Hello there. I’m a beginner so keep that in mind. I have an old laptop (something like 10 yo). It has an HDD, 4 gigs of DDR3, an i3 4th gen 1.7
GHz and an NVidia Geforce 710M (Windows Game Ready Driver 391.35 WHQL which I think doesn’t support Wayland). It also has CSM BIOS so yeah. It has the option of UEFI but the GeForce (I think) doesn’t support it.

Currently, it has Windows 10 on it, but it has been veeeeery sluggish. I’m planning to upgrade the RAM to 8 gigs and upgrade to an SSD, but (even if I upgrade those parts) I don’t want to use Windows anymore, at all.

So, I have a few options. (kinda in order)

Linux Mint
Fedora, though idk if the 2 GHz requirement is a big problem
MX Linux
Ubuntu and its flavors
Zorin OS
and maybe Solus? though the same problem with fedora.

Yeah yeah ik, all of these except Fedora and Solus are Debian/Ubuntu based.

DE options: (again, also kinda in order)

KDE Plasma (love the looks of it, though is my hardware enough?)
XFCE - LXDE - LXQT (because of “lightweightness” :D)
5. GNOME too heavy
These are some options for me. If you have any more suggestions, let me know. Also, are there any compatibility issues with my system for the distros/DEs?

Thanks for the replies in advance.

(Note: this was also posted in the m/[email protected] magazine and the r/linux4noobs subreddit. don’t ask why im still on reddit, it’s because of Infinity for reddit.)

(Another note: If you saw this post before, it’s because of /kbin’s issues. I reposted it because no one saw it before.)

    • @[email protected]
      310 months ago

      Linux Mint is the easiest one from the list

      I have to try mint, so many people recommend it and its hard to believe something can be easier than popos

    • SucukOP
      110 months ago

      Linux Mint is the easiest one from the list, but all of them except Solus are fine. I personally recommend Mint or Debian, Debian Sid if you want latest kernel.

      No, I don’t really need it.

      KDE should work fine, maybe with a bit of tweaking?

      I thought about that too. If that doesn’t work out, Xfce/LXDE/LXQT it is.

      • @[email protected]
        310 months ago

        Try Mint Cinnamon, if that’s slow try disabling animations. If it’s still slow, go to XFCE.

        Mint really rocks at not requiring you to use the terminal almost ever. For sure the best choice in the “just works” category.

  • arthurpizza
    10 months ago

    Side note: Gnome is not as heavy as it once was. Running on a Chromebook with 2GB or RAM and haven’t had any issues.

  • @[email protected]
    1210 months ago

    As a complete Linux noob coming from Windows, I’d say Mint is the way to go. If you’re worried about Cinnamon being too heavy, Mate is much lighter and a lot of fun. I’m especially fond of their file browser Caja.

    Your second choice, Fedora, is my go to system, and I’ll cheerfully sing it’s praises. If you want to go that way, check out the KDE, Cinnamon, XFCE, or LXDE spins, but I will say it’s a bit less beginner friendly. Make sure you enable the non-free repositories when you log in for the first time!

    • L3ft_F13ld!
      310 months ago

      Mint has an XFCE version as well, last I checked. So if Mate is too much then XFCE is there on Mint as well.

  • @Molecular0079
    1210 months ago

    That’s exactly the kind of hardware that’d get a big a boost in performance by switching to Linux. Go for it! I have so many old machines that have essentially gained a second life when I installed Linux on them. You can’t go wrong with either an Ubuntu, Debian, or Fedora-based distro. I am not sure what 2Ghz requirement you’re talking about, but I’ve run Fedora on potato class hardware so I think it will be fine.

    If you start getting used to Linux after a while, I’d actually suggest Arch because of how slim of a system you can achieve with it and how fast in general it usually is. Of course, if this is your first time using Linux definitely try out some of the friendlier distros first!

      • @Molecular0079
        710 months ago

        To be honest, I think those are more guidelines than anything else. Most distros are largely the same in terms of overall performance. Perhaps some might have a bigger memory footprint due to more applications installed out of the box, but that’s about it.

  • ZephyrXero
    910 months ago

    XFCE is a great option. I consider it middle ground as low resource needs, but also has most of the features you want in a DE. Things like IceWM or OpenBox are even lighter, but less featureful

  • @LovePoson
    910 months ago

    Mint it is, rock-solid for beginners

  • @[email protected]
    910 months ago

    You’re having way too many thoughts about this. I’ll give you a simple choice: It’s either Xubuntu or Linux Mint.

    Simply choose by which one looks better to you. Done.

    In a year you can look back at your post and decide again if there is anything you want to change or you’re in dire need of a Linux hobby and Gentoo is all you’ve ever been looking for.

  • @[email protected]
    610 months ago

    Some other people said you’re thinking too hard. They’re right.

    Back up all your shit, install Debian. Try out kde and see if it’s too much. If it is, install cinnamon or something.

  • @[email protected]
    10 months ago

    Mint/Cinnamon is easy and a good transitional experience. Whatever you choose, don’t forget to donate whatever you can afford and think is appropriate. That helps keep these things available. GL

  • @[email protected]
    410 months ago

    Prepare for the Nvidia card to be a pain in the ass, if so, maybe running the official driver on a LTS version of Ubuntu is the best option here.

  • Presi300
    410 months ago

    Ubuntu is SLOW on a HDD (has to do with the packaging format they use), I’d personally recommend trying fedora 1st and if that’s also too slow, MXLinux is great. Solus recently got revived, but it’s still got issues so I can’t really recommend it for a 1st distro… And finally, if even MX doesn’t run perfectly, try AntiX, the best Linux distro for really low-end PCs imo.

    • @[email protected]
      110 months ago

      i’ve taken to running apt inside eatmydata, makes it run way faster since it doesn’t call fsync constantly. granted, you could end up in an invalid state if the power goes out, but that’s what UPSs, laptop batteries and backups are for :)

      • SucukOP
        110 months ago

        Well uhhhhhhh, when my "laptop"s plug is pulled out or the power goes out, it’s dead :D. might need a battery change or an ups…

        • @[email protected]
          110 months ago

          Definitely get a battery change. Lithium batteries that old can become dangerous and even explode.

  • @[email protected]
    310 months ago

    Why is it that in such posts I don’t see PopOS mentioned anywhere? I’ve been using it on my 8 year old laptop and it works really well! It had Win 10 on it previously and would crash if I opened more than 2 tabs on Firefox.

        • Gamey
          110 months ago

          Gnome is probably usable but definitely not ideal on old low end hardware, Pop is a great Distro and I love Gnome but I wouldn’t recommend it in this case, maybe that’s why.