• PenIsland
    2571 year ago

    If you see someone stealing food… No you didn’t

      • Tb0n3
        -1281 year ago

        No. It means your stealing food. Some people just like to fucking steal.

        • @sep
          451 year ago

          Excluding mental disorders. I do not think anybody likes to steal, atleast not initially. They may have normalized it, even to the point where it may become second nature, or a habit. If there is a lot of such peope, society have failed them a long time ago.

            • @[email protected]
              1 year ago

              That is a mental illness or disease no less than narcism or alcoholism. Rich people aren’t special, and they are sick. They also happen to exploit others in a way that feeds back into that sickness. It appears important bc they have so much but its just coincidence, disease and the complexity of socitey that makes it hard to change so that there illness can be treated.

          • newIdentity
            11 year ago

            Nah. Some people do it for the kick and because the cashier doesn’t care. It’s not their job to prevent you from stealing.

            But why should anyone steal bread except when they literally can’t pay. The ones I know that steal for the kick are stealing chips and smaller sweets. Not normal groceries.

        • @[email protected]
          231 year ago


          Can’t you be a cold-hearted, miserly, withered, and bitter Scrooge and yet use basic grammar correctly?

          • Tb0n3
            -281 year ago

            Voice to text. I don’t always look closely enough. And have fun denying reality. Most people live in the real world and hate thieves.

            • @Zuberi
              91 year ago

              Go back to reddit you bootlicking dickbag

              • Tb0n3
                -161 year ago

                Let me guess, you came here from /r/shoplifting?

          • Tb0n3
            -151 year ago

            You apparently have so much empathy that you’re able to guess what a hypothetical theif is thinking. What about the empathy for those who are being stolen from?

            • g0d0fm15ch13f
              1 year ago

              The multi million grocer won’t even notice a loaf of bread and a jar of peanut butter go missing it’s literally built into their margins

                • g0d0fm15ch13f
                  81 year ago

                  For someone that needs to steal food it absolutely is… That’s why they’re doing it…

            • @[email protected]
              41 year ago

              A shop is not a person. They’re not breaking into your house and stealing, they’re shoplifting food. I’ve worked in a shop, you should see how much shit just goes into a fucking dumpster. A shoplifter isn’t even a blip on the daily waste radar.

            • @pyromaster55
              31 year ago

              Empathy is literally about understanding the feelings of others.

              It’s about putting yourself in their shoes, and ask yourself how you would feel in their situation. What led to them being where they are today. Sure some people like to steal, but the vast majority of food thieves in society today are literally going hungry otherwise, often due to situations outside of their control.

              What would you do if you lost your ability to feed your family tomorrow, lost your job, many folks would lean on family or friends, but what if those weren’t in the picture, or in a position to help. Imagine what state of mind you would be in. Would you risk getting caught stealing some storebrand food if it meant feeding yourself or your family?

              Now, let’s say this particular instance isnt that. This is just someone stealing for the fun of it. You can’t honestly say that the above scenario doesn’t happen every single day, all over the world? Should we not try to help those people, even if it means someone may benefit from it that doesn’t need that assistance? Or that we shouldn’t help them because it wouldn’t completely eliminate shoplifting, so why bother? Since obviously the risk of being caught doesn’t also eliminate shop lifting, why bother with it then?

              And it’s obvious that the threat of being caught doesn’t eliminate this behavior, since desperate people literally steal to survive, and the thrill seekers are literally drawn by the danger, is it not in the store owners best interest to help those in need, as it will eliminate that segment of shoplifting? Eliminating food/housing insecurity is the first step on getting those that are so desperate back on their feet, and becoming functioning, productive members of society.

              So yeah, having empathy with someone who is struggling (maybe not this person, but all those who steal food) is far more productive than assuming the worst in them and feeling vindicated.

          • @SomeoneElse
            21 year ago

            I’ve removed your comment for breaking rule 1: no name calling or insults. This applies even when someone has a very unpopular opinion. Please read the rules in the sidebar before participating in this community again. If you break the rules again you will be banned. Thank you.

          • Tb0n3
            -211 year ago

            Imagine defending criminals who are harming others by their actions.

    • @[email protected]
      161 year ago

      If they’re stealing it to eat, sure.

      If they’re stealing it so they can sell warm coat meat down the local flat roof pub and spend the proceeds on heroin, then… you probably also want to pretend you didn’t see it because you’re not paid enough to be stabbed by a junkie with a used syringe.

  • @[email protected]
    1371 year ago

    Imagine driving around, probably with a punisher logo somewhere on your uniform or gear, and then posting your big bust of… store brand groceries

    • @instamat
      321 year ago

      It’s their phone wallpaper if you can’t see it anywhere else

      • @Iusedtobeanadventurer
        91 year ago

        Lol, my buddy, who is not a cop but interacts with them fairly regularly for his job, has the punisher logo on his watchface.

