If Elon Musk himself purchased a Cybertruck for you, what would you do with it? In what way would you deviously decorate it? The more spiteful the better!

  • @vapeloki
    51 day ago

    There is a lot of stainless steel,i can use that.

    And the batteries are nice toys.

    Throw the other garbage in the bin, I mean, elons back garden

  • @9tr6gyp3
    423 hours ago

    Since a gift is taxable, I would sell it for the amount i would be taxed for it + $1. That way it sells at a low price and some other idiot doesn’t give elon money for a new one.

    • @TodaviaTylerOP
      323 hours ago

      Would 100 people reselling it for $1 somehow affect overall sales? At the least it could skew sales statistics and maybe affect stock prices? I digress, that’s all beyond my knowledge.

      • @9tr6gyp3
        323 hours ago

        It would mean 100 less cybertrucks on the road. Im sure that would have a small impact, but an impact nonetheless.