I’d just like to point out that this picture is particularly impressive.

You are not supposed to touch the Crown Prince in any circumstances.

Seeing him embrace Zelensky speaks volumes.

  • @[email protected]
    339 hours ago

    Just to make sure I got the right Arabic prince here, that’s the guy who ordered Khashoggi’s death, right?

    I’m not above realpolitik, if his interests actually align with supporting Ukraine I’m happy to hear it.

  • @cosmicrookie
    12417 hours ago

    Lets see Trump ask the Crown Prince if he even owns a suit…

  • Optional
    5015 hours ago

    I don’t like MBS but if they help Ukraine, I’m all for it.

  • Zier
    3416 hours ago

    Interesting. I thought he was with putin & trump. It would be nice if they help Ukraine though.

    • @[email protected]
      27 hours ago

      The Saudis are on their own side mainly and still aligned with the USA. Their rival in the region is Iran first and foremost. So Russia is not their friend.

    • oce 🐆
      4416 hours ago

      MBS wants to increase the diplomatic footprint of SA. It is likely they want to be the ones that facilitated a cease fire in Ukraine, rather than defend a democracy against imperialism.

      • @soycapitan451
        612 hours ago

        At the very least, this is a wonderful photo op for MBS, regardless of outcome.

    • Brave Little Hitachi Wand
      1516 hours ago

      Honestly yeah that was my take too. I would be shaking like a shitting dog if I was Zelensky going to meet MBS. The stones on that guy.

  • fxomt
    16 hours ago

    Why is zelensky talking to scum like him? This fuck should never be accepted anywhere.

    Fuck MBS. This is disappointing to see. (Unless i am missing something, i haven’t been keeping track with news up to late)

    • @UnderpantsWeevil
      219 hours ago

      Why is zelensky talking to scum like him?

      Same reason he was sitting across from JD Vance and Trump to begin with. Any port in a storm.

      Fuck MBS. This is disappointing to see.

      Its a predictable response when you recognize that the Saudis are largely an extension of western hegemony in the region. I wouldn’t be surprsied if someone like Rex Tillerson or Liz Cheney brokered the meeting.

    • @teamevil
      9816 hours ago

      The US turned heel on Ukraine and Zelensky needs support to beat the Nazis.

      • fxomt
        2815 hours ago

        Thanks for the explanation. This is severely disappointing to see, but it’s a necessary evil. :/

        • @[email protected]
          13 hours ago

          Wasnt their main role as a mediator for negotiations? I think yall are overreacting a bit.

          From the mod linked AP article:

          Zelenskyy met with the kingdom’s powerful crown prince Monday evening, with the president saying they “had a detailed discussion on the steps and conditions needed to end the war and secure a reliable and lasting peace.”

          “Saudi Arabia provides a crucial platform for diplomacy, and we appreciate this,” Zelenskyy said online.

    • @[email protected]
      1015 hours ago

      Saudi Arabia is an important nation not only because of oil but also because of Mecca and Medina’s importance to Islam.

      I have no idea why you would think a nation shouldn’t attempt to have congenial relations with another nation especially if that nation needs support from others.

      • fxomt
        3315 hours ago

        MBS is a butcher, he should be shunned. This is a necessary evil, but is still disappointing.

        • @UnderpantsWeevil
          39 hours ago

          The region is full of butchers. MBS just happens to be a close ally to the neoconservative CIA/State Department old guard. Of course he’s going to be a touchpoint for a proxy war with their age old geopolitical enemy. Its the same reason Putin has reached out to Iran and North Korea.

        • @[email protected]
          1014 hours ago

          Idealism has little place in foreign relations once you have to deal with the real world. We have to ally ourselves with people we find distasteful because our nations need to be tied for various reasons. It is childish to think your personal feelings about a national leader should impact your nation’s diplomatic relations.

