• @Alteon
    1 year ago

    I’m conflicted. The article is justified in it’s argument that the Times seems to provide escalating rhetoric to prepare the US for possible hostility/conflict, and I don’t support them smearing someone like was described in the article…however I don’t support these activists either. I think we can be pro-humanity without being pro-China. I’m not okay with the actions of the Chinese government and what they’ve systematically done to the minorities of their country and their constant aggressive stances in the South China Sea, their posturing over Taiwan, and the takeover of Hong Kong.

    How can solidarity be the answer when both sides are unreasonable? Do you support a warmongering and hostile newspaper rhetoric, or a self-described Marxist, Maoist (pro-communist), pro-China activist?

      • @Alteon
        -31 year ago

        And another thing…I’m not even remotely “anything but an AES state”. I 100% feel that we need to head to a more socialist/social-democracy style of governance but fuck off if you think that becoming a China-style communist-controlled authoritarian government is some fantastic shift in ideology.

      • @Alteon
        -101 year ago

        China has never tried to surveil me. Never sent the feds to my home. Never made me worry about whether the next time I leave my house is when I get publicly lynched because the settlers aren’t house-broken anymore.

        Let’s get some stuff straight first. China 100% does every one of those things. Do you not remember the enforced lockdowns of their citizens? Them screaming for help, that they are starving and dying during the COVID lockdowns? So you not remember them breaking into people’s homes and dragging them out? It was like a horror story.

        China is literally one of the most surveiled countries in the world. Over 50% of the CCTV’s in the entire world can be found in China.

        I’m not going to sit here and say that the US is some role model country (because it’s absolutely not), but your being reckless if you think that China is somehow better.

        That said, bettering the planet and not wanting a authoritian government aren’t mutually exclusive…

          • @Alteon
            -21 year ago

            Fuck you entirely.

            You want to devolve to racial slurs and insults because I don’t accept China as an ideal form of governance? Because of that you ASSUME that I’m somehow pro-America and all of the bullshit that’s going on here? That my criticism of China is somehow acceptance of the fucked up shit here in America? Assholes like you are why we never get anywhere in this country. You want to draw a line in the fucking sand and say that everyone that doesn’t support your extreme viewpoint is somehow an enemy, no ifs ands, or buts and refuse to even talk. You came out of the gate throwing punches, why would anyone want to remotely attempt to see your viewpoint? Don’t you see the irony in that?

            You want to call me out on “bRiNgInG eViDeNcE” even though not once did you do the same. I merely came to discuss the article, not be attacked by a racist fool.

          • @Alteon
            -101 year ago

            Your source is literally from China mate. No way that they’d have a pro-China viewpoint.

            Atleast mines from the UK: Source

            And they estimate that number to be over 540 million cameras nationwide…or around 373 cameras per 1,000 people.

            • @[email protected]
              121 year ago

              Lmao “your source is from China so it’s not truthful, mine is from the UK, they wouldn’t lie or misrepresent facts about their official enemy”.

            • sobuddywhoneedsyou
              1 year ago

              From the report that the article cites.

              According to the data analysed by PreciseSecurity.com and collected by CompariTech

              Both companies are from the UK.

              As an aside, journalists for news organisations rarely do research on their own. More often they ingest studies done by other dedicated organisations and reproduce them in a form that appeals to their audience. When scrutinising news articles it’s good to see what the primary source is.

              • @Alteon
                -51 year ago

                If we’re comparing US to China I tried to use a source outside of both countries. I’d expect it to massage the wording a bit on some stuff (especially in an effort to avoid making the UK look bad) but I would think that the numbers aren’t terribly off.

                Look, if we were discussing cameras in the UK. This wouldn’t be my go to source. I also dont want to use a Chinese source on Chinese surveillance…you know that they monitor what goes out of China…

    • @[email protected]
      51 year ago

      what they’ve systematically done to the minorities of their country

      What have they done?

      their constant aggressive stances in the South China Sea

      The South what Sea?

      takeover of Hong Kong.

      Taking things over is when you get back territory previously seized by a colonial empire.

    • @[email protected]
      51 year ago

      So you call China “aggressive” yet are totally okay with the British controlling a colony halfway across the world? You really tell on yourself when you say shit like that, and you wandered into a non-liberal space where you will actually be called out on it.

      • @Alteon
        -41 year ago

        Where did I say I was okay with British controlling a colony half way across the world? What?

