I run three BlueSky bots based on Perchance that rely on the rss feed outputing. Since I edited two of the generators today the feed stopped updating and is stuck in the “This is a placeholder. You may need to wait up to 5 minutes for the first actual generated result to arrive” message, for many hours now. The one generator I didn’t edit is working fine with the feed. It never took hours for the feed to update after editing and saving the generator.
Is there any problems on the side of Perchance or Glitch?
Thank you.
I now tried to create a DIY Perchance API on my Glitch account (to replace the feed) and it is unable to load new generators besides the animal-sentence; I get a 503 Request timedout. Might be a related problem?
@[email protected] pinging dev.
To clarify: it uses the botOutput list and the “https:// perchance-rss-feeds.glitch. me/[generator]” url