The committee, led by Chairman James Comer, said in the report that it plans to continue to investigate Biden to find evidence of corruption, even as it acknowledged that it had no evidence that he financially benefited from the myriad foreign business dealings of his son Hunter.

    • DarkGamer
      782 years ago

      It’s a show for low-information voters to establish false equivalency in their minds, fuel for whataboutism. Sadly, it will probably work on the intended audience.

      • @Daft_ish
        2 years ago

        Conservatives always assume there is a democrat counter part for every evil thing that emerges from their party. Alt-right, what about the alt-left?? Ignoring the fact they adopted the moniker the alt-right and all the scumbags they pandered to joined up. If there was some counter group on the left why the fuck would they adopt the name the alt-left like its some celestial inevitability and if they don’t call themselves that the universe will become unbalanced.

        Fucking stupid.

    • Flying Squid
      332 years ago

      That’s because it’s where they peaked and it’s all been downhill since.

  • @Burn_The_Right
    732 years ago

    Every word uttered by a conservative is deception or manipulation. Every word.

    Never trust a conservative.

    • genoxidedev1
      72 years ago

      Deception and manipulation would require some base intelligence. Instead, conservatives procure sounds that sometimes resemble human sentences.

      Think infinite monkey theorem.

      • Grammaton Cleric
        192 years ago

        You’re thinking of conservative voters.

        Conservative politicians know exactly what they’re doing.

        • @orclev
          72 years ago

          Well, most of them. There was a certain cheeto colored one recently that I’m pretty sure didn’t know what he was doing… also I’m not sure Mitch McConnell even knows where he is half the time these days.

  • TigrisMorte
    412 years ago

    The GQP held many, many hearings on Hillary Clinton’s supposed crimes, released multiple reports with no evidence, and you’ll notice Hillary Clinton isn’t President. Why would they change when it worked?

    • @[email protected]
      82 years ago

      This ignores the fact that Hillary is deeply unlikeable and thus unelectable. imho you’re giving repug disinformation too much credit here.

      • etlaser
        212 years ago

        Hillary Clinton won the popular vote by 3 million votes.

      • Aesthesiaphilia
        142 years ago


        Why exactly do so many people find her unlikeable?

        I’ll give you a hint, it rhymes with “Depublucan propaganda”

        • @[email protected]
          102 years ago

          Exactly. I remember in the 2008 primaries I was talking to someone about how Obama was a better pick than Clinton because she just felt unlikeable. I did some self reflection at the time and realized that’s because Republicans had been running a constant smear campaign against her since the early 90s. It’s crazy how effective that long term propaganda is. It leaves people with a generally bad feeling about someone, even if they can’t quite articulate why.

          • @Redditiscancer789
            2 years ago

            I mean I let her actions speak for themselves like when she said no one should be too big to fail yet her top campaign donations where from a bunch of banks that were bailed out in 2008. Plus her marriage to Bill. That’s already 2 strikes against her judgement.

            • TheLowestStone
              32 years ago

              I also just think she always sounds disingenuous when she speaks. Something in her tone gives me powerful used car salesmen vibes.

              • @Redditiscancer789
                12 years ago

                “PoKeMoN gO To ThE pOlLs CaUsE iTs My TiMe”

                Fucking clown shoes.

        • @[email protected]
          52 years ago

          Unaffiliated Voter here that leans left and used to sometimes vote Republican until Trump. I’ll never even consider doing so again until the R Platform clearly acknowledges the J6 Coup Attempt and holds it’s own members that were complicit accountable.

          Having said that, to hell with Hillary. Wasn’t one of her slogans ‘It’s Her Turn!’ or something? Sorry, no. I am against any political dynasties, be they Clinton, Bush, Kennedy, or any of the others. She is the epitome of a cringe politician.

        • @[email protected]
          32 years ago

          I disagree, she just doesn’t have good charisma or stage presence. Remember the balloon drop? I mean come on bro, she was passing for reptilian in that moment.

        • @AbidanYre
          2 years ago

          Something, something, vast right-wing conspiracy.

          Turns out she was right.

        • @[email protected]
          22 years ago

          Disagree. She just comes off as cold and disconnected. She just wants power. And I’m a democrat.

        • @[email protected]
          2 years ago

          Have you actually listened to her?

          This quote:

          “It took a Clinton to clean up after the first Bush, it may take another Clinton to clean up after the second one”.

          Ah yes, Bill Clinton who - checks notes - signed a bill putting another 100k cops on the street and introduced corporation friendly trade agreements that hurt workers (NAFTA) for starters. He was the worst kind of democrat, one that does what the Republicans want to do but act like it’s some sort of progressive act and she’s the exact same.

