Spread this OC far and wide.

    • @[email protected]
      121 year ago

      Seriously. If they want to keep their money, they should be forced to invest it in companies that generate jobs.

        • @Kage520
          41 year ago

          Yeah bullshit jobs make me annoyed too. Why can I not pump my own gas in your state? “Oh, those people need jobs.” Okay that makes it more annoying to get gas but okay.

          But there are jobs that need doing! These people could be building solar panels, working at carbon sequestration, or even just staffing childcare which we desperately need. Why are we wasting our workforce in made up jobs when we have work that needs doing?

        • @Monkeyarson
          41 year ago

          Exactly, look up the broken window fallacy

        • @[email protected]
          31 year ago

          I think I understand you’re pro UBI. Just wanted to state that I’m pro UBI too. Especially instead of bullshit jobs.

        • @madcaesar
          21 year ago

          That’s a good point SuckMyWang

      • @[email protected]
        61 year ago

        Isn’t that exactly where most billionaire’s wealth typically is? A lot is in stock of some company they started or invested in.

        You can’t gobble up the excess value created by workers if there are no workers.

        • @WaxedWookie
          31 year ago

          …unless you gobble up your rivals instead, creating a monopoly, shrinking the job pool through consolidation, sweating the remaining employees that are competing for the vanishing opportunities to keep a roof over their heads, causing market failure and generally fucking everyone over.

          This is the strategy adopted by the likes of Bezos, Zuckerberg, the Waltons, and arguably the majority of the biggest drains on our society. Billionaires

          • @[email protected]
            21 year ago

            Well yeah, all that consolation and abuse of the working class means more productivity per person, and since we definitely aren’t going to pay them more that means we’re now worth $100 billion versus the measly, honestly embarrassing, ten figures we had a decade ago. Single-digit billions, could you imagine the shame?

            /s but what you describe is honestly seen as a good thing by c-suite sociopaths. The super rich people you mentioned are heroes to them. Such efficient use of capital to create shareholder value!

            • @WaxedWookie
              11 year ago

              And that’s the issue - we’ve structured our economy for the benefit of the owners rather than the contributors. Sociopathic as they are, the C-suite are just doing what they’re motivated (and to a lesser extent legally obligated) to do.

              Change the incentives, change the behaviour, change our society for the better.

    • @scarabic
      51 year ago

      Yep. No pity. There is an upper limit on how much money one person can meaningfully benefit from. And our system creates these insane leaks that pour value into mile-deep, inch-wide holes. It’s honestly a form of waste. Radical capitalists should embrace this idea.

  • MrsDoyle
    361 year ago

    Consider this: a million seconds is 12 days. A billion seconds is 31 years. It really helps me understand just how obscenely wealthy these people are, how much money they are hoarding. They’re leeches.

    • @[email protected]
      91 year ago

      By that measure, $100,000 a year for 60 years is 70 days.

      And since a billion seconds is 31 years, Musk is worth almost 7000 years.

      • @[email protected]
        91 year ago

        There are people on this planet who could give up 90% of their wealth and still ensure a more than comfortable life for themselves and their family, for a dozen generations and more.

        And yet they keep all of it.

        Then you’ll have the people defending them with the good old argument that no one should be expected to give up their hard-earned wealth.

        Sure, except these twats „earned“ it through exploitation and misery. No one gets this filthy rich with honest and fair work, that’s not how the game works.

  • Nora
    161 year ago

    Can we just get here already, these memes are nice, but where are the actual guillotines?

    • @Shiki
      01 year ago

      Don’t you have to actually work to build them?

    • @SupraMario
      -121 year ago

      Considering most of you are very anti-2a… pretty much never.

      • @[email protected]
        271 year ago

        God I’m so sick of this take.

        We’re not anti second amendment we’re anti idiots with guns.

        If you can’t pass a background check or a psychological evaluation you shouldn’t own a gun.

        “bUt CrImInAlS-” shut the fuck up. Yeah criminals will still get guns but it’ll be a lot fucking harder for them to obtain them.

        • @SupraMario
          -31 year ago

          Who’s giving the psy eval? Is it Jim Bob from the county who hates blacks and LGBTQ+? So he denies all those applications and allows just his white friends to get firearms?

