This weekend, I watched a 13 year-old play Far Cry 5 and the game just seemed like wave after wave of enemies to shoot or blow up (or hit with a shovel). But he also has the patience of a 13 year-old and has no concept of beating a stealth mission by throwing a rock or waiting for a guard to turn around.

It made me curious: does Far Cry 5 have a hidden “GTA police level” system where violence begets violence? Or is the gameplay always basically a shoot ‘em up like Asteroids?

  • teft
    82 years ago

    100% you can. I used to just snipe entire bases when I played that game.

  • @Grabbels
    2 years ago

    I definitely did a stealthy playthrough, I can’t say if that influenced the amount of enemies or their aggression levels in doing so. My guess would be no, as most enemies turn idle if you’re undetected for long enough. However, the game does force you to play aggressive and out in the open in some (fixed) instances, which makes a full stealth playthrough impossible. Not the best game to play in stealth, but definitely fun enough, especially with a bow or sniper rifle. In some instances it even really got OP, wiping out complete outposts while in stealth. Still fun though. The devs did definitely take stealth seriously in making the game.

  • CosmicSploogeDrizzleM
    22 years ago

    Yeah, bases and camps can be stealthed, but open world, less so. Hard to not get detected when just driving to the next objective.

    Far Cry is definitely more geared toward frenetic gameplay where you exit and enter stealth multiple times. Enemies rely on a line of sight system with others alerting to your last known location. Camps also have alarm boxes for reinforcements that can be disabled via stealth.

  • @nocturne213
    12 years ago

    This reminds me of when I worked in a video game store and people night Metal Gear Solid and tried to play it as an FPS.