• @echo64
    1711 months ago

    Removed by mod

  • @dumpsterlid
    1311 months ago

    Ok, well I always thought it was weird Chakotay didn’t get mentioned much in newer trek. I thought it was mostly because his character was a massive fail in attempting to portray an indigenous character but maybe it is also just because the actor himself sucks?

    • Whiskey PickleOP
      11 months ago

      he’s not the only Trek (or even the only VOY) actor to run afoul of fans because said Bad Things™ on Twitter.

      In 2017, Manu Intiraymi, who played Icheb on VOY, tweeted some nasty comments in defense of Kevin Spacey who was accused of sexually assaulting DIS actor Anthony Rapp when he was 14. Not only did Trek fans collectively have an aneurysm (and rightly so), Paramount cut ties with him over the incident. Not long after, his character, Icheb, was killed especially brutally in an episode of PIC— while also portrayed by a different actor. Many interpreted that as those working on Trek telling Intiraymi exactly how they felt about his comments— while also closing the door on his ever returning.

        • Whiskey PickleOP
          11 months ago

          I don’t think he got blacklisted, I think Brooks just didn’t have any further interest in Trek and moved on. It’s discussed a bit in the DS9 documentary What We Left Behind. He’s kinda… eccentric. If you’ve ever seen any interviews with him (which he tends to avoid), he’s sorta off in his own world. IIRC, he’s a jazz professor at a University someplace in California and happy doing that.

        • @[email protected]
          311 months ago

          Brooks retired.

          In the few interviews he’s done he’s been very clear that he’s finished acting and no desire to work. He just wants to listen to jazz and enjoy his life. Can’t blame the guy.

        • Whiskey PickleOP
          311 months ago

          it didn’t seem too ridiculous considering what he said, and they didn’t have to rewrite anything. they just had to write it. the scene was pretty over-the-top in its brutality. it didn’t take much “interpretation” to see the hostility there.

            • Whiskey PickleOP
              11 months ago

              they had to write it, cut out time for it, and work it into the existing plot. basically rewriting

              the incident happened in 2017. the episode came out years later. there was no “existing plot” to rewrite, lmao. and the blood and gore and horror was far beyond the rest of what happened that episode or even season.

              you’re twisting yourself in knots to explain away something very obvious.

    • @flipbits
      311 months ago

      Why was his character a massive fail in that regard?

      • @RojaBunny
        711 months ago

        Not sure of all the details, but the guy the production hired to give them information on customs/culture to use in the show turned out to be a total sham, for one.

    • @[email protected]
      1311 months ago

      Additional context:

      He has also gone on to block a large number of LGBTQ fans tweeting to simply ask if he meant what was implied or not. The situation ain’t good.

      • @OccamsTeapot
        011 months ago

        He has also gone on to block a large number of LGBTQ fans tweeting to simply ask if he meant what was implied or not. The situation ain’t good.

        Yeah that is not good! And I’m glad people asked.

        To others, on the off chance this actually appears. Apologies if my meaning was not clear. I think that the person Beltran responded to is homophobic and disgusting. I also thought that the person quote tweeting him put words in his mouth. Both of these things are bad.

        Clearly with the additional context from this comment Beltran is also an asshole. All of the others seemed to think that me expressing both opinions above means I was “defending” Beltran, which is not the case. It was also possible to interpret what he said as trying to avoid the question. I assume that’s why people asked him to clarify.

        • @[email protected]
          111 months ago

          It’s ok. Being fair, open minded, and happy to hear new info is the best way to go about these things. This is the first time a bunch of people are hearing about Beltran being a bit of a bigoted arsehole but he’s been like this for years (didn’t used to be this bad, at least overtly, but has gotten more so with age). Those who have been in the convention scene for a fair time are in no way shocked.

          • @OccamsTeapot
            011 months ago

            Yeah I get that! The last convention I went to was maybe 2017 and he wasn’t there so it makes sense. Kind of crazy to think that an actor in Trek can have these type of views I guess.

            Anyway, thanks for being nice and explaining this without judgment! I appreciate it. Coming from reddit it’s a breath of fresh air

    • BrooklynMan
      11 months ago

      “People in the lgbtq+ community aren’t real trek fans” is absolutely not what he said.

      he agreed with it, which is tantamount to saying it himself.

      He shouldn’t have agreed with this asshole who tweeted at him, but that is what he did wrong.

      yet, you’re here defending him? so, you think it’s ok to agree with bigotry as long as you don’t say it out loud? wow

      But this is just not good enough for the woman who quote tweeted him and just had to add her own little flair to the truth to make it sound worse.

      Beltran says agrees with a homophobic/transphobic tweet, and your problem is that someone objected? So, to you, the bigotry isn’t the problem, but the fact that anyone has a problem with bigotry and speaks out against it? Because that’s what it sounds like.

  • XbSuper
    -711 months ago

    Endorsing homophobic comments on what? Usually explaining what X stands for is a good idea.