Former president Donald Trump called on Congress to investigate the multiple investigations into him on the local, state and federal level in a series of posts on Truth Social.

  • @Maggoty
    101 year ago

    Dude thinks he still owns the GOP. They desperately want to move on from him though.

    • d00phy
      91 year ago

      Most of the leadership would love to be done with him, but remember a record number of people voted for him in the last election. He still holds a troubling amount of sway.

    • @snackwifi
      71 year ago

      In a disturbing number of people eyes though, he does own the GOP

    • @Grumble
      21 year ago

      In our representative plutocracy, US parties pivoted their business model to deliver legislation to donors, and deliver tribalism and spectacle to voters.

      Trump really upped the bar at delivering spectacle compared to Willard Romney. But Trump is/was shit at delivering legislation, and he wants a personal cut of all the donations. But he brought in new money.

      The GOP leadership can’t decide if they want him around because he’s a pain in their collective asses. He brings in votes and money, but can’t be relied on for legislation. What will unite the GOP is Trump having a stroke that leaves him unable to talk.

  • rigatti
    81 year ago

    Nothing like having your party’s frontrunner currently on trial for multiple felonies.

    • @YoBuckStopsHere
      31 year ago

      It really shows that Conservatives have terrible character traits and should never be trusted.

  • @assassin_aragorn
    61 year ago

    I could swear in 2016 his campaign made a quip about investigating investigations.

  • SolidGrue
    1 year ago

    Politics is a farce:

    The earliest uses of this word in English, dating to the 14th century, utilize it as a synonym for forcemeat (“finely chopped and highly seasoned meat or fish that is either served alone or used as a stuffing”).

    This is how the sausages are made, folks. This Trump character is a farce. He is what you’re buying when they sell the sizzle.

    (edits: thumbs)

      • SolidGrue
        1 year ago

        I kinda knew that was a bit of a reach. OK, not to be too pedantic:

        There’s an idiom (in English), “you don’t want to know how the sausage is made,” being an oblique reference to Upton Sinclair’s “The Jungle,” a contemporaneous novel about the American meat packing industry in the early 1900s. Ostensibly a call to socialism, the fallout was the foundation of the USDA, a regulatory body over farm+to-market processing of meat and dairy. Everyone but the meat packers won with that.

        Playing off that, there’s a character in Terry Pratchett’s Disc world series, one C.M.O.T. Dibbler, an avowed Saleman. His schtick is to “sell the sizzle,” with further subtle textual references to Mr. Sinclair’s works and a damning view of capitalism and sausage-stuffng.

        Thus, we have Trump. Grifter extrordinaire, shameless self-promoter, malignant narcissist, and a putz never to be voted for, now an achievéd of the highest office in possibly the most influential nation of the 20th century. Galling, to be sure, but here we are.

        Edit: again, thumbs

        • SpaceBar
          91 year ago

          Please don’t insult Dibbler like that again. I’d cut me own throat before voting for Trump. For Dibbler I’d consider buying a sausage from him, if I were a wizard, and knew when my last day was going to be.

          • SolidGrue
            51 year ago

            deleted by creator

        • SpaceBar
          21 year ago

          deleted by creator

        • @Nahlej
          21 year ago

          Man, this just reminded me I need to continue my Discworld journey. I started from the beginning and made my way through Sourcery, but paused to jump to Asimov’s Robots series and into Foundation. By the time I was done with that I forgot all about Discworld.

          Years ago I found this sweet Discworld Reading Guide Infographic and thanks to you I will use it to hop back on the disc with Wyrd Sisters.