What’s it like walking around with a dick that big?
X to doubt
Why is this not an AMA?
Seriously impressive stuff here.
Pics or GTFO
Not to be “that guy” but I’ve never understand this issue. A usb has two distinguished sides that look different from one another one side goes plug in top up and vice versa
Try plugging a USB in without looking at the device first. That’s what most people do.
Looks like you never used any usb devices. /s
Yeah, and most of the time, the usb ports are designed to the same orientation too.
What can be asserted without evidence can also be dismissed without evidence.
Given the improbability of plugging it in on the first try, I’m going to need to see some proof.
Even when it’s first hand knowledge, I don’t believe it. I plug in the usb plug. I pull it out reflexively. I try again, it doesn’t go in, I confuse, I turn I try again, fail, I turn back, is ok.
Probably could have used the gru plan meme there somehow
That’s nothing, I tried to plug a USB-C in the other day and failed.
DULL mens club…
Get that exciting once-in-a-lifetime shit out of this sub
Whoa there. That’s too much excitement for this comm.
The Chosen One!
We need to make a throne … like the Iron Throne from Game of Thrones … but made out of USB cables
Probability for that is 1:3, because usually it’s “doesn’t fit” *flip* “doesn’t fit” *flip* “fits” .
Why you lying?
No one has ever lied on the internet eyes rolling at the speed of light
My eyes can only see at the speed of light sadly.
It was ‘this 🐟 big!’
What? Impossible!