        I’m not even sure the sort of space this is…holy shit. It said media criticism. Not…whatever the fuck is going on with this comment section.

    • Red Wizard 🪄
      41 year ago

      Anyone practicing Socialist thinking is practicing a form of Marxism, in which Maoisim\Communism With Chinese Characteristics has its roots. So naturally, you are going to see ideological overlap between the two. Wouldn’t it be reasonably disingenuous to draw a straight line between someone’s Socialist and Anti-War points of view and whatever you imagine the Chinese government to be? To rephrase, wouldn’t it be disingenuous to attempt to paint someone who holds Socialist and Anti-War points of view to also be 100% Pro-China in all regards, good and bad?

      I’m trying to meet you where you are if it wasn’t clear. McCarthyism vilified people in support of strong labor unions, a belief that also has a shared lineage with Marxism, as agents of the USSR. This doesn’t feel that different to me. You have to be willing to accept a nuanced approach to these existing socialist states if you share any socialist points of view, otherwise, you are just upholding an unrealistic ideal that no one can ever actualize.

    • 陆船。
      21 year ago

      Okkkay kkkracker. Kkkeep dropping bombs on the rest of the world.

      • @Alteon
        1 year ago

        Yes, I’m literally the person pushing the buttons to drop bombs on people. You got it. Are you literally the guy that’s genociding Uyghurs? You the one with the gun?

        This is entirely pointless. Can’t even discuss an article without immediately devolving to insults and racism. This is why lemmygrad is getting defederated, because of little, racist, pricks like you.

        • 陆船。
          11 year ago

          Everyday you wake up and decide to repeat imperial propaganda whose aim is war, you are no different than the people who want the war. What war have these imperial stenographers drummed up support for that wasn’t under false pretenses?

          • @Alteon
            31 year ago

            Point to me where exactly I decided to do this. Fucking link it to me. By all means, I’ll wait.

            But you won’t. Because there isn’t. It’s so fucking convenient for you to label me as a supporter of imperialist propoganda because it means you don’t actually have to respond to anything I’ve said.

          • @Alteon
            11 year ago

            Oh, so we’re conveniently redefining racism to fit our narratives are we? Racism no longer means the prejudice or discrimination of others anymore?

            So if I called you by any sort of racial slur, that’s not racist anymore? You have any idea how retarded that sounds?

            So your telling me someone can call you a dirty, fucking and as long as they are not “participating in systemic oppression” then they wouldn’t be racist? Ooookay.

      • @Alteon
        -71 year ago

        Christ almighty your so quick to label me as conservative because I’m not accepting of a Chinese form of governance? What in the entire fuck is going on right now?

          • @Alteon
            1 year ago

            I’m 100% supportive of social democracy.

            Socialism isn’t bad. China is.

            Are you telling me that there is zero grey area here?

            • @[email protected]
              51 year ago

              We aren’t accepting of people like you who have not read an ounce of basic leftist theory coming in and spewing buzzwords and acting like it is some sort of informed opinion. You clearly haven’t even read some of the most entry level shit like Manufacturing Consent or anything like that, you are incapable of having any sort of real discussion about these topics. We have theory and frameworks, you have pure ideology.

              • @Alteon
                -21 year ago

                I’m unsure where you’re getting any of this from. You can be pro-socialism and social democracy, whilst not being accepting of the shit that China is doing. These are not mutually exclusive things.

                • @[email protected]
                  41 year ago

                  I literally just told you why you are facing resistance and why we are not engaging you on your bullshit

    • @Eldritch
      -21 year ago

      You will not get any good faith discussion or debate here. Look at the Domain it was posted from. And stop wasting your time.

        • @Eldritch
          -21 year ago

          I do thank you for proving my point good day.

            • @Alteon
              11 year ago

              Yes, anyone that disagrees with your looney toons worldview must obviously be a bot/not real. You are the textbook example of why no one takes your views seriously. You’re not interested in changing people’s thoughts or trying to stear them towards your ideology, instead your a bitter, cynical little man taking your frustrations out against anyone that doesn’t agree with you. You want to make the world a better place? Then learn how to talk and engage with people, otherwise rot in this little echochamber where nothing will ever change.

      • @Alteon
        -21 year ago

        …holy crap…lol. I’m not sure how I missed that. Thank you for pointing that out.