          As Sec of State, she put ridiculous sanctions on Iran, she was the driving force behind completely fucking destroying Libya and in general, she’s a war hawk who will invade any country it takes to uphold the status quo regardless of the impact to the people. You can argue that is practically any politician in the system (and you’d be right) but she has a proven track record of it.

          For more, read here

          • Silverseren
            2 years ago

            So you hate Bernie too who backed up her superpredator comment in his speech directly following hers?

            Because everyone knew and agreed at the time, including the black community itself, that the gang problem killing people was a major issue. Since it was the black community pushing the government to do something about it.

            But, hey, that’s context and nuance of something 30 years ago. And you’d rather have your little soundbites and purposefully misleading claims because you’d rather be right than be truthful.

  • @NatakuNox
    322 years ago

    My Trump supporting family members seem to think Joe’s son’s crimes cancel out Trump’s kids crimes. I shit you not.

    I always respond with, “Is Joe’s son part of the government in any official or unofficial role?”

    • FauxPseudo
      22 years ago

      Except do they really think that? Or to they think that Trump didn’t really do anything wrong and Biden needs to be impeached?

    • @[email protected]
      42 years ago

      They know it’s bullshit. They know you know it’s bullshit. They are playing the long game for their fan base.

      “Biden was investigated for the same thing, and just like Trump they didn’t find anything! But that’s because Biden was in office and hurr durr… I forget the point but Biden is definitely murdering and trafficking children for the DNC. That movie from the passion of the Christ guy told me so and he’s practically Jesus.”

  • Puppy
    2 years ago

    Well it worked with Hillary in 2016 with “but her emails” and now they are trying that again with Biden “but his son’s laptop”. It just doesn’t really have the same impact.

    Also, in 2016, Trump still had the benefit of the doubt. I’m confident most people, especially independents, are not interested in another 2016-2020 filled with scandals, obvious lies and another White House turning door where nothing get accomplished.

    That said, these countless investigations on the Bidens are actually proving me wrong. In 2019-2020, I was disappointed that Biden was the candidate because I thought since he had been in politics for 45+ years, he had to have been corrupted at some point. But Republicans are proving me wrong. The guy is squeaky clean and I find this really refreshing.

    • DarkGamer
      2 years ago

      but her emails

      Fun fact: the Republicans’ email server was also hacked around the same time, but the contents of the server weren’t released by the Russians like the DNC’s emails were. I suspect the kompromat contained within was too good to release to the public. That would certainly explain a lot about their behaviors since then.

      Also, regarding private email servers for, “unofficial communications,” Republicans were using those too.

      • Puppy
        52 years ago

        Oh right, yeah, I forgot about that. Thanks for the reminder. So much corruption in the GOP it’s hard to keep track.

        It’s funny because we KNOW for a fact, as per the Mueller report, that the GOP is 100% compromised and infiltrated by Russian spies. We just, uh, kinda went along with it and accepted it as the new normal.

      • Kbin_space_program
        2 years ago

        Just because part of the Democratic party has a major issue with corruption doesn’t mean that I don’t think the entire GOP is rotted through to its racist and fascist core.

        Also thank you for summarizing a part of the Mueller report that I listened to as much as a as was publicly released(thank you fuckhead weasel Barr.)

    • @[email protected]
      102 years ago

      Biden was the poorest (least affluent?) senator for decades. If he was corrupt, he was very bad at it.

      It’s likely that Hunter was trading on his father’s name (as do many children of famous/influential people). But Joe being corrupt just doesn’t pass the smell test. And this time, I don’t think the Republican smear campaign is going to work, President Biden isn’t Hillary Clinton. I mean, it will work with some people, but they’re already too deep into the GQP’s alt-universe to be reachable.

    • @BrianTheeBiscuiteer
      12 years ago

      They also timed that one way better. Unless they’re holding things back the chances of them having a bombshell at this point is essentially zero. Every day they come up empty makes Joe look more and more vindicated while making the GOP look more and more inept. If you can’t pin a crime on a guy you call “Sleepy Joe” what the fuck can you do?

    • Kbin_space_program
      2 years ago

      Except she did actually get caught manipulating the Democratic primary leading up to 2016, as well as collaborating to manipulate the GOP one as well.

      Hell, the hacked/leaked democratic party emails listed him as their preferred GOP candidate because they thought he’d be so easy to beat.

      Biden is innocent. He makes enough on his own from lobbyist bribes like the rest of DC.

      • @czech
        2 years ago

        Except she did actually get caught manipulating the Democratic primary leading up to 2016, as well as collaborating to manipulate the GOP one as well.

