I have a particular internet radio show that I like to listen to each week and I am looking for a solution to automatically begin recording at a specific time each week on a particular station for a specific amount of time so that I can listen to it when I’m unavailable at that time. It would also be nice to fast forward through the ads.

  • @ReginaPhalange
    142 years ago

    Assuming a stable URL

    ffmpeg -i "(stream url)" -t (length of recording in hh:mm:ss format ) -c copy "recording.m4a"

    And you could time it weekly using cron jobs

  • @cyberpunk2350
    62 years ago

    Look into yt-dlp and ytdl-sub (linux) ytdl-sub basicly an text based interface for ytdlp can be used to help automate the process and is a little more human readable and easier configure.