          • fxomt
            1514 hours ago

            As i said, this is a necessary evil. That does not change reality. MBS is a brutal dictator with an iron fist over the whole middle east, and he is a murderer. I think all countries should be moving away from saudi arabia, not closer to it.

            • @[email protected]
              -1013 hours ago

              “That does not change reality. MBS is a brutal dictator with an iron fist over the whole middle east.”

              That is not true. He is the Prime Minister of KSA. He is the presumptive leader but is not on paper the reigning monarch. KSA does not have an iron fist over other Middle Eastern nations as some have little to do with KSA and others are too powerful themselves to kowtow to KSA such as Egypt or Israel.

              “I think all countries should be moving away from saudi arabia, not closer to it.”

              And I have already mentioned why this is unrealistic and childish. When you have to face these situations IRL you don’t have the option to avoid dealing with people you find distasteful.

      • @[email protected]
        911 hours ago

        Saudi Arabia is not exactly popular among Muslim people around the world. In particular with them embracing US influence, funding Daesh and other murderous groups and of course supporting Israel in its oppression and mass murder of Palestinians, MBS has a very bad reputation.

        • @[email protected]
          -311 hours ago

          Source on the Saudi government funding DAESH? That claim makes little sense as like Al Qaeda DAESH wishes to overthrow the Saudi state.

          • @[email protected]
            10 hours ago


            Website The Daily Beast in June 2014 accused wealthy donors in Saudi Arabia and Qatar of having funded IS in the past.[45][46] Iran and Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki have accused the governments of Saudi Arabia and Qatar of funding the group.[47][45][48] Ahead of the pro-Iraq, anti-IS conference held in Paris on 15 September 2014, France’s foreign minister acknowledged that a number of countries at the table had “very probably” financed IS’s advances.[49] According to The Atlantic, IS may have been a major part of Saudi Arabian Bandar bin Sultan’s covert-ops strategy in Syria.[50]

            See https://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2014/06/isis-saudi-arabia-iraq-syria-bandar/373181/ for the Citation 50

            Also see https://www.channel4.com/news/factcheck/factcheck-qa-is-saudi-arabia-funding-isis for an overview of various US internal documents where the US government itself accused Saudi Arabia of funding Daesh at least in the beginning.

            Perhaps the most powerful indication of Saudi’s financial links with ISIS can be seen in the cache of emails leaked from the office of Hillary Clinton, who was US Secretary of State from 2009 to 2013.

            The messages, published by Wikileaks, contain an unambiguous statement by her campaign chairman, John Podesta:

            “We need to use our diplomatic and more traditional intelligence assets to bring pressure on the governments of Qatar and Saudi Arabia, which are providing clandestine financial and logistic support to ISIL and other radical Sunni groups in the region.”

            This wasn’t the first time US officials had made this claim. In 2009, Wikileaks published diplomatic cables from the US State Department which spelt out the same concerns.

            “Donors in Saudi Arabia constitute the most significant source of funding to Sunni terrorist groups worldwide,” the documents said. “While the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) takes seriously the threat of terrorism within Saudi Arabia, it has been an ongoing challenge to persuade Saudi officials to treat terrorist financing emanating from Saudi Arabia as a strategic priority …

            “More needs to be done since Saudi Arabia remains a critical financial support base for al-Qaeda, the Taliban, LeT, and other terrorist groups, including Hamas, which probably raise millions of dollars annually from Saudi sources.”

            • @[email protected]
              08 hours ago

              Your primary source which you draw other sources from is 7 years old and wikipedia thinks it needs to be edited/fixed.

              Only one of your sources talk about the government financing ISIS. The rest talk about Saudi people not the government. There is a huge difference from what the guy who is 6098th in line for the throne supports (the House of Saud is 12-15000 people so this isn’t a flippant comment), what a non-royal business guy supports and what the guy in charge supports. Only the guy in charge’s support is relevant to my request.

              So your best source is an email link that Im not sure we still believe is true.