          And no it will not make it harder for them to get firearms. There are 450+ million of them get over it.

          • @[email protected]
            31 year ago

            An idiot with a gun isn’t going to help with any of that.

            They will rather make it worse.

            Stop allowing crazy people access to offensive weapons.

              • Cethin
                1 year ago

                Do we have car bans (for the general populace, not people who were banned because they committed a crime) because you have to be licensed to use one?

      • Cethin
        1 year ago

        I love firearms. They’re fun. However, they’re also dangerous, to yourself and others. I believe there should be requirements for background checks, mental health evaluations, and also mandatory training in the operation, maintaince, storage (1776 is not a good combination, and firearms are the most stolen items), and transportation of your firearm, as well as training on the legality of its usage, all of which is tested and must be passed. This should probably be funded with taxes as well, to ensure poor people aren’t deprived of their rights.

        To claim this position is “anti-2A” is disingenuous at best. Hell, the 2A is written in a way that I don’t think it applies anymore (the protection of a free State does not require a well regulated militia if we have a standing professional military, which wasn’t expected to be a thing at the time), but I still think firearm ownership shouldn’t be banned. It should be regulated, like car ownership is which is almost required to live life in the US and is designed for transportation, not killing things.

      • @[email protected]
        91 year ago

        They learned a lesson from that, now they have us bickering with each other over rich political figures who we treat like celebrities. So, it’ll take longer to come to the French Revolution stage, by then they’ll be in safety bunkers.

      • punkisundead [they/them]
        31 year ago

        Or maybe, if you actually think they should be killed, do it now? Like why wait for some situation like you described that might never happen.

    • Cethin
      21 year ago

      I agree, but this is an image, not a guillotine. Maybe you could argue the image of a guillotine could lead to similar methods being used if a revolution happens, but I don’t know if that’s worth discussing in depth. As a tool to transport a message, I think a guillotine is valid. As a method of murder, probably not.

      • Gnothi
        21 year ago

        But the message the guillotine is transporting is “lets start murdering”.

  • @poszod
    61 year ago

    Garbage, low effort, polarising post that does nothing to further the actually important antiwork movement.

  • @[email protected]
    11 year ago

    We didn’t chose our leaders. Leaders got billions because we chose to do nothing.

    Why do you think corporations strive in America and at the same time the people gets the shit (bad labour laws, bad healthcare, bad wages) compared to Europe? Because they’re better?

    Fuck no, it’s because of Europe. The founding fathers created a “weak” government on purpose, leaving the power to we the people. Why do you think we’re the only country in the world with a Second Amendment?

    (Except Mexico and Guatemala but that’s a different story…)

    But guess what, Americans are lazy, we had a duty and we didn’t answer the call… so who filled the hole? People with ambitions. And people with ambitions create companies, and companies value profits, not wellbeing.

    We didn’t chose billionaires. Billionaires got billions because we chose to do nothing.

  • @[email protected]
    01 year ago

    Speaking of guillotines…

    Can anyone here edit videos?

    I have an original piece of music of about 1 minute length, I was hoping to work with someone on adding images of rich people mixed what short clips of a rising guillotine blade or something like that.

    The audio is ready. I was thinking of editing some video for it myself, but it is not really my area of expertise…

  • krzschlss
    1 year ago

    But you did choose those leaders, by accepting the two party system and always voting for the lesser evil. The phenomenon of ‘the lesser evil’ isn’t born out of necessity, it is manufactured, so the people who have money can earn even more wealth and power every 4 years by giving you their option for leadership.

    I like the idea of the guillotine, but those blades have never been sharpened in the US… you always liked your less evil leaders.

    • @Weslee
      91 year ago

      The billionaire problem.

      • @Shiki
        -21 year ago

        But then what?

        Would you lazy fucks actually get up and do something productive?

        • @Weslee
          21 year ago

          Like how we work for billionaires and make them money? How do you think billionaires make their money? Does it just appear out of thin air?

            • @Weslee
              21 year ago

              I’ve worked since I was 15, how tf do you think people survive without working in a capitalist world

              • @Shiki
                -21 year ago

                Government hand outs

                Living in their parents basement