        (Citation required)

          • Puppy
            92 years ago

            The Clinton hate started in 1993 with the Whitewater ‘investigation’. Since then, it never stopped. Never.

            There has been a total of 419 investigations into the two of them, Bill and Hillary. How many crimes was found exactly? A big fat zero. Nada. Nothing. Rien.

            Hillary Clinton is, and by far, the most vetted polician in the history of this country. She’s a woman, she has/had power, she is kind and generous so she’s everything Republicans hates.

            I’m tired of hearing that “maaayybbbeee the right is right, I guess we can give them the benefit of the doubt about her”

            No. Fuck them. They keep pretending they are outraged at stuff that doesn’t actually bother anyone. We shall not give them another single ounce of credibility. They constantly scream about obvious bullshit that can be debunked in a 5 seconds google search, they keep calling you a sheep whenever you disagree on a topic in politic and they NEVER admits when they are clearly in the wrong. I’m so sick of these failures attempting to subvert democracy.

            So no, I’m not even gonna bother clicking your link. I know exactly what I’m gonna find and this is not the slam dunk you are thinking. As always.

            /end of rant

      • kirklennon
        2 years ago

        Except she did actually get caught manipulating the Democratic primary leading up to 2016

        No she didn’t. It’s hard to combat conspiracy theories since they just shift the claims around but if you’re referring to the joint fundraising agreement (my best guess), that’s a standard agreement signed between campaigns and the party so that when a nominee is eventually chosen, the campaign and party can work in unison.

        The reality is that nobody did more to raise Bernie’s national profile than Hillary. He was able to make a serious go at the nomination only because she had already cleaned the floor. And when it came time to vote, actual Democrats overwhelmingly chose her, which is obvious since she was the only Democrat running. Bernie just temporarily pretends to be a Democrat when he wants their money and is unwilling to do any of the ongoing work to support the party and its other down-ballot candidates.

        • @AbidanYre
          42 years ago

          Bernie just temporarily pretends to be a Democrat when he wants their money

          Thank you. It drives me nuts how few people know/acknowledge that.

        • @[email protected]
          12 years ago

          A ton of people are young and had legitimately never seen a primary before 2016 and were apparently under the impression that they are traditionally these sanctified contests where political saints exert enormous effort to ensure fairness and balance.

          The reality is that the 2016 primary was neither unusually especially contentious or corrupt. Any other view is either ignorant or malicious as far as I’m concerned.

      • Puppy
        72 years ago

        “BoTh SiDe ArE CoRrUpT”

        Yeah no, done with your bullshit. I will call you every time I see it now. Open your god damn eyes and start thinking for yourself for once in your life.

        • Kbin_space_program
          -12 years ago

          The GOP is far, far more corrupt, absolutely, they’re racist fascists.

          The Democratic party is also corrupt, saying otherwise commits the same errors the very few remaining sane GOP do when they forgive the grievous and plentiful sins of their own party.

          For starters, you’d have had net neutrality at least for a bit, if the democratic party wasn’t corrupt.

          • Puppy
            72 years ago

            I’m not gonna downvote you because I appreciate a detailed argument. And you know what? I can somewhat agree with you. I bet there are some nasty disgustingly corrupted piece of shit inside the Democrat party. That’s a fact. Undeniable. 100% agreed on that.

            However, and this is where we may have a disagreement, whenever a Democrat is caught, the party turns on him/her and pretty much everybody agrees to let that asshole rot in prison.

            On the other side, the republican side, whenever one of them is caught, they try to avoid turning on each others and discuss ways to reduce the media exposure on the matter. They back each other. And god damn they are good at standing united. Hell if there’s one thing they are competent at, it’s backing each others in their corruption. And whenever a republican with a spine decides to spit the bean, all the rest starts to call him a RINO and an antifa plant or a Democrat on disguise etc.

            I can’t speak for you, but I find this distinction between the two parties absolutely massive and cannot be overlooked

            • Kbin_space_program
              2 years ago

              Except actual enforcement of the rules was delayed until January 2017, so while it existed, it was never actually enforced.

              That giant cop out of an implementation is textbook corruption.

              • @AbidanYre
                2 years ago

                So under Obama ISPs were categorized under title II but there were ongoing legal challenges until the Trump administration dropped it altogether and somehow that proves that Democrats are corrupt? Come on dude.

  • @[email protected]
    172 years ago

    “I heard on the news that Congress wrote a report on how corrupt Biden is”

    2 hours of Biden ad-homs

    It doesn’t need to have anything more than a headline to work for those people.

