• @_number8_
    481 year ago

    dating apps are fucking miserable. cold texting a stranger is miserable, i have no idea how i’m supposed to establish proper rapport and interest with fucking cutsey chatup lines

    • @TCBloo
      141 year ago

      Easy. Get their attention by whatever means necessary.

      Talk about things that are interesting to you. Ask them about things that they are interested in.

      Actually listen and show genuine interest in the things that they like by asking questions and following up on things that they tell you.

      If they do that for you too, great. Continue to build rapport, go on dates, fall in love, get married, build a life together, have kids, become happy.

      If they don’t, don’t take it personally and just move on. If they’re not interested in you, then you should not be interested in them. Figuring out this part is hard, but once you do, you will save so much time and mental.

  • @[email protected]
    321 year ago

    “how’s your day going?”

    “How was your weekend?”

    " Any plans for the week?"

    These are cheap, lazy ways to start a conversation. Give them a go, Plankton

    • @Cheez
      11 months ago

      deleted by creator

      • @[email protected]
        81 year ago

        That sounds like a discard swipe to me. Asking about the week is just an ice breaker, someone stating that is not only going to rely on you to carry the conversation, they’re also less likely to reflect upon themselves.

        Ignore that, move on to a good match, start a conversation any way you like.

    • AnonStoleMyPants
      41 year ago

      And when they respond, be interested in what they do. Ask questions, make follow up questions etc.

  • @PunnyName
    271 year ago

    Step 1: be attractive
    Step 2: wait

    • @[email protected]
      381 year ago

      “I stopped going after the super hot girls and then finally met my wife”

      I know it’s not what you mean but it gave me a good chuckle.

      • @[email protected]
        191 year ago

        Must have made for a great speach at their wedding.

        “Once I stopped banging models and settled for Wife my life has been way better. Sure, the sex with all those hot chicks was great but sometimes I think there’s more to life that sleeping with really, really, ridiculously good looking women. Anyways, here’s to my new wife!”

  • @[email protected]
    111 year ago

    You can tell some joke tinder appropriate. You can look those up on the internet or come with your own.

    You can also ask some question about her profile or something you see in the picture.

    Not the best things you can do, but would get you a little bit further.

    • @Eheran
      91 year ago

      I agree. But last time I did that stuff (4 years ago?) most female profiles were empty and the pictures were meaningless. Except for that one I am still with today.

      • @[email protected]
        51 year ago

        Yes, that is true. That is the reason dating apps suck. Most of the girls either are protecting their privacy aggressively to avoid awkward situations IRL or they just fill in with junk. Other are also way too busy to answer antybody.

    • Carl
      21 year ago

      Heard you are looking for a stud. I have the std, all I need is u.

      Like that joke?