Stolen from mastodon

Their caption “look, it’s all my favorite streaming services on one platform!” Is probably better than mine lol

  • @SkunkWorkz
    235 minutes ago

    Alldebrid + Kodi/Stremio

    Gives you the convenience of streaming an app with the massive catalog you get from pirating.

    • CrisOP
      55 hours ago

      What is Usenet? (Obviously don’t feel obligated to answer)

          • @[email protected]
            52 hours ago

            It was only a better place when access was gatekept by universities and research institutes. Once the general public was allowed in, carpetbaggers from Florida (the same sorts who would get into crypto a generation later) realised that you could flood the discussion forums the trusting natives had built with spam for no cost, and if even one person out of millions took the bait, you’d come out on top. It became a blasted wasteland soon after that, with people retreating to mailing lists.

      • @[email protected]
        34 hours ago

        tl;dr: You download files from a server you pay to access. Faster and more secure (assuming you trust the server host).

        I use Eweka and NZBGeek as my indexer. If you don’t have access to fancy private torrent networks then this is a much less painful experience than having to navigate torrent sites these days. Combine with *aar and life is pretty sweet.

    • Pandasdontfly
      35 hours ago

      Kinda? Kind of bad for anything that’s new though but anything that’s older than the last decade it is amazing.

      • CronyAkatsuki
        54 hours ago

        What? I’m in 3 private torrent trackers, and have usenet also and 90% of stuff I grab with *arr software are from usenet, even stuff that’s new/releasing rn have best releases on usenet.

        Only way torrent is better is if you get into those super private trackers but otherwise usenet is still better in my case.

        • Pandasdontfly
          14 hours ago

          Maybe I’m just looking in the wrong places but anytime I try to look for anything that came out recently at all it doesn’t exist usually takes a minute.

  • @hOrni
    44 hours ago

    Those would make cool t-shirts .

    • @justsomeguy
      54 hours ago

      While there, pick up some books. I stumbled into my library 2 years ago and picked some books up. Got sucked into exzessive smartphone use before that and could barely read more than 10 minutes without getting restless or sleepy. Took a while to recondition myself to just sitting in a chair and reading but it‘s so much better than endless scrolling.

      Fuck the endless barrage of subscription services. Imma just sit in me chair, read me book and torrent the occasional movie.

  • Engywuck
    45 hours ago

    TorrAppleTV is fine as well (as much I despise everything Apple).

    • @JohnScig
      44 hours ago

      All kidding aside, AppleTV os the goat. Very little slop (unlike netflix), varied content (unlike Amazon), no endless pointless sequels and spinoffs (unlike Disney+). I hate apple, but credit where it’s due, AppleTV rules.