        He’s a good guy but I regularly tease him for it, and some of his viewpoints.

    • @[email protected]
      301 year ago

      No one else has pointed it out yet but this cop also somehow got himself a $90k Hellcat for his patrol car.

    • @Tarkcanis
      81 year ago

      Wasn’t the Punisher’s whole MO shitkicking corupt cops?

  • @flop_leash_973
    1 year ago

    I care less WHY they stole the food. I just find it distasteful when the cops post these “look how bad ass we are” social media posts. Crime, no matter why it was committed, should not be used as someones time to celebrate or the special time before the trial to convince the public that the suspect is guilty via Facebook,etc. Least of all by the group of people who do the arresting.

    • @killa44
      241 year ago

      It’s because the police view themselves as a “team” that is basically ‘playing’ against the other team…everyone else. To them, this is a win and shows how good they are. It’s quite disturbing how indoctrinated they are and almost nobody realizes it.

  • @owatnext
    761 year ago

    They deleted the Tweet and released a halfhearted apology.

    • @oryx
      481 year ago

      As is tradition

  • @[email protected]
    621 year ago

    Having to steal food is super tiresome. Would rather not have to, but I’ve never felt bad about doing it. Imagine that. The normalization of the degradation is my issue personally. Putting people on one side of a moral line based on bullshit economic factors that for the one stealing are a kin to the winds of fate.

  • TeoTwawki
    1 year ago

    “A female” seems kinda dehumanizing, like talking about an animal or words spoken by an incel.

    • @SomeoneElseOPM
      341 year ago

      That caught my eye too, but I think it might be a reflection of how law enforcement speaks “a female suspect” “a male detainee” etc.

    • @[email protected]
      51 year ago

      I get that they say “a female” because that’s how they “identify” people via police reports and such. But I still cringe so bad when I hear someone say “a female”.

      Female what? Deer? Shark? Dog?

      • @[email protected]
        51 year ago

        That’s part of it, but police jargon is meant to dehumanize suspects. They could just as easily say man or woman but those words imply person-hood. While animals can be male or female they can’t be a man or woman. Male-Black-46 works just as well to describe an animal in a study as a human on the street.

        • xigoi
          111 months ago

          The words “man” and “woman” imply that the person is an adult, which is an unnecessary added connotation.

  • @nomecks
    441 year ago

    Inspector Javert over here.

  • TwoGems
    331 year ago

    Police are useless

    • @[email protected]
      401 year ago

      You’ll change your tune when you get robbed and you need someone to show up 4 hours later and shoot your dog

      • @SomeoneElseOPM
        211 year ago

        My car was stolen last week. 48 hours later my partner tracked it down and went to get it. The police hadn’t even requested the carpark CCTV in that time. We had to call the police to actually enter the place it was at so we didn’t get arrested for breaking and entering ourselves. The police will count this as their win, their solve even though they did practically nothing. They didn’t even arrest the guy who had our car. As useful as a chocolate teapot.

        • @fizix
          21 year ago

          At least a chocolate teapot would taste good.

      • @CADmonkey
        51 year ago

        Four hours, wow, such fast response times.

        Usually they tell you to come to the station and fill out a report.

      • @SomeoneElse
        21 year ago

        I’ve removed your comment for breaking rule 1: be civil; no name calling or insults, and no swearing to insult someone. Putting “kindly” before “fuck off” doesn’t negate the insult. You also broke rule 2: discussion is ok, arguments are not. Don’t be aggressive and don’t argue for arguments sake. The person you replied to wasn’t being aggressive, calling their opinion a “dipshit take” is unwarranted. Please read the rules in the sidebar before you participate in this community again. If you break the rules again, you will be banned. Thank you.

  • @zipzoopaboop
    71 year ago

    I like how they turned away the lube like no one would notice

  • @what_is_a_name
    1 year ago

    Serious talk:

    If you, or someone you know, is struggling, please use auntbetha.com or findhelp.com (same service) to search for and connect to support in your local area. It’s a free service. Use it.

    Criminalising poverty is the most American dystopia ever. We can all help.

    • @SomeoneElseOPM
      41 year ago

      Thank you for adding this. I’ll see if I can sticky it to the top for anyone who needs to see it.

  • @TheObserver
    31 year ago

    The food i understand but not the rest. Food has become so damn expensive these days.

    • @TimeNaan
      261 year ago

      There are other necessities than food that people can’t afford.

      • @Soad
        11 year ago

        deleted by creator

        • themeatbridge
          161 year ago

          Bullshit. Shoplifting accounts for less shrinkage than expiring products. We throw away more food than is stolen. Let that sink in. More food goes to a landfill than to shoplifters.

            • themeatbridge
              71 year ago

              It’s not whataboutism. You said shoplifters drive up prices. That is objectively false, as demonstrated by the disparity between what is lost to shrinkage (less than 2%, and that includes all shrinkage, not just shoplifting) and food waste, roughly 30-40% of all food in the USA.

