Now take out the jesusland completely and you got yourself a deal.
You got my curiosity at the second largest GDP but you got my attention at being unbeatable at curling.
Would live in the dongers 👍
As a Wisconsin resident, I approve.
If you split Texas up into multiple states, you could probably add a crescent of blue from California to New Orleans.
Please take Texas and fix it. We have oil, send freedom.
Hey mang, y’all ok with letting Colorado join in too? I’m pretty sure we could get Blowbert cast out to Jesusland.
Approve this soon pls
Whisper of a dream
Where’s Maximus when we need him?
I guess I’m moving back to Michigan.
Guess I won’t leave then.
As a resident of Wa state, I approve this message.
The meltdown of Idastan having to pass through check points would be hilarious. A lot on the border also come over here for health care. Especially with their women’s health care system imploding.
O god. I really hope this is happening
I bet it’s more likely we see a west coast nation of Cascadia than a merger into Canada.