Weird question, maybe pointless, and yeah, kinda petty I will admit, but eh, there’s no stupid questions and I kinda got curious after an interaction (see after the dots if your curious).

IDK, everytime someone hits someone else with “figure it out yourself” to a question, all I hear is: “There’s nothing to figure out, but I’m just gonna disengage while trying to save face”. Of course, it’s not for 100% of cases, but I mean, if you can’t even muster up a basic laconic explanation, and instead go “figure it out” to a question that’s being sincerely asked…IDK, man, it really makes you think on who needs to figure what out lol

Is that just me or nah?

Some background: I made the mistake of actually engaging with a Youtube comment today. I know, I know, rookie mistake, but some of them can lead to intetesting convos. It basically went something like this:

Random: (talking about Baldur’s Gate 3’s Character Creator) It’s 2023, a game shouldn’t need modders to add things you can do in unmodded Skyrim. They failed

Me: There’s a lotta things you can do here that you can’t do in Skyrim and vice versa, not just in character creation. That’s…kinda normal, so what’s the problem here?

Random: I like how you say BG3’s character creator’s better but never offered any examples. Continue to not understand basic concepts.

Me: Listen. I’m not picking a fight, just trying to understand the complaints here. Also, never said it was better, just that there are things that you can’t do in Skyrim that you can in BG3 and vice versa. But if you want a list on things you can do: gives list and other examples, even on what you can do in Skyrim but not in BG3’s CC. There’s differences, but yeah, not every game’s gonna try and emulate Skyrim or Witcher “but better” (and even if they do, they’ll always be something they won’t do as well).

Random: your opinion is subjective, so is mine. I dismiss your points and subjectively choose mine.

Me: And that’s valid, man! Hey, so, about those basic concepts i couldn’t get, what exactly were they?

Random: figure it out yourself

I did say it was petty lmao

  • Contramuffin
    2 years ago

    It would heavily depend on the context, I think. The biggest question that would need to be answered is, is the other person engaging in good faith? Or is he trying to troll?

    If he’s trolling, he may be trying to do a Gish Gallop, where he constantly brings up vague and untrue points in the hopes that you eventually burn yourself out trying to figure out what he’s talking about.

    If he’s not trying to troll, then maybe he thinks you’re trying to sea lion, where someone constantly asks questions in the hopes of burning someone else out.

    Otherwise, if it’s in an educational context, he’s expecting that you can figure it out and that doing so will help your comprehension of the material. It’s probably not this.

    Based on what you write, I would lean toward that the other person is not engaging in good faith. That being said, without seeing the full context, I cannot fully say that it’s not that you’re the engaging in bad faith (people do tend to romanticize their one side, after all)

    • MrBubbles96@lemmy.mlOP
      2 years ago

      Huh, today I learned about sea lioning. Neat!

      I agree that people tend to romanticize thier side, even without meaning to sometimes. In this case, I was honestly just confused about the complaints, and when I basically got told I didn’t get some basic concept (no other info as to what said basic concept was), i was like “he’s probably doing this in bad faith but you never know” because hey, maybe I did miss something. I’m not perfect. So I stressed that i wasn’t trying to be a smartass or pick a fight while commenting. Still got told to figure it out when trying to ask for clarification and leaving on a civil note. shrug

      I could even link ya the video where I commented so the context is shown