It is a standard feature of this game, and even though I’ve bought them all so far, I still haven’t used any.
I instantly activated the one for visual feedback on timed presses.
And the moment I got the increased XP and reduced Shop prices, I just let them stay on. Everything that reduces grind is a plus in my book. :)
I’ve been tempted to use the one that lowers shop prices, but I’ve held off so far.
You do you. I think it’s “only” 10% off, so it’s not game braking (imo), and I still lack money to buy recipes.
I’ve been using the one that shoots fireworks when I perform time hits and blocks successfuly for a while. Sometimes is hard to know when I’m doing it well. As soon as I got used to them, I switched the Relic off again.
I’m not a big fan of Relics as they can make the game quite easy, but I must admit that some of them can be used when you are not familarized with the game mechanics.
As soon as I got used to them, I switched the Relic off again.
I read somewhere that this is the exact reason for this Relic.
Yes. I don’t want to spend all my time healing and I suck at the combat timing.
For now, I’m using several just for ease and allowing story progression to flow more simply (tho I’m not using the “Story” relic.).
Maybe in later playthroughs when I have more time, I’ll turn most off. I still like seeing the timer stars shoot off.