I have a community-based website and I’d like to add a text and video-chat feature to it. I’d like it to be text-first and video second, so you don’t have to be streaming to be in the room and for the main part, to be text. Everything I find is video-only. I can host the video streaming data myself.

  • Foster Hangdaan
    22 days ago

    You can try out Peer Calls. It’s a peer-to-peer video and text chat that uses WebRTC, and is very lightweight. You can either use the flagship instance or self-host your own. One of the disadvantages is that text messages are not stored and are lost when the chat room is closed.

  • @TomAwezome
    23 days ago

    IRC could work as a backend for text chat, Twitch based their chat system on that and heavily modified things. Jitsi, or Jami support video out of the box. Could probably also roll your own with XMPP and WebRTC

    • @[email protected]OP
      13 days ago

      As much as I love IRC, it’s a terribly insecure platform and I’m trying to avoid rolling my own if I can help it, but yeah WebRTC support would be necessary. Do Jitsi support text now, it’s always appeared video first to me?

  • @solrize
    12 days ago

    I’ve used nextcloud for this but it’s not great. I’m sure there are better alternatives.

    • @[email protected]OP
      03 days ago


      It seems extremely convulated and offers far more features than just video-chat?