Vacation would be so nice right now… trying to hoard my PTO to cover my ass in case of bullshit (it pays out if i leave my job). I just want to not think for like, a week. Clean my apartment. Sleep. Un-fuck my sleep schedule a bit. Spend a day actually just gaming instead of gaming + intermittent chores. Read the books for The Expanse that have been sitting on a shelf since i got them like a year ago.
Its not a lot to fuckin ask for in life, right?
Have you considered the hardship that this would cause your owner? Their 2nd mistress needs her apartment furnished and the jet fuel doesn’t buy itself…
Ah yes and while I am unable to pay my bills while in inpatient I will be evicted from my apartment and all my possessions will be sold or dumped by my landlord.
Oh yeah and don’t forget the massive bill for the grippy sock staycation.
I’ll feel so much better when I’m out!
I think you may have misunderstood - this is not advocating for or against inpatient mental health, this is just a dumb alternative term for having a day off to take care of yourself (largely because the classic “grippy sock vacation” is prohibitive in SO many ways, especially in the US)
I did misunderstand, that’s fair.