• z500
      1 year ago

      I love the utilitarian design, it really looks like something we would send out in to deep space for the first time. Quarters that look more like dorm rooms, uniforms that don’t look like pajamas, those buttresses in the corridors, LCD panels. But they also include design elements that look like embryonic versions of elements from TOS. It’s great.

    • @halcyoncmdr
      51 year ago

      Agreed, I wish we had gotten another season or 2 and could have seen the planned NX refit to get that middle evolution to the Constitution on screen.

  • @[email protected]
    131 year ago

    ENT has hands down the best intro song of any series.

    Can you even remember the words to any of the other intro songs? I didn’t think so.

    • Admiral PatrickOP
      41 year ago


      I remember hating it at first and by season 2, I was like “this song is a banger”

      • @[email protected]
        31 year ago

        It’s a rare intro that gets me to be less lazy and skip it… until the peppy remix. That felt so exceptionally bad (and often out of place! Hunted alien getting cornered and torched by flamethrowers? Yay cut to happy song!) that I would chuckle regularly. Sharknado levels of so bad it’s good.

        • Admiral PatrickOP
          1 year ago

          It’s funny you said that. I’m literally watching that episode now (Extinction) and just about busted a gut laughing because you are absolutely correct.

          Mood whiplash notwithstanding, I don’t totally hate the peppy remix.

    • @halcyoncmdr
      11 year ago

      Agreed, and combined with the visual motifs working through our flight evolution it is a perfect intro for the show.

  • @average650
    71 year ago

    I really liked the idea of ENT. When they changed direction, I really didn’t enjoy it anymore.

    I think most people feel the exact opposite about it though.

    • Admiral PatrickOP
      1 year ago

      I’m probably a minority, but I liked it overall. It wasn’t perfect, but none of the other series were either. 🤷‍♂️

      It was nice seeing Starfleet in its early days and how the Vulcans both helped and hindered humanity’s progress after First Contact. The Vulcans, in particular, were interesting because for as logical and enlightened as they claimed to be, they still harbored a lot of bigotry and close-mindedness in their society. Archer calling them out on that was probably one of the highlights of the series. We also got to see Vulcans that fully embraced their emotions as well as some like T’Pol and Ambassador V’Lar who were “emotion-curious”.

      I also liked how the tech was closer to what NASA might build in 50 or 60 years and watching tech like the Universal Translator get developed. My only major gripes with ENT were the pandering decontamination scenes and that they started using the transporters more and more as the show went on.

      • @average650
        11 year ago

        I agree on almost all points. Though, I think some of the Vulcan’s were almost too “emotional curious”. It should have been a little more subtle I think. But still, there were good parts and promise, though it wasn’t amazing.

    • @SpaceNoodle
      41 year ago

      It had its moments, but the overall plot was a mess. It started getting good in Season 4.

      • @average650
        21 year ago

        I couldn’t watch after sometime in season 3… I started to view archer as a bad guy which ruins it.

        • @SpaceNoodle
          21 year ago

          IIRC they wrapped up the whole Xindi debacle and got back to some old-school swashbuckling.

  • @JerkyIsSuperior
    31 year ago

    The first couple of seasons were great, it was interesting to see the allmighty federation as an underdog, and captain Archer as a sly trickster trying to one up a technologically superior opponent.

    Then they went with the temporal war shenanigans and I quickly lost interest.

  • @[email protected]
    31 year ago

    Star Trek is like pizza, even when it’s bad it’s still pretty good.

    Bakula is singer/dancer/actor on-par with Bill Shatner. He’s performed on Broadway, if anything he helped salvage a little something from the mess that ENT would’ve been without him.