Emotion recognition systems are finding growing use, from monitoring customer responses to ads to scanning for ‘distressed’ women in danger.

  • @AllonzeeLV
    1 year ago

    Too bad it gets the emotion and not the context.

    I’d love to be fired because “I hate making money for these greedy ass capitalist douchebags” pops up on a screen whenever I come in.

    The idea that employers should even be allowed to ask what their employees are feeling, much less scan them to discern it, is a new low for our modern Orwellian dystopia.

    • thanevim
      141 year ago

      The thing is though, I don’t see how someone like this could even work out.

      Like, you hire employee 1, they get frustrated at something overnight. You fire them for being upset. Now you have to fill the seat. Employee 2 is brought on. They get told what happened to the person they replaced. They leave or are fired for having emotion and being human. This repeats ad nauseum.

      • Radioactive Radio
        121 year ago

        Let’s be real, most of us would get weeded out at the interview when they start spilling all the “we’re like a family” bullshit.

        • @randon31415
          21 year ago

          What type of family? Found family? The kind of family that requires restraining orders for abuse? The kind that only sees each other on Chirstmas?

      • @AllonzeeLV
        1 year ago

        I’m guessing it’s going to be implemented as identifying “persistent negative attitudes” and as validation to fire anyone in non-fire-at-will locales.

        It could also be used as bullshit to deny raises and promotions if your grateful or motivated indexes weren’t high enough.

        • @FringeTheory999
          111 year ago

          so, basically a tool to suss out which employees have undisclosed mental health issues that the employer can’t legally ask about. cool. cool.

    • @[email protected]
      181 year ago

      Seriously. Why are people choosing to work for these companies? There are other ways to make a buck. Have some fucking morals.

      • @Olgratin_Magmatoe
        21 year ago

        The threat of homelessness and starvation is quite coercive. That’s why people still work at these kinds of jobs.

    • @PeterPoopshit
      1 year ago

      At a certain point, not just the companies doing this are to blame but the people working for them as well. Who tf can support this kind of thing? People need to have some self fucking respect.

      For example we could probably have the cure for cancer right by now if they spent half the effort on it as they did making unbeatable thc drug tests for example. It’s clear where society’s priorities are. Improving lives does not generate profit.

    • SokathHisEyesOpen
      71 year ago

      There are uses for it. They can track the average mood of an entire room over a period of time. If you use that somewhere like a restaurant, or a banquet venue, then that information can be useful for tweaking the policies, environment, prices, etc. Of course an actual human could do this too, just by being there. I think it’ll get the most use at places like casinos where they’re always using psychological tricks to make people want to gamble. Ironically I don’t think that “happy” is the mood they’ll be aiming for.

        • SokathHisEyesOpen
          1 year ago

          It has already existed for a decade or so. I’m surprised it hasn’t made headlines before. I saw a working demo of it at the Microsoft Visitor Center about 8 years ago. In addition to estimating your mood, it also assigns you a persistent ID, estimates your height, weight, eye color, hair color, ethnicity, and age. It is scarily accurate at all of those things. That ID can be shared across all linked systems at any number of locations. I completely agree with you that there are a lot of concerning, if not downright terrifying implications of this system. It’s a privacy nightmare.

    • Neato
      61 year ago

      You can to an extent, but that’s a losing venture. If pubic opinion goes against this tech hard enough, it’ll keep some people from working in those industries. BUT if those products are profitable enough, they will simply pay more and that’ll be moot.

      Attacking the people who are earning a living isn’t the answer. Most people take the job with the best combo of pay and work/life balance they can find in their area, or if they can afford to move. Not that many have the luxury to pick and choose based on their morality. And if compensation is high enough, it’s a lot less likely.

      It’s far easier to try to prevent this tech from being used at all. I know political action is hard as hell but it’s a lot easier than trying to ostracize an entire industry’s worth of workers. It may feel easier to denigrate faceless individuals but that won’t accomplish anything. Plenty of people work for weapons manufacturers and such.

        • Neato
          31 year ago

          These people are not desperate for a job.

          You’re painting with a firehose. Some people are.

          I’m an engineer, I quit Intel (after the startup I worked for was acquired) because Intel powers much of the MI complex. I quit Illumina when it became clear I was directly assisting with state level genetic experiments. As an engineer I could easily get a job elsewhere where I was not directly contributing to the downfall of my fellow humans.

          You are what we call, privileged. Maybe you should…check it?

          • @[email protected]
            11 year ago

            Yeah, I was a field service tech at a machine tool distributor for 15 years. One day about 7 years ago I realized that more of our customers than not were involved in some kind of arms manufacturing. Everything from components to military armaments to places making parts for AR-15s. Didn’t start that way but the business drifted into that market over time.

            I decided to move on and it took me all of 5 years to find a position that; a) I was qualified for, b) paid enough that I wouldn’t lose my house and, c) was relatively safe from drifting into the customer base as the last company.

            I don’t even have kids and this whole process was absolutely terrifying. I can easily see how someone with a family to support or less stability in their life wouldn’t feel like leaving was a possibility.

    • Buelldozer
      61 year ago

      Is mood recognition a tool useful for anything other than maintaining power over others (actually curious)?

      If you ever want a real General AI then it will need the ability to recognize the mood of the person it’s interacting with. ESPECIALLY if you want to use it for things like Mental Health Counseling.

    • SokathHisEyesOpen
      1 year ago

      What’s crazy is that this was already fully functional and in-use at least 8 years ago. Idk how this has stayed out of the headlines until now. Microsoft had a working demo of this in their visitor center in 2015 and was already using it in multiple places. As soon as you enter the room it assigns you a persistent ID, estimates your height, weight, eye color, hair color, and age. Then it tracks your mood and the overall mood of the room continuously. The ID can be persistent across any number of linked locations. They don’t ask for anyone’s permission before using it.

  • HubertManne
    121 year ago

    I hope they keep a lot of drive space for the depression folder.

    • @[email protected]
      61 year ago

      Sounds like you are fighting on behalf of the whole world. I hope you get some times with yourself or a smaller circle that are positive and a break from the dumpster fires of modern civilization.

  • 🇰 🌀 🇱 🇦 🇳 🇦 🇰 ℹ️
    1 year ago

    If they could do that, they would probably see how God damn miserable most people are. If they used that to change and make them not miserable, I don’t see it being dangerous. But more than likely it will be more “your sadness doesn’t vibe with us. You’re fired.”