The female member of New Radicals is Danielle Brisebois who, about a decade earlier was added to the cast of All in the Family as the kid meant to shake up the show’s status quo and maybe reignite its popularity (the “Poochie”, if you will). It unfortunately didn’t work and the show was ended just a season or two later, but was spun off into the show Archie Bunker’s Place which she was also part of. The spinoff lasted a surprising four seasons.
To me this is the most 90s song there is. It’s so hopeful and happy.
Shopping Mall ☑
Fake guitar solo ☑
Fade out ☑
Peak 90s ☑
A lot of 90s alt rock and grunge was a backlash to virtuoso guitar bands of the 80s and any solo was as simple as possible.
Kurt wished he could write a 1 note solo like this.
Fake is the wrong word, IMO. People like Kurt were extremely creative and expressive without 240bpm notes like the 80s.
I believe he explicitly called them fake but I can’t recall exactly when I picked up the term so could be totally wrong as usual
This song needs to be remembered. Will be gospel the same level as CSNY/Joni Mitchel Woodstock is/eventually.