A thread to discuss daily events discussions etc. Please be civil and encourage discourse.

  • @designated_fridge
    42 years ago

    Yesterday, I tried to think of ways I could accept Greenwood back into the team. Like what if he issued a public apology, donated all his wages to charities for preventing domestic violance, and committed himself to changing?

    But even then I couldn’t get myself to think that I could cheer for him in the team. I don’t think he wants to change and I don’t think he can change. Any “change” or effort would just be a PR stunt.

    Nah fuck him. I don’t want to watch him. I’ll skip matches when he’s in the squad.

  • @thisisdee
    32 years ago

    As an Australian I’m heart broken (but proud of our Matildas). Nice goal by Toone tonight. Will be rooting for England at the final.

    • @RamesesKnibs
      32 years ago

      Toone’s goal was quality, absolutely buzzing. The Matildas have definitely done Australia proud, look like you’ve got a really team there