• @[email protected]
    11 months ago

    Fun fact: Poland literally begged for that on their knees, offering all manners of vassal pledges in exchange, for nearly 30 years. It’s been finally graciously granted by the sovereign in 2019, but it’s only on 90 days and you must still get permit in ESTA (which you basically can’t get if you were ever convicted or for many other reasons).

    • Alunya𝕏ers [she/her]
      2311 months ago

      Imagine getting rid of Socialism to be the Great Imperialist Devil’s sycophantic lapdog. Why are people like this 😐😐😐

      • @[email protected]
        1111 months ago

        Why are people like this 😐😐😐

        Money or idealism (look what it did to mfers). Though usually not even that big money. If you look at polish political class formed by former opposition and opportunists, a lot of them advanced materially very much, though actually rarily to the real bourgeoisie, more to the grant-paid traitor scum territory, and the idealist opposition leaders got fucked up into the freak show veterans cathegory.

      • @BangelaQuirkel
        611 months ago

        Most of us are idiots in general and all of us are idiots in some way.

      • Łumało [he/him]
        311 months ago

        The wish to be more like “the west” at least that’s what people born in the 70’s tell me 🙄

        All superificial bullshit. Having access to jeans, western cars, bananas all year 'round, being able to vacation in Paris or Rome…

        All of the people I have the displeasure to talk to are condtioned with terminal treat brain. I hate their understanding of the world.

    • @[email protected]
      1511 months ago

      I was thinking “whites minus slavic people” but Poland confused me.

      Chile is a surprise to me.

      • ButtigiegMineralMap
        811 months ago

        Probably chose Poland because they are so close to Eastern Europe and want to sorta be like “Poland is ok, Belarus and Eastward isn’t”

    • @cassanata
      1311 months ago

      Most of these countries are in the ESTA program. Only Canada is visa exempt.

      • @[email protected]
        11 months ago

        Yeah i know. Really ironic, they can still refuse them based on a whim, and i bet diamonds against nuts that some countries are getting much higher ratio of refusals than some others.

        • @AnUnusualRelic
          1311 months ago

          I know people who were refused because they’d been to Cuba some time previously.

          They were accepted with a second application but had lost their plane tickets.

  • @InformalTrifle
    2811 months ago
    1. Make no visa arrangements
    2. Introduce esta, a visa with another name
    3. Profit
  • @[email protected]
    2511 months ago

    I had a job years ago working with passports and other legal documents of that nature (for a gov agency creating a new legal document in a similar vein to passports. No, I won’t elaborate further). I found out after being there a year that Micronesians (had to google that one!) could legally enter the US and stay for some significant time with only their country’s passport and they were also eligible for a driver’s license in the US without a visa. Just their passport. It was a surprise to me since Mexicans who crossed the border daily (drivers and such) had to jump through rings like sonic to get things like a commercial driver’s license (and then keeping current/renewed).

    All I learned at that job was how cruel and arbitrary the US immigration system is/was. The state would regularly, daily, fuck people over for no fault of their own. Workers had discretion to an extent but with the not-veiled threat of termination and possible prosecution if you broke laws/rules. Like accepting the wrong documents or damaged documents like birth certificates that were wrinkled to shit. You were supposed to tell the (often) overworked, impoverished people to simply contact their state of birth’s health department, pay whatever BS fee is associated, and just come back. Never mind they don’t have the money nor do they get time off to run around to ten state and federal locations all sending them to the next… the best and simultaneous worst part of that job was I actually cared about the people on a human level and made real efforts to fix what I knew I could. Of course this made my numbers “bad” and I was yelled at by other agencies for simply emailing them like “hey, trying to get this for this person. It’s just an error in the system. Please fix.” I would often level with people when the BS was stacking up against them. Of course this also got me talked to a few times. That job had a union and management was too lazy to bother writing anyone up plus I know they liked having me there as the guy who would deal with the weird, fucked up shit cases, so nothing ever really happened beyond telling me to juke my numbers and play the game as best I could.

    The sheer powerless I felt day to day like I was in a sinking boat bucketing out water only half as fast as it flooded in. I quit after burning out. My immediate supervisor nearly cried and said, real quote, “no. You can’t quit!” when I told her my next day would be my last with a resignation letter. Another human dam broken. The water streams in just a little faster, unnoticed by anyone except the individual drowning at the moment.

    Hell of an off topic tangent there.

    • Łumało [he/him]
      311 months ago

      Thank you for this insight, I always like to hear from people who have first hand experience. Especially in fucked up matters like these…

  • @Mr_Blott
    2411 months ago

    Also works as -

    Black - wants to move there

    Blue - is quite happy not to live there, thanks lol

    • albigu
      11 months ago

      That’s not necessarily the case, in Latin America we are propagandised to hell on how great an opportunity it is to go the USA. It goes from tourism to “study abroad” tuition schemes or just foreign companies with overvalued currencies poaching our talent to pay less than their own country’s minimum wage.

      All under the guise of “you might get rich (or deported)” or “it’s safer there (if you’re white)”

      Edit: lmao I misread your comment. I still have met Eurolibs who want to move to the USA to make quick bucks by working for Real Estate or shit like that, but those are beyond hope.

      • @Mr_Blott
        -111 months ago

        I’m not even going to ask wtf a Eurolib is 😂

        • albigu
          711 months ago

          Euro+lib, it’s not rocket science. Are you new here?

          • @Mr_Blott
            -511 months ago

            Euro = currency

            Lib = I don’t know. Liberal? That has different connotations depending on where you live and how badly funded your education is

            • albigu
              11 months ago

              Yeah, you’re new here. Euro is short for cracker European or Europhile and lib is short for liberal, people who follow the liberal ideology of private property and bourgeois “democracy.”

              The first one is prevalent in two subcontinents up north in the Atlantic, while the other is basically the same all over the world, though I guess some “conservatives” are not aware that they are liberals too.

              But please, do clarify how “badly funded” education might change the meaning of liberalism.

              • @Mr_Blott
                -1011 months ago

                My dear boy I can assure you that your incoherent gibberish has explained it perfectly for everyone reading

                I think we can all read between the lines when you say “all over the world” that you mean the people you’ve met on your far-flung travels to the drive-through McDonald’s in the next county over

          • albigu
            511 months ago

            I actually used to like him when I thought he was just some train nerd who complains about cars and highways, but then the Ukraine war broke out and my feed was flooded by his racist tirades against Russians. These people can’t hide for too long, it seems.

            • ButtigiegMineralMap
              511 months ago

              Same, for a while I was a Bernie fan who was like “yea transportation! Trains!” Then basically I stopped watching for a while and when I came back I was like okkayyy uh I’ll head out

  • Lil Kitai
    11 months ago

    Off topic: what’s with the influx of ppl getting downvotes? I don’t remember it being like this… Lib lurkers?

    • 新星 [he/him/CPC bot]
      311 months ago

      Yeah, now that non-socialist-minded Redditors have found Lemmy, some of them see our posts and feel the need to downvote our stuff.

      My head canon is that Wisconcom is actually responsible for all of it

  • Life2Space
    411 months ago

    Why would you want to go to the US, in the first place? I live here and I would love to emigrate elsewhere, like to China.

    • @[email protected]
      11 months ago

      Lots of people are already doing that. Saw an American youtuber who says “China is the future immigrate here and make a life in a better society”.

  • @paddirn
    111 months ago

    deleted by creator