Coincidentally enough, I saw another user make a post about cookies. Reminded me of a Reddit post I made 4 years ago that’d be fitting to share!
As an old man, I fully endorse opening cookie packages the old fashioned way, as shown here. Anyone who thinks otherwise needs to get off my lawn.
I am also old fashioned… And trained to learn most biscuit/tissue packets with easy open tab are not designed to be easily opened
If you eat them all in one sitting, you’re good to go either way!
What kind of monster would do this?
Someone like me lol Where I grew up any packaging always had only a basic opening, and old habits die hard. If I am opening anything without paying attention I am usually doing it wrong 😂
The tab is for people who don’t plan on eating the whole thing all at once.
My memory might be hazy, but I think that was sitting around our kitchen for a few days before we finally finished it lmao
Only reason I remember was because I took the rest of the box on a 4-hour drive across the state
There’s been a couple of times that I’ve opened up the side like that and ate a cookie or two and then saw the tab and was like 🤦. 😂🤣
I never realized there’s a tab. Wasn’t that way when I grew up.
I may be alone in thinking this, but every pack, box and bag with some sort of “easy open” system is always a pain in the butt to open.
Or it opens but it’s impossible to close properly so your product stayes fresh. (looking at you baby wipes! goddamnit)
Love the milk jug in the background. That is a man with a plan.
I wish it was milk xD
When taking that route through the state (had to take it around 5-6 times a year), I passed by a natural water spring, where my family and I filled up containers of spring water to bring back home. For this, we just collected and washed plastic milk gallon containers, and filled those up!
So in that picture, I believe it’s filled with spring water, or empty if my eyes deceive me
Well, if the person isn’t an absolute heathen, you can close the end more securely than the top sheet. But whoever did this ia a toe-jam licking troglodyte that hates the world and wants everyone to eat stale cookies.
Sometimes you just want to watch the world burn
Sometimes I think a common response response is “Haha, I’m not about to let documentation tell me what to do! I’ll show them!”
…I’m paid to write a lot of documentation. Generally, I’m the only one who uses it. So at least it saves my time, so I can focus on writing more documentation.
I do software development myself, and I can’t express how much of a difference good documentation makes when using a new/unfamiliar library.
So at the very least, I and many others in my line of work appreciate the effort that’s put in to write clear and readable documentation, because without it, I’d be floundering around like a fish out of water lol
As an old person with arthritic hands I gotta say, some of those pull tabs to open are danged difficult.