• @JackDark
    22 days ago

    Immortals Fenyx Rising

    I would never think to describe that game as Zelda-like. Because you can climb things?? Why not call it Assassin’s Creed-like at that point?

    • @Uruanna
      1 day ago

      It came out riding the tail of Breath of the Wild (after a few years of development hell and design changes) and everybody’s immediate reaction to it at the time was Assassin’s Creed but BotW because it did look a lot like it and had a lot of Zelda-like puzzles that AC didn’t have. Games taking the BotW look were on the rise in that period, like Genshin Impact, the inspiration was very obvious. Today, we want to go back to thinking about Zelda as its classic period rather than just BotW/TotK.

      • @JackDark
        21 day ago

        Honestly, I forgot about the puzzles in Fenix Rising. All I can remember was Zeus not shutting the fuck up. Apparently they eventually released an update that allows you to tune that down. Honestly, it wasn’t a bad game. It wasn’t a great game either.