ago

        What I don’t get though, if they want to deport colored people, why not abort them as well?

  • Optional
    1319 hours ago


    Just say republican, for god’s sake.

  • frustrated_phagocytosis
    819 hours ago

    God kills babies all the time, so all pregnant people would have to go on the list. Then all the less desired parents would be coerced into adoption by Christian white people to churn out more bigots and Republicans. As is tradition.

  • @x00z
    519 hours ago

    If only it were for a good cause.

    Abortion should be legal, period.

    There are many better solutions to try and stop abortion without taking away freedoms: Free condoms and birth control, better sex education, better state-sponsored child support, baby deposit boxes, stopping the dehumanization of women who don’t consider themselves reliable mothers, etc.

    If you just fight the problem instead of the stuff that is causing the problem, you’re just a bad leader.

  • @einlander
    319 hours ago

    Sounds like a death registry. The majority on that list will probably die.