• @[email protected]
    2 years ago

    His plane has crashed and he’s on the passenger list, but it’s not proven yet that he was on the plane. He’s the person, who faked his death in the past.

    • jungle
      2 years ago

      Aren’t airplane “accidents” more of a traditional CIA method? Not saying it was them, but from Putin I would expect poison or window.

      Or maybe this is how Prigozhin decided to disappear. He may be on a beach in the Caribbean drinking a piña colada for all we know.

      It’s funny how nobody actually believes this was an accident.

  • @[email protected]
    832 years ago

    Wait, am I reading this right that the plane was shot down by russian air defence? If this is backed up at all by anything like a russian source, then this will just further enforce option that russia can not be trusted to do anything it says and that putin is weak and threatened (both are true but I thought the kremlin would at least try to say/show otherwise).

    How does russia keep messing up this bad? I am constantly shocked and awed.

      • @[email protected]
        252 years ago

        Yeah, a pointless one that makes them look like predictable idiots. Most will not be unhappy at his death and those that would be are on russia’s side of this conflict. This (if it is what it looks like now) is like making a martyr just for assholes.

          • @[email protected]
            62 years ago

            Putin is killing people and the purpose of the window assassinations is meant to be clearly not an accident. The whole point is to send a message, not to try and fool people.

    • Hyperreality
      2 years ago

      If this is backed up at all by anything like a russian source

      The Guardian is reporting this:

      The cause of the crash was not immediately clear, but Prigozhin’s longstanding feud with the military and the armed uprising he led in June would give ample motive to the Russian state for revenge. Media channels linked to Wagner quickly suggested that a Russian air defence missile had shot down the plane.


    • 小莱卡
      -262 years ago

      This take perfectly embodies how libs only care about aesthetics.

      • SatansMaggotyCumFart
        152 years ago

        These large perfectly monolithic groups of scary people that you don’t like.

      • @[email protected]
        142 years ago

        I am lost and this is a reply to my own statement. May I ask you to expand on what a “lib” is, how I erred to be labelled as one, and finally how it is you think I care about aesthetics?

        • @[email protected]
          -22 years ago

          Can’t speak for anyone else but I may be able to answer this.

          A lib is a liberal, someone who is pro-capital, not an anti-capitalist (very little overlap with how liberal tends to be defined in ordinary language in the US). Optics, relating to how people see the event, is idealism not materialism. Liberalism is idealist, unlike Marxism, which is materialist.

          The dig at liberalism and aesthetics is likely a critique of the implication that what this looks like has much to do with the material reality. That’s an aesthetic argument. It doesn’t matter what this looks like because the optics don’t affect the material relations. Someone who elevates the optics at the expense of the material relations is making an idealist, likely a liberal argument.

          Hence the comment embodying an aesthetic argument of the kind that liberals often make.

            • @[email protected]
              -32 years ago

              You’re welcome. I’m glad you’re taking this in the spirit in which it’s intended. When Marxists criticise idealism, the target is the liberal world outlook, not the individual.

              By implication, really. Focusing on what people think of Russia’s/Putin’s trustworthiness rather than on it’s record or the factors that would keep it honest, so to speak. It’s Ukraine that violated Minsk, apparently prompted by France, Germany, and ‘NATO’. Looking at the optics, that seems a little more duplicitous than assassinating someone who attempted a coup (if this was an assassination and if what happened before can be called a coup).

              Would I trust a single person, e.g. Putin to uphold an international agreement? It doesn’t matter. It’s not a one-man show. War is expensive and the longer it goes on for the more expensive it becomes, in support as well as the cost of arms, soldiers, etc.

              Nobody has to trust Putin. An agreement would be maintained because material factors require it to be maintained. What westerners think it’s by-the-by. (I’m assuming you’re not Russian as you were asking about Russian sources—I’m not asking you to confirm or deny as I don’t want you to dox yourself; I’m just trying to give an answer that makes sense from the available evidence.)

              • @slaacaa
                32 years ago

                Tank(ie) you for the detailed explanation!

          • @[email protected]
            102 years ago

            Please guide me on this, other wise these are just vague statements that make us both look silly.

            • @khannie
              62 years ago

              You’re pissing in the wind trying to get anything from a Tankie unfortunately.

