cross-posted from:

After the last post publicly by Naomi Wu being

“Ok for those of you that haven’t figured it out I got my wings clipped and they weren’t gentle about it- so there’s not going to be much posting on social media anymore and only on very specific subjects. I can leave but Kaidi can’t so we’re just going to follow the new rules and that’s that. Nothing personal if I don’t like and reply like I used to. I’ll be focusing on the store and the occasional video. Thanks for understanding, it was fun while it lasted”

Naomi Wu mentions briefly on her silencing and how she is not nearly as safe as she was before now that it’s obvious to the Chinese government her disappearance won’t cause an uproar of bad press making China look bad.

    • @j4k3M
      111 year ago

      I sincerely hope she is doing well.

  • Cris
    1 year ago

    Well thats horrifying 😐

  • @Tandybaum
    61 year ago

    I randomly saw her outside of Shenzhen back in like 2018. She is the real deal and you could tell is super passionate about all thing tech.

    • NaibofTabrOP
      1 year ago

      Here’s a good reason:

      I love Naomi wu / sexy cyborg. I’ve been watching her for years and she helped encourage me to setup my own 3d printer. It hurts to see someone who’s been so inspirational to me be silenced like this. I hope she can stay safe and have a productive makerspace still

      From [email protected][email protected]/t/350126/-/comment/1678118

      • Roboticide
        111 year ago

        Her wiki page is probably better credentials, but honestly anyone who’s been in this hobby more than a few years should know of her reputation. She helped design the CR-30 if nothing else.

        I’m hoping it’s just people knew to the hobby and not her being silenced taking a toll on her presence.

    • @Not_Alec_Baldwin
      111 year ago

      I had the same question, and found the answer in the thread.

      It would be like if Steve from GN was detained during a fab visit by the Chinese government. That would be tech news regardless of whether or not they mentioned GN.

      She’s been meaningful to the community both as an engineer/designer and as a public figure.

      You really don’t deserve down votes for not knowing that, but I think a lot of people were just triggered by the way you asked the question.

      • @[email protected]
        -371 year ago

        As far as i can tell there is nothing regarding 3d printing in the article. I don’t think it is too much to ask to keep a community for 3d printing on topic. This seems to be some news piece about someone who had influence on / contributed to the 3d printing community, but as it’s not directly about 3d printing, I honestly fail to see the relevance.

        • @j4k3M
          1 year ago

          No. This is very relevant to this community. Naomi has been a great member of this community. She is an engineer and is known for bringing innovative products to market; many with her name on them.

          Furthermore she is being targeted for LGBTQ+. That makes the issue doubly relevant to all real humans.

            • @[email protected]
              31 year ago

              That said, incels REALLY hate Naomi for whatever reason.

              I think you’re way out of line with the insults and broad accusations. I am bare new to the 3D printing community and I never heard of Naomi Wu before. The article only mentions she is an influencer, and this discussion makes little to no efforts to add context to why is a particular influencer relevant to 3D printing.

              Calls to clarification are faced with comments like yours, accusing those of asking a simple question of being incels.

              This behavior reflects poorly upon you in particular and the 3D printing community in general. Please pay attention to what you say and do.

                • @[email protected]
                  21 year ago

                  I can call people names and if it’s not true then they shouldn’t be offended!


                • @[email protected]
                  -11 year ago

                  Let me give you a quick life lesson.

                  You’ve typed too many words to try to rationalize your toxic behavior.

                  I repeat: pay attention to what you say and do. All communities have their bad apples, but this does not grant the likes of you the right to spoil the whole barrel.

        • southsamurai
          201 year ago

          Ah, you forgot to check the “about community”, or “sidebar”, or whatever it shows as in your app of choice.

          It’s an easy thing to forget.

          If you had, you would note that there are no rules against posts regarding related, and not technical subjects.

          This means you don’t have to see the relevance. As long as the mods do, it’s all good.

          • @[email protected]
            -11 year ago

            From the community info:

            3DPrinting is a place where makers of all skill levels and walks of life can learn about and discuss 3D printing and development of 3D printed parts and devices.

            This doesn’t appear to be discussing “3D printing and development of 3D printed parts and devices”.

            I don’t think there’s anything wrong with content being curated to fit the community that’s literally the entire point of communities. Just because someone says this should be on a different community doesn’t make them an incel. It’s called content curation, it’s the whole point of having multiple communities.

            • 6daemonbag
              41 year ago

              Am I missing something? Where did anyone specifically get accused of being an incel in this thread?

              Discussion of influential figures in the broader 3D printing community is as valid as posts, videos, or articles about related tools, products, and news.