It’s been a while since I posted. A lot has been changing and happening for me.
I got on a prescription scalp treatment, and I can see little dark hairs setting up base in the No-Man’s-Land that used to be my hair line, they are surrounded by an army of blonde hairs that I can feel, but not see. I’ve only been on the treatment for maybe a week, so I’m very hopeful between that and HRT that I may actually be able to grow my hair out again!
I had bought a Tria 4x at home laser for hair removal on eBay for $170 USD that I’ve been using on my chest and face so far. The face was so painful with all the deep close together hairs that when I do my chest it feels like the device isn’t working. My beard shadow is starting to fade, and you only really notice it in my side burns (I started at the Tragus to avoid going too high), the rest isn’t as dark anymore and stays smooth a day or so longer after a shave shower now. It takes a long while, but I’m still firmly in boy mode, so I don’t mind it right now, and it will hopefully be mostly done by the time I end up girl moding a majority of the time.
Also, as an aside, my face is softening up, I noticed specifically in the lips, they seem brighter and softer.
Attached picture is my current nail art, base coat is Oaseas, with a light coat of Saturn it up for some glitter and pink contrast. I’m loving it so wanted to share!
Your nails are so cute! I love the color you chose.
Yes, those nails are fantastic, that’s such a great colour combo (as a lover of purple it really appeals to me, I must experiment!), but also such a clean finish! I always end up with polish all over my skin 😂
Thank you! I admittedly have been painting my nails since high school, so I’ve had a lot of practice over the years.
Thank you
I love that shade.
Are you purposely squaring your nails? My parter likes the squared shape, I’m not sure I do, personally, but 2 of mine want to be super flat and square naturally so maybe that’s why? 🤷♀️
Congrats on all of your positive changes! I love the idea of getting softer!
That’s just how I’ve trimmed them forever. They kind of naturally grow that way, and I just maintain that natural shape. I’ve gotten a lot of compliments about my hands and nails, so I figured if it ain’t broke don’t fix it. 😬
That’s awesome! I hope I didn’t come across the wrong way. I was just curious and wasn’t really aware that people do specifically seek that shape.
Would you mind sharing what the scalp treatment is for a girl who is also beset by alopecia?
I’m using a topical spray of finasteride and minoxidil from hims.
I’m glad it’s working so quickly!!
I might be being overly optimistic, but considering my dysphoria really hit me hard first about my hair, and slowly cascaded into the realizations about everything else, I’m ecstatic to see any changes to reclaim it, and to reclaim myself.
I used to live stream on DLive before pewdiepie joined and someone told me going bald was a choice and I couldn’t fathom being able to afford treatment.
So glad I got it off that mindset!
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