In some ways maybe but the fact there is enough space for everyone and people don’t have to fight for it kinda defeats the most interesting aspects of Place if you ask me.
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Council isn’t the word I’d choose,but I feel you. Maybe “united canvas admins,” to show emphasize the federated nature?
I strongly disagree. When everybody has a space and opportunity to draw is when it’s the most fun :)
Otherwise, it just turns into a toxic and unpleasant experience
Right? It’s a collaborative art piece, not a battleground!
I didn’t even know it was a thing
Most interesting, yes, but it’s mostly big sub bullying small sub, so this one is staying closer to the concept.
I’m gonna be honest here: It’s not.
This is like someone posting “homemade is so much better than eating out” and then they post a picture of a pickles, spam and mayo sandwich.
I mean sure, homemade can be better, but what you just posted isn’t. I’m sure you like it, though. But it doesn’t have general appeal at all.
Look, there’s a reason most of the canvas is blank.
But you probably like the lack of activity.
So enjoy it, I guess.
All occurrences of Reddit place after the first were heavily botted. The first one was the best one IMO.
I think this speaks to a general difference between Reddit and Lemmy that we’ve all experienced: on Reddit, you can participate with a massive community, but your voice will likely be drowned out by everyone else plus all the bots. On Lemmy, you have to engage with a smaller community, but you can be sure your voice will be heard in that community.
With Reddit place, you probably couldn’t point to the finished product and say “that pixel right there is one I placed” unless you were exceptionally lucky. With canvas, you absolutely can, but as you rightly pointed out the work itself is less impressive looking.
The first one was botted as well near the end. I know because I wrote a tool to do it in about an hour using my private bot farm I had been building for years. I never gave it to anyone else because it was sloppy and integrated with the bot creation tools I had, and that would have revealed all of the tricks I used to create and protect the bot horde. But I used it myself, and I assume I was far from the only one with the same idea.
The interesting thing is that reddit basically condoned it. They are usually pretty decent at detecting bots if you don’t take measures to make them look human, but with place (at least the first time) they seemed to intentionally have that functionality disabled. I kind of assumed that they doing it specifically as a bit detection scheme, but they never cleaned house afterwards like I expected.
Reddit actively encouraged bots and automation during the original r/place: API should be generally open and transparent so the reddit community can build on it (bots, extensions, data collection, external visualizations, etc) if they choose to do so.
Yeah - one of the great things about place was the sheer scale of the community. If you have a broad range of even pretty obscure interests, there was a chance you could find most of them on there burried away. In the previous few iterations, I must’ve helped like twelve different little things ranging from super well known video game murals to tiny little pixel art for obscure Japanese artists.
In the '22 place, I helped lead a team to make a tiny 15×15 thing for our favourite kinda forgotten character from a game and it was an uphill battle but it was memorable. Here? That tiny 225 pixel face is the only rep for genshin impact and I miss the fun of planning something because it’s just me. Sure I could make something big (and I have expanded it to include other characters) by myself…but like, I want to make stuff for other groups and fandoms too, and I’m the only person who’ll do it.
Don’t get me wrong, the canvas is fun and it’s not really the hoster’s fault, but it’s missing the collaboration part
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Tldr: ‘better’ is subjective
Shhh. Just let people enjoy things.
Btw, have you checked canvas recently?
I can imagine some humble pie needs to be consumed.
You’re missing the point entirely 😀
The title being sarcastic?
Ew, crypto.
I don’t see the need to mention reddit. It’s like saying my current bf is better than my ex while spying on the ex.
Have a closure. Move on.
Right? If there’s one thing that I dislike about lemmy, it’s how often they mention reddit. Just stop, it’s getting annoying
i mean… to deny the similarities in the platform is kinda ridiculous… i’d go so far as to say that lemmy/kbin probably wouldn’t have the format it does without reddit being like it is. there’s a direct relationship, whether we like it or not
100% agree. Who cares if it’s “better” than Reddit (what does that even mean)? Saying that just sounds childish.
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so much better
I see you’ve cropped out the gigantic bronie mural in the center
In the center and every corner and also all the other places
This is a bit too forced imo
Wait theres a lemmy place?
Can someone link
My first thought when I saw that was “I’m home, I’ve found my place”. Man I just love lemmy and its community
Long live Lemmy!
Holy shit since when did whe got this? why am i learning of this just now? And how do i participate?
There is also a community for it :)
We have the blue corner we have the OSU logo, we have the German flag, and we have the crewmates. This feels complete, yes.
Nah, something is missing.
I don’t see a “connection timed out” corner. I don’t see a Windows taskbar. I don’t see people replicating Bad Apple. It feels wrong to not have these.
There is a Bad Apple frame in the upper part, at least. Not really the same but we’re getting there.
Looking at the screenshot at least, it looks like a load of computer nerds got together to respectfully collaborate instead of fighting over space like what happens on /r/place. I love it.
Yeah, I got tired trying to make one myself and took a long nap. When I got up, someone tried to finish part of it by filling up a large portion and correctly guessing which colors without having any idea what I was going for.
That’s heartwarming.
It’s less cluttered. Other than that idk
I like it less cluttered. Reddit’s was always crowded and overwhelming, here you can actually see things.
You can also actually do things on it without it being a battle of a thousand bots.
Based Konqi! Best FOSS mascot alongside Krita 's Kiki!
Edit: Fixed autocorrect’s mischief on Krita’s name
“Oriya’s Kiki”? Do you mean Kiki the Cyber Squirrel, mascot of Krita, designed by Tyson Tan?
Who’s Oriya?It was dumb autocorrector moment, I did mean Krita’s Kiki indeed, thanks for the heads up :')
There’s no unregistered hyper cam block yet and that makes me sad
When Place first happened it was such a phenomenon, I think nothing that tries to copy it will ever come close.
Even Reddit’s follow-ups have been much less fun than the first one.
“even”… i think reddit’s follow ups were least likely to succeed because they were the least organic!
place was special (at first) because it was a bunch of people with no time to plan and prepare… it was humans doing human things with all the limitations and creativity that came with that
other iterations of place were bots and pre-planned “stake our claim” rather than making something interesting and different… it was kinda all just the same as the last one but with subtle “meme of the moment” tweaks
You expressed my own thoughts in a better way than I ever could. I agree completely.
You could argue that place was a copy. Before that you had The Million Dollar Homepage ( in 2005, where companies could buy a pixel for a dollar. I have a hard time believing that it didn’t have some influence over the creation of place.
Soon after this, I started and made a little money from it :D It’s long gone now.
I wasn’t around for 2017 but 2022 was the most fun I’ve had with internet strangers in years, if not ever. Also no one was ready for the expanding canvas and everyone scrambling over it was beautiful.