              Jumps in, stirs shit, refuses to elaborate, leaves.

  • @2Xtreme21
    632 years ago

    Was only a matter of time…

      • @demlet
        32 years ago

        I dunno, this seems good for Putin to me. But I’m not an expert in geopolitics and war…

        • @orclev
          52 years ago

          Eh, it’s debatable. He had already shipped Wagner off to Belarus and folded the Wagner troops into the Belarus military, so Wagner was pretty effectively de-fanged at that point. The only thing Putin gained by this was sending a message to anyone else that decided to stand up to him, although if anyone still didn’t understand that Putin tends to assassinate people who displease him they haven’t been paying attention since like 1980 when Putin was still actually KGB. This is very on brand for Putin, although it is a bit novel to apparently go with airplane “crash” rather than his usual standbys of poisoning, “falling” out of windows, or tripping down flights of stairs/elevator shafts and landing on bullets.

          On the other hand, it does make Putin look scared and weak that he felt the need to assassinate someone who he had already effectively defeated, without needing to fire a shot at that. I still wonder how he pulled that off. He must have either had some seriously damning dirt on Prigozhin, or else made him one hell of a deal to get him to about face and march right out of Russia. Maybe Putin just straight up threatened to nuke him if he got any closer to Moscow and he decided not to try to call Putin’s bluff.

    • @weedazz
      62 years ago

      It’s a lemmy special

    • @sheogorath
      42 years ago

      Watch him showing up at Kremlin proclaiming himself Peter the Great reborn.

  • @[email protected]
    462 years ago

    I’m fully expecting Russian media to explain how those evil Ukranians sneaked a missile battery or a fighter jet into Moscow airspace and shot down a plane that just happened to contained Putin’s mortal enemies.

    • @extant
      22 years ago

      I was expecting them to say the plane fell out of a window.

    • SanguinePar
      162 years ago

      Maybe frustrated after India did what his lot couldn’t.

      • Final Remix
        132 years ago

        Nonsense. India and ruzzia both made it to the moon. The ruzzians just did it more aggressively.

  • @what_is_a_name
    2 years ago

    When it’s hard to toss a man out of a window. Or shoot or poison him. Just down his plane. Easy.

    • deweydecibel
      102 years ago

      Perhaps he’s wondering why you would shoot a man before throwing him out of an airplane?

    • peopleproblems
      32 years ago

      This had nothing to with simplicity. It had everything to do with the Kremlin executing him and his entourage mafia style.

    • @Zippy
      12 years ago

      Also who cares about all the others aboard.

  • @[email protected]
    352 years ago

    I’m loving all the tankie tears in here. They don’t know who to support. LOL. I love how ruZZia is slowly eating its own tail and destroying itself, just typical of a fascist state. Slava Ukraini! Slava NATO!

    • @[email protected]
      2 years ago

      I just think it’s amusing how easily they out themselves as kneejerk anti-west reactionaries with support of Russia, which is a country even more opposed to their alleged ideals.

    • @[email protected]
      2 years ago

      I don’t know what tankies you’ve seen, lil fasc, but it was always understood among us that Prigozhin was only useful as long as he was under control. An ancap with a personal army running around unchecked isn’t something you’ll catch me supporting. I just wish this was done more effectively, without loosing control of the orchestra.

      • @diffuselight
        52 years ago

        Typical case of being so far right you come out on the left again

  • @[email protected]
    322 years ago

    Never discount that a deal was reached and this was their way or his way of going in retirement with a new identity - faked death.

  • HuddaBudda
    2 years ago

    Only thing I am seeing on this is that two of Wagner’s private jets were in the air, and one crashed over St. Petersburg while taking off from Moscow.

    The other jet that belongs to him turned around and landed in Moscow airport after losing contact with the first. Which is pretty strange.

    It is assumed that The leader Prigozhin and his 2nd in command were supposedly on board. As Russia state media is claiming they are dead.

    However, Russia State Media has been lying quite a bit though this war, so it has to be taken with a grain of salt.

    As of now 7 10 bodies have been found.

    However, just day’s earlier, Prigozhin was seen in Africa as if “announcing their services” to a developing situation. So why did he suddenly end up in Moscow? The one place he knows he isn’t safe?!

    Wagner’s media is also claiming they both died.