    • @asteriskeverything
      2 years ago

      Yup. Or trump tweet/email. I legit used to go to work and be like “wow people sure are talking a lot about unemployment today” then later get on reddit and see trump tweeted at like 3am about how low unemployment is under him or some such shit. It happened a lot. I could tell what was fox news theme of week based on the chatter. Getting him off Twitter helped a LOT with that though

      I think it’s dangerous too that so many people seem to laugh at and treat it like it’s dumb that these GOP senators, congress, and other positions of power say or do this dumb shit. They aren’t dumb, they know what they doing clearly. All you have to do is look and see how ramped up citizens are and FFS they have people willing to kill for this crap they are pushing. I get why it is amusing but at the same time I hope people realize it is definitely, always, way more than that.

  • @qwertyqwertyqwerty
    82 years ago

    I know that this is political backlash for Trump’s impeachments, but I will never not support investigating people in high amounts of power, or the rich. Even if it has a 2% conviction rate, I would support it.

    • Nougat
      2 years ago

      There are limited resources to undertake such investigations. Devoting those resources to investgating frivolous and unfounded accusations take away from the ability to investigate accusations with any real evidence.

      Which is probably part of the point.

      • @qwertyqwertyqwerty
        22 years ago

        Bring on more resources then. If there’s even a shred of evidence that someone should be investigated, we should have the manpower to investigate them.

        • Nougat
          32 years ago

          Bring on more resources then.

          Rescoures cost money. Money comes from taxpayers. When you’re increasing the amount of money spent by taxpayers in order to fund investigations that commonly go nowhere, that’s not going to work for very long.

          High numbers of investigations that find nothing also serve to make people think all investigations are a waste of time. That gives more talking points for someone getting investigated for strong evidence to color the investigation as being unfounded. That’s already happening, it doesn’t need to have greater effects in public opinion.

          If there’s even a shred of evidence that someone should be investigated, …

          Your original comment didn’t mention evidence, just that

          I will never not support investigating people in high amounts of power, or the rich.

          Presumably just on the basis of accusation, with disreagrd to evidence? If there needs to be a “shred of evidence,” then there should be a “shred of investigation” before that investigation is closed. There should not be endless investigation into everything around a person based on a “shred of evidence.” On principle, people should not be the subject of criminal investigation “just because.”

    • Flying Squid
      22 years ago

      Do you think this will be a fair and honest investigation?

      • @qwertyqwertyqwerty
        12 years ago

        Honestly, I think it’s just for the press to level the playing field for Trump to win in the general.

  • @Stinkywinks
    72 years ago

    There’s plenty of stuff I don’t agree on with him, but if I found out he put plastic in the glass bin, I’d be surprised.

  • Bobby Bandwidth
    72 years ago

    If there is no evidence, then why do they speak so confidently and strongly?

      • genoxidedev1
        32 years ago

        Wow. I’d use that one in the future if my memory wasn’t reset every 5 seWow. I’d use that one in the future if my memory wasn’t reset every 5 secWow.

  • Whiskey Pickle
    2 years ago

    GOP-bags: “We’re impossibly corrupt and use our corrupt kids to further our corruption, so you must, too! And we’ll prove it!” [find nothing]

    Dark Brandon: “Ice cream doo-wop skippity-bop!" 😎

  • @DesertMagma
    52 years ago

    What was that word used over and over regarding other political investigations?

    oh yeah - “nothingburger”

    22 years ago

    The problem with the defense being offered by the White House and being repeated by most of the non-conservative press is that it rests on, there’s no direct tit-for-tat ergo no corruption. Problem is, when politico’s palms get greased (at least if they’re smart) it never goes direct, family members and close associates are always used as the go-betweens.

    The real problem for Republicans here is that they’ve made their own bed and then have to lie in it with regards to DC corruption. They spent four years screaming “Nothingburger!” over every Trump scandal, which created a desensitization to scandal, and now they’re finding that they can’t switch people back to be scandalized.

    Of course, the Democrats have their own issue in this in that they made Trump out to be this extreme abnormality from the DC status quo. If it turns out that it’s more like, Trump was just too stupid to do DC corruption in the usual discrete ways, it undermines that rationale for keeping Trump out of the White House.

    • @[email protected]
      222 years ago

      The problem with your equivocating is that the Republicans haven’t even been able to turn up the usual “DC status quo” corruption. The absolute worst they’ve been able to find so far is that Hunter promised (but never actually delivered) access to his dad, lied on his taxes, likes his nose candy, and is hung like a horse. Nobody’s scandalized over this because there’s nothing to be scandalized over. Hunter isn’t part of the administration, there’s no evidence he ever discussed business with his dad, and he’s getting punished for the crimes he’s committed. The real scandal is how much he’s been harassed over nothing, up to and including people sending out fucking revenge porn to their followers.