              Your anger is misplaced, and you are actively making society worse.

                • @Gunrigger
                  01 year ago

                  They literally did the math for you. If there is even a price hike based on this, you’re basically getting mad about 1 cent of a 40 cent price hike.

                • @[email protected]
                  31 year ago

                  you said (wrongly) “shoplifters are contributing to rising grocery prices”, and then, once corrected, doubled down (but now without any clear reasoning as to why) that shoplifters are somehow affecting your life and are worse than any one else (?!?!).

                  So I drew attention to how you’re similar to a character from classic French literature who has a similar motivation, and yet I’m the immature one?

                  Get a load of this MIss Havisham.

                • @[email protected]M
                  -11 year ago

                  You’re being overly aggressive and argumentative. That behaviour is not welcome in this community. Please read the rules in the sidebar before participating in this community again. If you break the rules again you will be banned.

        • @TaterTurnipTulip
          101 year ago

          Looks like the corporate propaganda really works well on some people. A large part of the reason for recent price increases is due to corporate profiteering. But sure, blame the people who are stealing a bit of food to survive.

            • Vinnyboiler
              51 year ago

              Yeah why don’t they walk into the nearest building and demand a job. Most people’s grandparents did that and they turned out OK!

              • @SaakoPaahtaa
                -121 year ago

                I dont really get this strawman, there is plenty of jobs you can get to by just applying. Janitors, serving staff, burgerflippers, all valid jobs you can get to without specific education or prior experience. Literally walk in.

                But these people prefer not to work for the pancakes they cook, as they are selfish and just shit humans. Would be sad if it wasnt me who’s paying for the lifestyle they made the conscious decision to live.

                • @AppaYipYip
                  31 year ago

                  Where does it say she doesn’t have a job??? There are lots of people who are working jobs that barely pay rent and don’t have money left over for food. This woman could be working double shifts for all we know and is struggling to make ends meet. We honestly don’t know anything about her situation beyond the fact that she stole food. The whole point of this post was that instead of criminalizing her actions we should provide her with resources to help prevent her from starving.

                • Vinnyboiler
                  -11 year ago

                  How was that a strawman argument to your ignorant “get a job” rebuttal? For something to be a strawman argument there needs to be false equivalence.

        • @[email protected]M
          11 year ago

          As I’ve commented elsewhere, you’re breaking the rules of this community by being overly aggressive and argumentative. Discussion is fine, arguments are not. I’ve deleted all your offending comments. Please read the rules in the sidebar before participating in future. You will be banned if you break the rules again.

    • @SomeoneElseOPM
      91 year ago

      It’s exactly the same… I just cut off identifying info in line with lemmy’s rules.

      • subignition
        81 year ago

        The original screenshot did not include the reply’s likes at the bottom, which is kind of an important detail when the title is explicitly pointing out the ratioing.

        • @SomeoneElseOPM
          91 year ago

          I see your point. But the title was taken from the top line of the screenshot. The fact that the reply got 400 more likes than the original doesn’t add anything to the murder… if anything the reply only getting 400 more likes detracts from it. But, I’ll update the post to include that info and delete the post from the user above you as it’s breaks the rules.

            • @SomeoneElseOPM
              21 year ago

              This was nothing. I’ve had more abuse in the two months I’ve been a mod than I have in my entire life! But thank you for the support, I appreciate it!

                -11 year ago

                Quit being a Mod then ?

                I don’t even see why we need mods TBH …

                We’re all here to discuss / talk / debate / argue ETC/Socialize

                Everyone be different…

                Maybe if a person got blocked like 50 times the system should auto ban them or something…

                Otherwise I don’t see why people aren’t allowed to be themselves, especially on the ethernet

                • @SomeoneElseOPM
                  21 year ago

                  Without mods the trolls, bigots, and people just looking to argue and stir up shit completely ruin the community for the users looking to socialise/discuss etc. That nearly happened on this post with one user being so insulting, aggressive and argumentative I had to ban them. They made about 10 comments that broke the rules in under an hour and were borderline inciting violence against poor people. No one wants to socialise in an environment like that.

                  Also by creating a community here, I’m bound by feddit.uk’s rules and Lemmy’s code of conduct. If I don’t moderate, this whole community will be banned. I enjoyed the Reddit sub, I want to enjoy the community here too. If the only way I can do that is to enforce pretty basic rules, then so be it. I just wish people would stop calling me a power hungry narcissist plus a whole dictionary full of insults when I don’t deserve them.

          • subignition
            31 year ago

            Eh, I agree somewhat. My understanding is that the point of ratioing is to demonstrate the weight of public opinion behind the response.

            Full disclosure, I’ve only just noticed this is in a /murderedbywords, so that means the focus is on the insult and not the reception so it’s probably fine, lol