This year has been scary so far ! Ugh !
That image looks pretty spooky. Hopefully it’s not too bad, this summer has been incredible in Seattle.
It’s been too hot in Seattle.
Lol yeah I’m always down for colder but I feel like I can count on one hand how many times I’ve been outside and broke into a sweat this year
It seems cooler than usual this summer. I think this next week will be the first time I turn my AC back on its felt like weeks since the last heat wave. Its been like upper 70s just barely touching 80s at times.
If by that you mean incredibly bad.
Oh boy, here we go again
Huh. I didn’t see him cite any proof at all of his claims. Interesting idea though. I wonder if it’s true.
This is a pretty informal style conversation between two science educators. Usually sources are cited in the description but migjt not be in this case. I’ll try to dig up some sources for those claims myself.
He cites the following:
Primary sources:
Thanks, that is what I was looking for.